Three days later, in front of the Kyoto Intellectual Property Office.

"That's it, right?"

An Li looked at the small building in front of him, which was not very conspicuous, at this time it was the morning peak period of various departments, but the front of the intellectual property office looked deserted, two or three big cats and kittens, compared with the social security bureau next door and other places, this is simply the clear water Yamen in the Qingshui Yamen.

Ignoring this, An Li dragged his suitcase and walked straight towards the hall.

Although there were only a few people carrying the file bags inside, there was no one else, and several windows were even free, An Li still followed the rules and went to the number machine to marry a number and wait patiently.

But that's half an hour.

An Li couldn't help but frown, he saw that the clerks in several windows were even brewing wolfberries and drinking tea, but no one called, and couldn't help it, An Li walked to a free window: "Hello, I'll

register a patent."

"Registered patent?" The staff glanced at An Li, and waved his hand when he saw An Li's age: "Take the number, wait to go!"

"But I've been waiting for half an hour." An Li frowned.

"Why, the current young people are so impatient that they can't wait for half an hour?" An Li's words obviously stung the clerk, and at this time he said impatiently: "What patent can you register at such a young age, we are working on a big project now, and no one is free now!" "

Are you not patenting?" An Li asked.

"What is called not to handle, you take the number, then just wait." The clerk pouted, looked An Li up and down for a while, and then smiled: "Young man, it is not simple for us to register a patent here, is the instruction manual ready?" Is the manual summary ready? Are the claims ready? And is the model ready? These things are subject to very strict review, if there is anything to make up for yourself, don't waste your and my time.

"If it's all done, take advantage of this time to check it out."

After speaking, the other party directly turned off the intercom and leaned back on the chair to continue drinking tea.

It's a laid back look.

An Li's eyebrows froze, but then An Li's face recovered again, turned back to the chair in the hall and sat down, seeing this, the clerk inside had a victor's smile on his lips.

"Lao Li, you don't do this well, right?" A colleague next to him reminded.

The clerk known as Lao Li laughed: "What's so good or bad, young people now just like to waste our time, you said that we can always meet some inexplicable people here every day to apply for patents, and really think that the patent application only needs ten people ah, I see this kid is so young, what patent can he apply for?" The

other colleagues shook their heads slightly, but no one said anything, only cast sympathetic glances at An Li.

This young man, if he wants to apply for a patent today, he is afraid that he will have to stay up until the end of work.

Perhaps, it may not pass yet.

They can also help Quercus, but to be honest....

Can't do it.

For the sake of an inexplicable young man, it is not cost-effective to offend the old people here.

And when everyone was thinking about this, they saw that An Li had returned to the chair and sat down, but he didn't wait, but took out his laptop and knocked it, and I don't know if he really took advantage of the current time to modify his own documents or what's going on, everyone couldn't help nodding slightly when they saw this scene.

At least, the lad didn't make a big deal out of it.

For the next hour or so, the staff continued to do what to do, but even after completing the business, no one called An Li, and the clerk called Lao Li leisurely leaned back on the chair, drinking a glass of goji berry water and watching TV, but from time to time glanced at An Li sitting on the chair and showed a sneer.

At this moment, a middle-aged man with thick eyes and a somewhat fat figure rushed in.

Seeing this, the staff inside hurriedly sat down, even the obviously senior Li, at this time, hurriedly turned off the TV, called up a document sheet to deal with, and looked like he was working seriously.




greeted the middle-aged man one after another, this person is the director of this property rights office, but in the face of everyone's greeting, the director just waved his hand and reminded: "You should be busy, take out your temperament, and the director of the General Administration will come!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was surprised:

"What? Someone from the General Directorate?

"And the director came in person, did he come to inspect the work?"

"No, didn't you just come yesterday, how can you come to inspect the work again today?"

"I don't know, I'm afraid something big is about to happen."


The staff members opened their mouths one after another, and they all guessed in a low voice, Lao Li and the director were about the same age, obviously the same group of staff members, at this time, with seniority, cheekily asked: "Director, what's going on, what is the director of the General Bureau doing here?"

"I don't know the specifics, but I heard..." After

all, it is an old man, although he is a bastard, but the director still has to give face, after all, everyone is holding an iron rice bowl, at this time he lowered his voice and said: "I heard that just now a person applied for more than a hundred patents on our website in one go, and it is said that all the patents registered by this person are related to the Internet promotion that the state is now focusing on, and suddenly the director of the General Administration has been blown up, Contact the person personally.

"More than a hundred patents?"

Lao Li was stunned and looked at the director stunned, but then couldn't help but be curious: "Since the headquarters attaches so much importance to it, just ask people to go to the general bureau, why come to our sub-bureau?"

"I don't know about this, but I heard that the other party named and wanted to come to us." The director shook his head, obviously full of puzzlement.

However, it can be seen from the director's face that he is in a good mood.

After all, the patent registration of the property rights office, in fact, is also evaluated, the number of registered patents of each branch directly affects the performance of their responsible persons, these more than a hundred patents, but also the state's key patents, just smashed on their heads, then their own promotion, is likely to be this rod thing.

As for Lao Li, his eyes were also bright at this time.

If he is promoted at the same time as himself, then won't there be a place in this sub-bureau, and by that time, as the oldest self...

Just when both of them looked happy, a figure appeared at the door.

Chief, here it comes!

"Director Hu!"

"Director Hu!"

The two hurriedly rushed up, but the Director Hu ignored the two, just waved his hand, his gaze swept over the audience, and finally stopped on An Li.

In the next second, something that made the two confused appeared.

I saw that this Director Hu, who they needed to stammer, walked directly towards the young man at this time: "You are Mr. An Li'an, hello, hello..."

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