When everyone in the conference room was indignant, An Li had followed the dean to the dean's office again, the dean had a kind smile on his face, took out a thick stack of materials from it, and handed it to An Li very kindly:

"Take a look, this is our best anesthesiologist and nurse at present, as well as the doctors who can be transferred from the entire Quzhou, I can find you who needs help."

Facing the dean's kind smile, An Li did not take the information in his hand, but looked at the dean with a smile, and said with a smile after a while:

"The dean really played a good chess!"

"Hehe, I don't quite understand what Mr. An Li said." The dean smiled and pretended to be confused at this time:

"Didn't you say that this operation let you do it, you don't know that in order to let you do the operation, I hollowed out my mind, there may be some misunderstanding here, and I hope Mr. An Li you don't mind."

What kind of person An Li was, naturally saw the dean's intentions.

Judging from the fact that he decided to take the knife himself, and took himself to the conference room to show his face, and then did not even give himself a chance to speak, and directly took himself away, An Li already understood.

This dean is using himself as a target.

Even An Li didn't expect that this dean's boldness would be so big.

Originally, according to An Li's idea, he reminded the dean, in fact, he did not expect the dean to really let himself operate on the patient, his original plan was actually to contact the patient himself, as well as the nurse of the blood rose, and then gradually find an opportunity to do the operation.

But I didn't expect that this dean's reaction was so fast, and he really agreed.


While agreeing to himself, he also left such a big hole for himself.


"Thank you Dean, if there is a need, I will mention it to you Dean." An Li finally took the information in the dean's hand and turned around and walked out of the dean's office.

The dean has set himself up as a target, which is certainly not a good thing.

But to be honest, for An Li, this in itself had no effect, and even made his opportunity easier, and he had no reason to refuse.

As for his own reputation ....

An Que has not cherished the feathers so much, not to mention that the operation is successful, and it can naturally block the mouths of Youyou.

But An Li calculated a lot, and still miscalculated a little.

Their own feathers, how many people are staring.

In the first time, in a domestic authoritative medical forum, several posts were released, which received widespread attention throughout the country in the first time.

"Quzhou First Hospital, reproduce the storm, with the intention of sword multi-organ in vitro resection!"

》》《Multi-organ in vitro resection proposed abroad, domestic plan to take the lead!" 《

Can multi-organ extracorporectomy, can it be successful?" This

series of posts attracted the attention of all medical staff for the first time.

The layman does not know, but the insider understands.

How difficult is multi-organ in vitro resection!

Because of this bluffing gimmick, everyone can't help but enter the post one after another, thinking about whether the domestic medical industry is going to take off, and many people are thinking about who is the main surgeon who can do such an operation, and what is the situation of the patient?

After all, these are all things that can be shocked by academia.

But soon, the person who read the post, was angry!

Because unlike what they expected, the titles of these posts are more bluffing than the other, but the content is not at all a post of any academic discussion, but more like a breaking news post.

The post first reported the patient's condition, followed by a strong emphasis on the technical discussion led by Li Youmin.

The front looks presentable.

But later, the painting style changed abruptly.

In the second half of the post, when I saw that the operation had been prepared and could almost be operated, there was a sudden shocking reversal, and a young man named An Li proposed to change the surgical plan, and he was the main operator, and then there was no discussion, leaving countless reveries.

But the more so, the more incomprehensible it becomes.

"What's the matter, the expert consultation was also carried out earlier, and the surgical plan has been decided, why was it suddenly changed to multi-organ extracorpotomy?"

"Who is this An Que, the top doctor who came back from overseas?"

"People who have never heard of it, why can they propose such a plan, and they are directly in charge, what is this person's ability, why did the hospital agree?"

A series of questions appeared in everyone's mind in an instant.

But so far, everyone has been relatively restrained.

Although everyone feels a little worried, at least they also know that compared to the original plan, multi-organ in vitro resection is indeed more effective, but because there is no precedent in the world, people can't help but be a little more suspicious, and even more questioning the doctor named An Li.

At this point, it seems to be nothing.

But shortly after these posts appeared, another post appeared!

"Dr. An Li's true identity was exposed, he is not a doctor, and he does not even have a medical qualification certificate!" This

post became popular on the whole network in an instant.

Simply shocking.

How dare a person who is not a researcher in the medical industry, or even a person who is not qualified to practice medicine, dare to propose multi-organ extracorporeal resection, and even want to be the main knife?

This kid exploded in an instant.

Even, directly exploded out of the medical circle.

"Who is the driving force behind An Oak?" An

entrepreneur, a scientific researcher, but trying to get involved in the medical field? 《

Why can I qualify for the main surgery without a medical license?" A

series of posts appeared on the mainstream forums on the Internet, and at this time, more and more people paid attention, and even TV stations and related media found doctors from Quzhou First Hospital for inquiry, and finally found that this incomprehensible thing turned out to be true!

The First Hospital of Quzhou City really planned to let a person with no medical learning experience at all perform surgery.

And the surgical plan is still an operation that has never been done in the world!

For a time, more and more revelations appeared.

And the netizens who paid attention to this matter also changed from initial suspicion to hatred and anger.

At this point, people think that this is almost over.

But at this time, more whistleblowers appeared:

"The reporter contacted the president of the First Hospital of Quzhou City, but was directly hung up by the other party.

"The dean said, I am also helpless. "

What kind of person is the so-called champion of the national college entrance examination, An Que of the national husband?" "

Do all people not need a license to practice medicine, but only need to rely on their identity background, they can do whatever they want?" For

a while, more and more similar discussions appeared.

And what brought was the anger of the whole country.

An oak has become the target of everyone!

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