Xiaomi's future success is not luck, nor is it definitely no accident. Of course, what to say about good quality, good customer experience and so on is bragging, in fact, Xiaomi's initial models have always been cheap and low-end, from the countryside to surround the city, and finally complete the counterattack.

Top, that is, the cost performance is high enough.

And these all lie in the success of Lei Jun's operation methods and business direction.

"Going to the low end, is a winning trump card, the current domestic economic recovery, more and more rich people, but in fact, the real mobile phone these things, you do not have to sell particularly high-end, sell particularly high price, after all, the proportion of rich people in the country is not too much, the real consumption of mobile phones, or some ordinary people."

"And if you go to the low-end market, whether it is cost, or technology, the requirements will not be too high, and the sales are actually not a problem, more importantly, to be able to seize consumers, seize users, future development, these consumers and users, will become our cornerstone."

"More importantly, whether it is the Apple mobile phone that will be popular in the future, or the Samsung Group on the Korean side, the future will definitely stir the storm in the domestic market, but these brands, their prices will definitely not be low, at that time the comparison is technology, and what we have to do is to seize the low-end market before that."

"This is an opportunity!"

An Li opened his mouth and said his thoughts.

But obviously, Lei Jun also has his own concerns about this: "I have not thought about it as a low-end brand, in fact, the low-end market can indeed occupy an advantage, but there is a problem that since it is a technology company, it is impossible to wander on the low-end line every day, which is very unfavorable for the future transformation of the company." "

That's the biggest concern, and it's something that a lot of companies are very concerned about.

Low-end, over time, it still feels like a lot, even if the price of raw materials rises in the future, technology updates, but the low-end name of the brand has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the transformation will become more difficult.

No company will want to make a copycat mobile phone for a lifetime, and no company will want to spend a lifetime in the low-end circle, from the high-end to the lot, only a simple name can be sold immediately, but if you want to rush from the low-end to the high-end, you need to turn over one mountain after another.

"It's really hard to turn from low-end to high-end, but what we do is low-end, but we also have to look at what is low-end." An Li smiled: "What we have to do is not only to make people feel cheap, but more importantly, to make people feel easy to use, that is, cost-effective." "

Value for money....

Lei Jun raised his eyebrows slightly.

"An Apple mobile phone, opened the overseas market, I believe you should have done an investigation, now many mobile phone manufacturers have begun to transform, intend to manufacture their own smartphones out, but in a short period of time to achieve it is simply impossible, so this is an opportunity."

"Our opponent is not Apple, but Apple is our goal, next year Apple can enter the country, and when they enter the country, if we can launch a mobile phone, and the price is low, but at the same time the operation is good, then we can quickly occupy the market."

"As long as the cost performance can be guaranteed, at least in the user experience, the cost performance is high enough, then we are successful, with the advantage of seizing the market, coupled with user reputation, the next development will be smoother."


Li began to analyze from all aspects, in fact, it was analysis, but it was just the route taken by Xiaomi in later generations.

More importantly, An Li mentioned a proposal that made Lei Jun's eyes shine.

Production, logistics and distribution, all outsourced!

This point is unimaginable, a mobile phone manufacturer, what needs is to have its own place for independent production, but An Li proposed that all be handed over to OEM to complete the production!

"This... Why didn't I think that my previous budget would require at least one or two hundred million investment, or even greater investment, but if you follow what you said, we may be able to get tens of millions. Lei Jun's eyes lit up, and he was simply shocked by An Li's opinion.

OEM processing can intuitively reduce supply costs.

However, for the sake of technical protection and the protection of the interests of all parties, few companies in the field of electronic equipment will choose OEM processing. Even if there is OEM processing, it is basically only a part of the equipment OEM, and the full use of OEM production has never appeared in the entire industry.

But An Que came up with such an idea!

This is definitely a way to break the mold and completely break the inherent rules!

"This can reduce the risk and the cost, but more importantly, the company's research and development must keep up, and only by constantly innovating can the company be kept alive, so it goes around and around, and finally it goes around the technical side."

"Therefore, in terms of personnel, it is the biggest problem, I can come up with ideas, I can invest money into shares, but in terms of personnel, you may need to find a way yourself."

After saying this, An Li stopped talking.

Tens of millions, there is no pressure for Lei Jun, he can do it himself, but he is not that kind of person, he is willing to let An Li into the shares, and even willing to give An Li a lot of shares.

From beginning to end, the two did not have an agreement, and basically all of them were gentlemen's agreements.

In fact, even if you want an agreement, there is no way, after all, what the two are talking about now is only some ideas, and the actual operation is much more complicated than this, especially now that Lei Jun has not completely left, these things will have official documents in the future.

But even so, An Li is still willing to express his views and opinions without reservation.

He was not afraid that Lei Jun ran away with his own thoughts like this.

Because, Lei Jun is not such a person.

A person who can resolutely give up Tsinghua Peking University for the sake of brotherly righteousness is definitely not a mercenary businessman.

"I will resign in about a month at most, and before that I will start working on personnel issues, and I will call you when the company officially injects capital." Lei Jun nodded and agreed, he was not a fool, he could see that An Li trusted him, and this trust made him full of gratitude to An Li.

When he was most confused, An Li lifted himself.

In the future, An Li will be his most ironclad buddy and ironclad ally!

After agreeing on everything, Lei Jun was just about to leave, but An Li suddenly spoke: "Brother Lei, didn't you say that you want to take me to Jinshan to have a look?" "

Huh?" Lei Jun was stunned: "You want to go to our company?" He

was really a little surprised, An Li seemed to have said that he would go to Jinshan to take a look when he was in Deep City before, but in fact, Lei Jun did not take it seriously from the beginning, after all, it was just a company, there was nothing to see, but he didn't expect that An Li would mention it again now.

However, although he has submitted his resignation, Lei Jun is still the boss of Jinshan.

More importantly, he also has shares in Kingsoft.

Taking someone to the company is naturally not a problem:

"You can go whenever you want, you can go now!"

Hearing this, An Li smiled.

Jinshan, and a piece of fragrant food!

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