The choice of skill upgrade, it is undeniable that what makes An Li's eyes hot is that immortal, two lifetimes are people, whether there are immortals in this world, whether there are gods, even now An Li is not sure, but obviously, the appearance of this immortal word has aroused An Li's curiosity more and more.

But in the end, An Que still did not choose to upgrade in this regard.

It is true that the upgrade of immortal characters has great temptation, but An Li knows better that if he wants to upgrade to immortals, at least his current wealth is simply not enough to see.

Moreover, it is impossible for him to use all his wealth to upgrade the system at once.

Because, he needs the principal.

Spinning around, the problem still goes back to the beginning, he needs to find ways to make money, earn more and more money, only with more and more money, can unlock more and more skills.

Therefore, An Li eventually gave up continuing to upgrade in the martial arts project.

At least in the short term, what he needs is to upgrade things that will bring him huge benefits, not pursue things that are currently out of reach.

"So far, there are three main skills that have earned me money, one is the ability to learn, one is the ability to hack, and the last one is the ability to cook. Learning ability is definitely not to be missed, another hacking skills are also not to be missed, although it is said to be hacking technology, but also an expert in software, these things are essential, many things will be involved in the future.

"As for cooking, you can basically give up, and my current S skills are enough."

An Li thought for a moment and finally made a decision.

He first looked at the hacking skills, and when he saw the branch of the technology tree inside, his eyes immediately lit up, because he saw what he wanted to see the most at first glance in this inside.

Artificial intelligence technology!

This is a super technology finally completed through a series of transformations and calculus, and this technology is the main development direction of human science and technology in the future!

"This must be learned!"

An Li made a decision directly in his heart and expanded a lot of basic knowledge in artificial intelligence technology, including super algorithms, storage technology, system management... and so on a series of subsidiary pre-technologies, which are all professional things in the field of artificial intelligence.

However, for the time being, Quercus still has no choice.

Artificial intelligence, it looks very powerful, even if it is made now, it can indeed make a lot of money, but everything has relevant premises, the world environment, the current mainstream technology in the world, and many materials in the production process, these are the hard wounds of artificial intelligence.

This is similar to a gun master returning to ancient times, but it is impossible to make an AK rifle.

It is true that you have such technology and the ability to make AKs, but whether it is the steel and alloys used in firearms or the black powder used in bullets, these are the basis for making a firearm, without these related abilities, the most you can make is a shotgun.

The same goes for artificial intelligence.

Without enough hardware as support, without fast enough network speed as support, even the most powerful artificial intelligence can only face the problem of slow calculation, download speed and upload speed that takes too long.

Even if you get SIR out now, there is no way to use this thing without the network to back it up.

Therefore, An Li finally closed the hacking project and clicked on the learning ability subpage.

Entering this, An Que gasped.

If the hacking system makes An Que look forward to it, then in the subpage of learning ability, An Que is a real surprise, because inside it, it is the most terrifying technology tree that An Que has ever seen, dense options, dense branches, beyond An Que's imagination.

Other branches, there may be three or four in the second stage, or even a little more, but learning to classify here, just the beginning of the branch, but there are more than dozens of branches.

Economics, Statistics, History, Architecture, Administration, Civil Engineering, Automation, Science, Engineering, Agriculture, Medicine, Military Science... and so on, covering almost all the branches that need to be learned in the university, and in these branches, there are countless branches, which are densely packed to make An Que feel a little dizzy.

After sweeping for a while, An Li finally found his goal.

Materials Science and Information Engineering.

Needless to say, elemental silicon has crystalline silicon and amorphous silicon, semiconductors such as graphene, and many conductor differences that Quercus does not even know, as well as substances that need to be used in various aerospace materials, which are all vital things.

Especially in semiconductors, it will definitely be the most important thing in the field of science and technology in the future.

In terms of information engineering, An Li saw information engineering related things at first glance, channel estimation, power control, paging mechanism, physical layer frame structure, voice coding... And so on a series of options, and after these foundations there are 4G, 5G, 6G and so on, among them.

"That's it!"

In an instant, An Li slapped his thigh, and his eyes lit up.

This is what he needs to find, the more development, the more An Li found the various problems caused by the slow network, many of the leading industries with the rise of the Internet in the future, now even have not appeared, originally An Li thought that he could only slowly learn to read books and research to understand these.

But now, with version 2.0 of the system, An Li suddenly found that he seemed to be able to skip this stage.

As long as he has money, he can buy technology!

And with technology, you can use technology to earn more money!

This is a virtuous circle!

Thinking of this, An Li no longer hesitated, and directly began to choose to learn, fortunately, 4G network has actually been developed by many countries have developed a clue, although there is no universal civilian 4G network in the world, but in fact, the military forces of many countries have begun to use 4G networks.

Perhaps under such circumstances, An Li finally spent only 100 wealth points to complete all and the pre-learning of the 4G communication network.

After all, this is the basics, and most of them can be learned with 10 wealth points.

[You have successfully unlocked the 4G access method and multiple access division. 【

You have successfully unlocked 4G modulation and coding technology. 【

You have successfully unlocked 4G high-tech receiver technology. 【

You have successfully unlocked 4GMIMO technology. 【

You have successfully unlocked...】

100 wealth points, all consumed by An Oak in minutes.

This thing is not something that was accumulated in a previous life, such as the value of rebirth wealth, but it is spent now, but it is real money and silver of the Eight Classics!

One hundred points of wealth value, that is a full ten billion!

After working hard for most of the year, he returned to the pre-liberation period.

But An Li's eyes had a strong brilliance.

Because he knows....

This little money, he will soon be able to earn back!

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