"That person is a very polite character that my father has met!"

A simple sentence, but full of surprising energy.

No one knows what Yang Xiaofeng's family does and who his father is, but even if they don't know this, no one can doubt Yang Xiaofeng's family situation.

After all, the housekeeper who brought Yang Xiaofeng back last time was not simple.

What kind of family will have such a housekeeper, this in itself is not something that ordinary people can speculate, at least for Chen Tianxiao and Zheng Bowen, such a family itself is enough for them to look up to.

And now, a middle-aged man who looks ordinary is a polite figure when Yang Xiaofeng's father sees him...

"I feel that in this dormitory, my pressure is a little too much, a young entrepreneur who is a champion of the national college entrance examination, a super rich second generation who is worth a lot, I wipe..." Chen Tian smiled bitterly, looking like he was shocked.

Zheng Bowen said faintly on the side: "If you think so, should I jump from the stairs?"

"It's useless to fall down the third floor."


the atmosphere in the dormitory was restored, An Li and Lei Jun on the other side had already walked to the roof of the dormitory building at this time, this dormitory building was newly built, not too high, but it could also see the entire school at a glance, the scenery was good, and the view was excellent.

"I have already submitted my resignation application, and in a month at most, I will almost leave Kingsoft." Looking at the construction in the Qinghua campus, Lei Jun took the lead in speaking.

An Li couldn't see his face, but she could also hear the Xiao Suo in his tone.

After all, it is a place that has been working for 16 years, from a small employee to the position of the company's boss step by step, and whoever changes will be the same reluctant.

"Are you going to do what's next?" An Li asked.


Lei Jun muttered, and then smiled bitterly:

"To be honest, I really don't have any plans, the mobile phone you said last time, I am indeed interested, or this is also a plan, but in terms of preparation, I have not prepared so far, I know a few Nokia hardware experts, they are also very interested in my proposal, to create a different mobile phone, break the conventional mobile phone!"

"Since you have identified the goal, it can be regarded as half the success, and then you just need to work hard." An Li smiled.

"It's thanks to you, the iPhone you showed me last time."

Lei Jun sighed: "After I came back from the deep city, I bought one directly through special channels, but I didn't expect that this mobile phone was really godly, completely broke the convention, and even their computers are particularly powerful, do you know, just that Apple mobile phone, now it is completely popular in the world, and now many domestic agents are already looking for a way to plan to get on the Apple mobile phone, I estimate, at most next year, this mobile phone will explode in China!" "

What is called vision, this is called vision!

Lei Jun is absolutely not bad in terms of vision, in fact, history is the same as he expected, from next year, Apple mobile phones are popular throughout the country, and even sell kidneys to buy mobile phones, especially 4S launch, mobile phones This thing will even be redefined.

"However, this phone is good, but it is not easy for us to make it ourselves."

"I asked those hardware experts, and what they said was that in terms of domestic technology, whether it is a CPU chip, a motherboard, or even just a small camera, we can't make it."

"And if you use all imported accessories, the price will increase, and it is basically impossible to reach the level of Apple's mobile phone."

"Also, it is a market problem, the mobile phone is doing well, but there is no way to surpass Apple, our price is high, we can't sell it, the price is low, and we can't make any money, and the future sales are also a big problem."


this time, Lei Jun has the enthusiasm of entrepreneurs, but there are also concerns of entrepreneurs.

In fact, this is the biggest headache for all mobile phone manufacturers now.

Apple mobile phone came out, although the war has not yet burned to the domestic market, but the blind can see that this mobile phone will completely dominate the market. More importantly, the emergence of this mobile phone will completely change the existing mobile phone market, mobile phones may be redefined, what the future mobile phone market will look like, no one knows.

After listening to Lei Jun for a long time, An Li finally spoke: "Your problem is basically from technology, raw materials to sales.

"But no, the technology is even worse, the cost of raw materials is high, and the future sales are not easy to get, these are the biggest problems now." Lei Jun smiled bitterly.

"Actually, we can split it up."

An Li shook his head, thought for a moment and then spoke: "Technology can't keep up, then learn technology, then find professional talents, now there are not many factories on the Baodao side are affected by the economic crisis, there should be a lot of unemployed people, we can ask the situation over there, as long as you can find technology-related personnel, then this problem will be solved." "

The employees of Baodao Island have technology, but there is still a big gap compared to the Omi countries..." Lei Jun hesitated.

"Who said we have to compete with the Omi countries?"


Lei Jun was stunned, I don't know why, not compared with Omi countries, then where is it compared?

"You can be the main domestic brand, the first step to think, should be how to occupy the domestic market, as long as you occupy the domestic mobile phone market, the next technology can be done, after all, our personnel are also constantly expanding, our technology is also constantly improving, isn't it?"

"This... That is the truth, but how do we occupy the domestic market? Lei Jun wondered.

An Li sold a pass: "We will talk about this thing later, let's talk about the problem of raw materials, try to be able to make your own creation, if not, we can process it or go to a foreign country to buy it."


"In terms of cost, don't you have any money?" An Li smiled and blinked: "Moreover, even if you have no money, don't you still have my little brother, I have long been waiting to invest in you, as the saying goes, as long as the money is in place, the glass is all dry and broken, and the problem that can be solved with money is not a problem."

"But... But some high-end accessories or materials, overseas technology companies basically will not sell to us, even if they sell to us, if they want to sanction us, we don't even have a way. Lei Jun was still worried.

"That's another problem."

An Li smiled: "High-end technology, they really want to block, high-end accessories, they will indeed be able to buy with exclusive sales rights, but what if what we want is something that is not high-end?"


..." Lei Jun was stunned, and then his eyes lit up

: "You mean to say..."

An Li smiled and nodded: "Go low!"

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