Obeying or not convinced?

Wang Jianguo lowered his head, only feeling ashamed of these words.

And the group of people with Wang Jianguo also lowered their heads at this time, if there is a pit in the ground now, they can't wait to jump directly into the pit.

What's wrong with this?

Think about their previous sneer at An Li, and then think about An Li's previous efforts to turn the tide.

Don't look at it, it seems that An Li just casually commanded a few words and entered a bunch of instructions that he couldn't understand, but others didn't know, but they understood.

In the same situation as when it failed just now, a slight delay of five seconds, maybe this lithography machine worth 300 million yuan may lose at least half of its parts.

This skill, convinced!

"How did you know something was going to go wrong?" Wang Jianguo couldn't help but ask.

The others also looked up at An Que.

By this time, they basically already know what went wrong, nothing more than the temperature control system, but how it went wrong, to be honest, they still don't know.

What's more, the machine is still being installed, and An Li asserts that there will be problems, how did this skill do it?

But saw An Li shook his head and said:

"It's actually very simple, no matter what type of lithography machine, the temperature control system exists, but because each specification of the lithography machine is different, the temperature control system also has its own differences."

"Your installation will not have any problems if it is according to the 90nm specification, but there is a slight error on the 32nm specification machine, which is actually mentioned in the installation manual, but obviously you did not notice that it missed more than 1cm from the normal installation position."

"1cm, that's 100nm."

"Next, do you want me to say more?"

The words were only half spoken, but everyone present understood what An Li meant, and buried their heads lower.

This optical technology contains 10 subsystems, more than 20,000 mechanical parts, and more than 200 sensors, and the lithography machine composed of such a huge mechanical structure requires the synchronization and coordination of each machine.

And such a large mech, if you want to be stable, you must be precise.

In general, the best installers, the error will not exceed 2nm, and in general, 10nm is the limit, if the error exceeds 100nm, it is a disaster.

It is also logical to cause disaster.

Especially the most important temperature control system.

Temperature and humidity and air pressure changes will affect the focus, and the mechanical parts inside the machine run at high speed, it is necessary to control and detect the temperature in real time, the temperature needs to always be maintained at 5 thousandths, and must be equipped with a reasonable and perfect cooling method, accurate temperature measurement.

The temperature control system is installed incorrectly, that is, the temperature monitoring is not timely, the cooling response of the system is slow, the delay brought by 100nm can reach at least 3 seconds, and the vacuum period of 3 seconds, the rapid growth of the temperature in it, enough to damage some fragile mechanical parts.

That is to say, at that time, some machine prevention means will be affected, and under this series of influences, it will eventually bring, and even make this lithography machine worth 300 million completely turn into residue!

Knowing this, Wang Jianguo looked at An Li gratefully and bowed deeply:

"I lost!"

Seeing Wang Jianguo like this, others followed suit one after another, and for a while the scene was spectacular, and everyone bowed to An Li to thank him.

They knew that this time, if it weren't for An Li, they would really have run into a catastrophe.

Raising his head, Wang Jianguo said in a low voice:

"If I am willing to gamble and lose, I will write a resignation letter and submit it."

After that, Wang Jianguo got up a little and walked towards the door, he really didn't have the face to stay any longer, such a big thing happened, it has been regarded as completely losing his face, the funny thing is that they wanted to do everything to raise the salary before.

Now it seems that it is a joke.

The bigger joke is that they originally thought that the project team did not have any professional talents, but now it seems that with the operation of An Li just now, and the ability to determine the installation error just by looking at it, such talents, even those top factories in Wanwan, I am afraid that there are no such talents.

In this case, they have no face to stay.


Just when the group was about to walk to the door, An Li suddenly stopped everyone: "Although the risk has been minimized by this failure, the damage parts in it add up, and the loss caused by it is at least about 500,000, do you really plan to leave like this?"

As soon as these words came out, the group was suddenly shocked.

"This... You..." Wang Jianguo was even more startled, looking at An Li, but after a moment he still softened his tone: "The responsibility this time mainly lies with me, I have a deposit of 200,000 yuan, I will personally call over later, as for the rest of the money... I'll figure it out. "

Team Leader Wang!"

"Team leader, you can't bear this!"

"Team Leader Wang, you..."

For the exclamation of his subordinates, Wang Jianguo sighed: "One person does things and one person should be, I just read the manual, which does say in detail the installation method of the temperature control system, but I was too careless to ignore this, the problem is on me, and I have to bear it at this time."

"What's more..."

Wang Jianguo paused slightly, and suddenly smiled bitterly:

"Actually, I have to thank this little brother, if it weren't for him, I'm afraid that we would have suffered a big disaster, 300 million machines, only lost 500,000, this is already a gift to us."

These words silenced everyone.

Wang Jianguo is right.

If there is no An Que, this time the 300 million machine reimbursement, then even if the project team does not find them to return the money and does not disclose the news, it is absolutely impossible not to disclose the slightest, after all, such a big thing can almost ruin the life of everyone present.

In comparison, losing 500,000 seems to be the best way.

"Who said I want you to lose money?"

But when everyone lowered their heads and had already made a decision, An Li over there suddenly smiled.


What do you mean?

Everyone didn't know why, but they saw that An Li had already said:

"In our project, the boss has a lot of money, of course, you don't need to pay for this money, but after all, it is the loss directly caused by you, so is it a little too sorry for Professor Fu who called you here?"

"But... Let's bet on this

thing..." "Bet on this thing, it's just a joke after all, not to mention I'm a newcomer, can I let you go?" An Li smiled, and without waiting for Wang Jianguo to say more, he had already continued:

"I see, it's better to be like this."

"You guys continue here, in terms of salary, I actually think it can also go up, but there is one condition."

An Li's words made everyone's hearts jump.

What does that mean?

Void the gamble?

They failed to install, not only for them to continue here, but also to give them a salary increase?

Wang Jianguo reacted the quickest and hurriedly asked,

"What conditions?"

When they came here, it seemed that they were indeed dug up by Professor Fu, but in fact, if they couldn't get along in Wanwan, who would want to leave their hometown to participate in the project here?

But seeing An Li shaking his head and saying

, "I want you to go all out to participate in the project, study seriously, study seriously, and seriously contribute the strength of each of you!"

"Now, it's up to you to choose..."

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