"Yes, you guy, this group of technical teams from Wanwan, one by one, nostrils to the sky, never look at people squarely, this is good, and you will clean up the service in minutes."

"In other words, your trick is indeed clever, and the desire is indulgent."

"You don't know, before the teacher treated this group of people, it was really a master, and he was shouting and asking for warmth, and he was raising his salary, but as a result, this group of people not only did not know about Entu, but also regarded it as righteous, and as a result, I didn't expect you to go down with these three axes, and this group of people immediately changed."

"Awesome, awesome!"

"I think that you are not only strong in technology, but also definitely a talent in management, so you should not learn management, right?"


the assembly room, Du Ze had already completely changed his opinion of An Li.

After all, it is a young man, everything is written on his face, and he was not optimistic about An Que before, and his attitude towards An Li was cold. But now, it is as enthusiastic as fire every minute, Rao is An Li was shocked by Du Ze's change, never expected that this researcher with not too high emotional intelligence would be able to blow himself out of more flowers.

However, it can also be seen that Duze is indeed very attentive to this project.

Wang Jianguo and his team finally decided to stay in the project team, and everyone consciously asked for a lower salary, and promised to work hard to help the entire project team improve later.

This is a joy for everyone.

"A research project requires a variety of talents, and although most researchers are full of enthusiasm, they can always meet different people."

"And for different people, different countermeasures are needed."

"Wanwan's situation has not been very good, although in the early years in the lithography machine assembly this piece is considered the boss, but as the top business has been snatched away by Koryo in recent years, Wanwan's competition in this industry is getting bigger and bigger, and the requirements are getting higher and higher."

"In this case, it is not only necessary to make the other party feel sincere in terms of humanistic care."

"It's more important to give them visibility into their room for improvement."

An Li said to Du Ze as he walked.

Du Ze obviously did not understand the deep meaning of An Li's words, and said with a bitter smile at this time:

"But only you can let them see the opportunity for progress, change us, to be honest, technology is really not as good as others, our continent is 20 years away from the world's top level, and from the bay, there is at least a 10-year gap, it is really difficult to catch up."

"In fact, even without me, the result is the same, this 32nm lithography machine, dare to say that it is taken to them to study casually, which in itself is an opportunity for improvement, they cannot have such an opportunity in any company."

"Haha!" Du Ze smiled:

"You are right, this is thanks to our investors, hey, by the way, do you know our investors, say it scares you to death, our two investors, one is the boss of Shengda, the other is terrible, that is to make 4G An oak, that is the real genius, is this An Li An always said, you must buy a 32nm lithography machine to study, right?"

Well, it's awesome!

An Liguan smiled, if Du Ze knew that it was An Li in front of him, what would he feel?

Fortunately, An Li did not intend to scare him, and changed the topic at this time and asked:

"By the way, I asked you before, those problems you think, where do you feel the biggest problem?"


Du Ze was stunned, and then understood what An Li meant, and didn't think about it: "Then it is necessary to say, of course, it is talent, the technical blockade makes us completely inexperienced in this area, everything is to cross the river by feeling the stones, and there are few related technologies, just our research group, 70% of people have not been in contact with high-end lithography machines."

"So what do you think is the best way to do it now?" An Li asked again.

"The best way..."

Du Ze thought for a while: "Digging people, digging core technical personnel, although the technology is blocked, but it does not mean that the personnel are blocked, if we can dig the core personnel over, then we can also be regarded as someone to guide, just like this group of Wanwan people, they have technology, experience, many aspects can actually point us, even a little pointer, for us are very beneficial."

"What is the purpose of poaching people?" An Li smiled.

Du Ze didn't want to think about it: "This still needs to be asked, of course, for the technology and experience in their hands."

But seeing An Li, he asked again: "Then if you have this technology, or even perfect technical information in front of you, can you do it?"

"Hey, I feel like you're looking down on us!"

Du Ze glanced at An Li and patted his chest: "Tell you, if we have relevant technical documents or something, there is absolutely no problem in getting a high-end lithography machine, although everyone has not had much contact, but after all, they are professionals in related fields, if there are templates and materials and documents can not be obtained, it is a shame to throw people home."

"Quite confident, tell me, when will that 32nm machine be built?"


This made Du Ze stammer, and said with a bitter smile: "You are planning to fly before leaving, we don't even master 90nm technology now, as for 32nm, it is basically impossible, even if there is this lithography machine, it is impossible to pound it." "

It's good to be gradual, I mean, what if there's documentation?"

"There are relevant documents..." Du

Ze did not doubt An Li's statement, after all, he would not feel that An Li said was true, at this time he thought rationally for a while, and finally gave an answer:

"Assuming that there are really detailed documents, we should be able to conquer 90nm within three months and 32nm in half a year."

"However, this matter, you can only think about it."

"If you want technology, it is simply impossible to do it, even if there is someone's technology, but in this regard, many patent owners have an advantage, if people do not give us patent authorization, we have no way to make this thing in the bright light."

"In front of us, not only the lack of technology, but also in front of us, there is also the exclusivity of technology, some core patents are in the hands of others, and people are unwilling to share and license, we want to get, can only bypass the patent, re-take our own route."

"That's the hardest part."

What Duze said is the truth.

ASML company, the world's most powerful lithography machine, has been at the forefront of the world in the field of lithography machine, and many of their patented technologies are not licensed, which further consolidates their hegemonic position.

To put it bluntly, they just ate the bowl of rice of monopoly high-end lithography machines.

Otherwise, although a lithography machine is indeed expensive, but it is not too expensive to endless, really can make the price of the lithography machine rise so much, the main reason is that the high-end lithography machine has been monopolized by them, you think the price is expensive, then you can not buy.

A unique business, the most profitable.

But An Li smiled:

"Maybe, when they want to ask us to license their patents."

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