"Mr. An Li, there are still some details, I want to explain to you, you please follow me."

After the dean explained everything, he did not give anyone in the audience a chance to ease up, nor did he give An Li time to get to know everyone, he directly turned around and left the conference room with An Li first, and even more or less, there was a bit of humility in his tone and demeanor.

It seems that this An Li is really a top big guy, and he needs his dean's stammer.

But such a move made everyone in the conference room fry the pan even more.

As soon as the dean's front foot left, everyone in the conference room behind no longer remained silent.

", it's just!"

A doctor with white hair slammed the information in front of him on the table for the first time, his face full of indignation and anger: "This is simply treating the patient's life as a child's play, temporarily changing the surgical plan at this time, and changing a young man who has no medical prestige at all, crazy, crazy!" "

The status of this old man is not low, he has been practicing medicine for more than 50 years, and he has long been the hospital's premier famous doctor.

But at this time, the famous doctor was furious.

"Yes, what is going on, is this An Li studying medicine?"

"What kind of medicine did he study, this person is a student of Qinghua University, but not a medical student, and hasn't he always studied network technology, is there also research on medicine?"

"Fart, even if you really study medicine, but does a medical student dare to do such an operation?"

"This is a multi-organ extracorpotomy, such an operation has never had a relevant case in the world, let alone a medical student, even those big experts dare not say that such an operation is done, and now let a person who has no medical experience and qualifications to do it, is the dean crazy?"

Everyone was indignant.


Originally, the dean held a meeting and said that he wanted to change the surgical plan and change the main knife, which is understandable, but who would have thought that the surgical plan would be changed from the original nightmare difficulty to hellish difficulty, and the main knife was changed from a top doctor to a primary school student.

This change came too quickly and caught people off guard.

"Maybe the dean also has bitterness, you forgot, just now the dean said that he would thank the Quzhou Military Region and An Li himself, is there any shady insider trading in this?"

"I guess someone above pressed the dean, and the dean's attitude just now didn't look like facing a young man, but more like facing a dignitary who was one level higher than his own official!"

"This is very outrageous, such an operation, who dares to say that he can do it, now let this An Que come, what is he?"

"This operation, can't be done!"

The white-bearded old doctor also stood up at this time, in fact, he has nothing to do with this operation, usually such meetings do not need him, after all, he specializes in orthopedics, not in this regard, but today the dean specially emphasized that he had to come by himself, so the old doctor came.

But I didn't expect that I heard such a shocking decision, and I didn't care about thinking about the dean's deep meaning and thoughts at the moment, but was angry as a doctor:

"We are doctors to treat patients and save people, no matter what the reason, such an operation is clearly to treat patients as commodities and chips!"

"No, I'm going to report to my superiors."

"Such an operation can't be done!"

After that, the white-bearded old doctor left angrily, he was really angry, his ability and experience, coupled with his desireless personality, made him free from all power struggles in the hospital, but it does not mean that he will not be angry, at least at this time he is really angry.

What healers need most is to have a benevolent heart.

Treating every patient equally, treating every patient carefully, so that every patient can leave the hospital safely and healthily, this is the most basic bottom line of doctors.

Although it is not clear why things turned out to be the way they are, the old doctor with the white beard is really angry.

Today's events have touched his bottom line.

Doctor Whitebeard left, and the others in the conference room were still indignant, they didn't have Dr. Whitebeard's connections, they could only be anxious at this time, and discussed with each other, and a few people who were familiar with Li Youmin asked:

"Xiao Li, tell me what's going on, don't say you don't know, you must know what's wrong with this."

"Yes, how can this operation be said to change, even the main knife has been changed, and a person who does not even have a basic medical qualification certificate has been changed, what is going on?"

"Don't worry, boldly say, this is complete nonsense!"

In the face of everyone's inquiry, this time Li Youmin finally stopped being cold, he sighed, with a victim-only expression on his face, shook his head and was very distressed:

"I don't know what's going on, but I heard that this An Li with the military people threatened the dean."

"The other party is going to have surgery, the attitude is very strong, and..." "

I heard from the dean, he asked me to go to the operating room as a deputy at that time."

This is plausible, but it made everyone present instantly think of something incredible.

Blackmail the dean, substitution surgery.

This rarely happens, but it is not without happening, but it is basically to let young people gild and get something decent, and now it seems that the background behind An Que is so strong, he actually wants to rob this operation to gild?

As for whether An Que will operate, no one doubts this.

Definitely not!

Others may not know, but everyone in Quzhou still knows a little about An Li, and they have never seen or heard of this well-known figure in Quzhou, this person is indeed capable, his brain turns quickly, his academic performance is good, and he seems to have congratulations in terms of science and technology.

But absolutely, no medical knowledge!

Such a person does surgery, gilding?

Are you kidding?

But Li Youmin's next sentence made everyone find a taste:

"To say that you are a deputy is actually to step on your corpse and climb up!"

"I estimate that he will enter the operating room at that time, directly hand over the operation to the deputies, and watch from the sidelines, and I suspect that he will probably invite world-renowned doctors to come, at least the top doctors in China will be called to assist in the operation."

"By that time, the operation is successful, he doesn't have to do anything, and he can still become a well-known miracle doctor!"

This explanation, in fact, is far-fetched, but it is the most reasonable explanation at present.

But it was this explanation that made everyone even more angry.

It's terrifying to think about!

"Lying groove, I can't imagine that this An Li is such a person?"

"Is there any royal law, what kind of big man has he climbed, and he still wants to extend his hand to the medical area?"

"Perhaps, 4G network technology is not made by him!"

"Hey, who is hiding behind this person?"

When a person's thinking is crooked, then what they think next becomes more and more insensitive.

And that's it, but no one notices ....

Li Youmin already had a smile on his face.

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