At 10:30, 4305 yuan per ton, 3968254 lot, entrusted transaction.

At 10:31, 4305 yuan per ton, 3968254 lot, entrusted transaction.

10:32 a.m. ....

Entrusted trading in the futures market, in addition to the amount, time can not be ignored, only set the right time, as long as it is within the set time range, the price touches it will be sold instantly at the fastest speed, and now, An Li for when can go up, in fact, there is no low heart, so he can only choose to entrust trading every minute.

Since the amount will change, the time when the price fluctuates will definitely change.

An Que can't figure it out, so let's have a stupid way.

It was set until 10:50 that An Li stopped setting, and when he saw that the large fluctuations of red adzuki beans had gradually stopped, An Li couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Next, depending on this one, whether he can bet right!

"Either get rich overnight, or the mountains and rivers are exhausted, it all depends on this time!" An

Li muttered in his heart, couldn't help but clench his fists, even if he was this qi cultivation kung fu, he couldn't help but be a little nervous at this time, this is the first time, the only time since he crossed back to now has no bottom in his heart, because he doesn't know if his guess is true.

In fact, in essence, An Li has always been an adventurer, he has never lacked an adventurous spirit, otherwise after being reborn, An Li actually does not have to do much, only needs to invest in a few companies, basically the second half of his life will be worry-free.

But he started his own business and started his own ideas.

Because what he likes is not to follow the wheel of history, but to push the wheel of history forward.


is actually a big gambling nature, a gap of thirty yuan, even if An Li does not want the increase of 30 yuan, it has no impact on An Li, at most it is only 10 million less, he can completely seek stability to chase a more grasp of the price.

But An Que still didn't want to.

The blood of adventure in his body, which has been flowing in his body since the previous life, and he loves this feeling of adventure.

And more importantly, he wanted to try whether he could control this seemingly uncontrollable butterfly effect, which seemed to be a foolish act in the eyes of others, but in fact, only An Li himself knew that he was competing with himself and the world.

What he needs is courage.

Don Quixote's spirit is interpreted differently by everyone, but in An Li's view, at least Don Quixote has the courage to challenge everything that seems impossible to overcome.

Big deal, everything starts over.

What's more, he is not bound to lose, is he?

And when An Li adjusted his mentality, another person in the office had already shortness of breath, Cheng Peng's whole forehead was already covered with sweat, his eyes were staring at the price trend of red adzuki beans on the computer, and the whole person was already nervous to the extreme.

No one can be smooth sailing in the futures market, even those who are known as masters of the futures market, there are also times when they overturn.

To test the gains of a person's futures market, buying is one of them, and selling is the key.

After all, even if the background data is good-looking, if it can't be sold in the end and smashed in the hand, it will only be a string of numbers retained in the futures brokerage company in the end.

Closing a position is the most terrifying time.

Throughout the history of the futures market, there is no lack of some accurate magical copyists, but more, it is true that those who failed to escape in time and finally saw the terrible scene of the building collapsing.

Cheng Peng, at this time, couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

"Oops, it looks like it's about to reach the inflection point!" The

price of red adzuki beans in front of him, when it reached 4250, suddenly came to a standstill, a full five minutes, there was no fluctuation, if not the time in the lower right corner of the computer is still changing, it will even make people suspect that time has fallen into static.

For five minutes, the price did not fluctuate without any fluctuations, which was the calm before the storm.

By this time, there was no end to the speculators.

According to the usual practice, the futures price at this time will probably start to fall, and at this time, it is the best time to close the position!"

"Mr. An..." Cheng Peng just wanted to speak, but before the next words came out, the whole person stopped with wide eyes in an instant: "

And... "I

saw that the computer, which had not changed for five minutes, pulled a straight line up at this moment.


This price is already the highest price in the previous life.

Even An Li couldn't help but clench his fists at this time, staring at the computer with dead eyes.

"Strange, strange, today's increase, something is wrong!" Cheng

Pengzhou frowned, his face was full of confusion: "According to the laws of the futures market, it should have fallen just now, but the result still went up." At

this moment, the price seemed to have reached its peak, and instantly began to fall.


! But without waiting for Cheng Peng to exclaim, the price actually rose back to 4270!

In the next ten minutes, the futures of red adzuki beans had an extremely strange scene, not a big rise, no big fall, but constantly falling, rising and falling, and then falling again, as if caught in some kind of strange circle, the price suddenly rose and fell, making people's hearts begin to rise and fall like a roller coaster.

If the previous price trend was weird enough, then the current price trend is really elusive, which has violated the inherent laws of the futures market, price fluctuations, even the most professional copyists, can not see through this moment.

And An Que was also staring at the price trend at this time.

He won't look at any fluctuations, he won't look at any long black candlesticks, but he can see that the price of adzuki beans seems to be fluctuating all the time, but in fact the highest price has been steadily increasing.




The price is

still rising steadily, although it is all fleeting, but the price has always tried upward.

As if testing the acceptable price range of red adzuki beans on the market, Cheng Peng had already raised his heart to his throat, looking at the computer monitor with horror on his face.

One step to life and death.

This is the real step of life and death.

If you are a little careless, you will fall into a catastrophe, and in comparison, An Li will breathe a sigh of relief at that time.

As long as it is rising, then I guessed correctly, the butterfly effect has indeed appeared, and now it depends on whether the price can touch the amount set by itself.

"Breakthrough, breakthrough 4300!"

shouted Cheng Peng, his face full of excitement.

And just as Cheng Peng's words fell, the price that had just broken 4300 fluctuated rapidly again in an instant.


! Reached the top!

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