Has surgery begun?

An Li was stunned.

Are they the doctor's chosen by the client, and the operation has already begun before anyone arrives?

What the heck?

As for Gu Man, he was a little surprised by this situation, although he was surprised for a moment, but he returned to normal in a moment, but his voice was a little angry: "What's the matter, there are still people in this Quzhou who robbed me of surgery?"

"Dr. Lu's medical skills are naturally not dissatisfied, but today I temporarily invited the authoritative Mr. Kent in liver and gallbladder surgery, and Mr. Lin's body was a little unwell, so he temporarily decided to perform the operation in advance and handed the operation over to Mr. Kent for conduct."

The butler-like man made this answer, and it could be seen from his expression that he was just a subordinate, and he was a little anxious at this time.

Gu Man frowned: "Kent..." An

Li learned afterwards that in fact, this situation is not uncommon in black market hospitals, and it can be said that it is very common. After all, doctors have a large commission for surgery, and such a large commission naturally has many doctors who want to rob it, so in fact, the temporary replacement is regarded as a reasonable and legal business grab in a black market hospital.

Of course, grabbing business also depends on your own level, or at least get the patient to agree.

As for this Kent, he is a native of the United States, who used to work at the level of chief doctor in St. Lodu Hospital, and his best skill was hepatobiliary surgery, but for some dishonorable reasons, he was eventually kicked out of the hospital and stripped of his medical license, and finally became a black market doctor.

Regardless of character, at least the strength is still there.

Obviously, this is the reason why the other party temporarily abandoned Gu Man and turned his head to choose Kent.

Seeing that Gu Man's face was getting more and more ugly, the housekeeper hurriedly said again: "Mr. Lin said before the operation, he promised you a commission before, he would give you 50%, if you want, although you can participate in this operation as an assistant, I hope Dr. Lu will not have any trouble." "

Obviously, this patient should be a person who is not poor in money and understands the energy of black market doctors.

He wanted the best treatment, but he didn't want to offend Gu Man, who was also not weak.

This word, in ordinary times, Gu Man is naturally nothing, after all, it is a good thing to be able to get half of the remuneration without surgery, but this time Gu Man is a little unhappy, originally this operation was to test An Que, but I didn't expect to be robbed by someone.

"Let's go, come and come, let's go and see, maybe we can help." Compared with Gu Man's depression, An Li was relatively peaceful, but when he said this, his expression was slightly strange.

Gu Man also noticed that An Li's face was different, but he didn't think much about it and nodded.

The housekeeper immediately breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly took the two to the operating room, changed into surgical gowns, put on sterile gloves, and the two entered the operating room.

Look at the time, by this time the operation has been going on for an hour.

There were no surprises.

The surgeon who was operating heard the movement, raised his head and glanced at the two, although he was wearing a mask, he obviously recognized Gu Man's identity, and at this time he ridiculed with a non-standard Chinese:

"It turns out that Dr. Lu came, but unfortunately you came late, this operation is done by me, and the price has also increased by three times."

Gu Man suddenly became a little angry.

She was already full of depression, and now this bastard thing actually came to provoke her, after all, it was a person with a blood rose, and her temper was definitely not too good, but before she could get angry, An Li on the side grabbed her and shook her head.

Gu Man gritted his teeth, but finally ignored it, but looked at the operation indifferently.

However, in my heart, I was thinking about how to find a similar operation later.

The operation continues.

After all, he is an expert in liver and gallbladder, the technique is really good, the operation is carried out in an orderly manner, and so far there have been no accidents.

Not long after, someone sent a liver graft to the operating room.

But just then, an accident happened!

"Transplant liver hemorrhage!"

An assistant doctor next to him suddenly exclaimed, you can clearly see that the originally orderly operation, at this time suddenly ejected a string of blood stains, then Kent was also stunned at this time, it seems that he has not reacted, but the anesthesiologist on the side has also exclaimed:

"The systolic blood pressure has dropped below 70!" Dr. Kent, what now? "

Everyone's eyes were all focused on Kent.

Fortunately, after all, it is an authority, and there is still the ability to be in danger, and at this moment Kent is strong and calm: "It's okay, it will be fine, now I'm looking for a bleeding point, as long as I find it, it's okay."

However, having said that, the panic in his eyes could not be concealed in any way.

He strictly followed the surgical procedure, and to be honest, until now he did not understand what was wrong with him, and he did not know what was going on with this heavy bleeding.

When it came to An Li, he showed a sure expression on the side, but he still didn't speak.

Gu Man hesitated and also stood still.

The reaction of the two of them, no one cared, at this time everyone stared at the patient on the operating table, trying to find the bleeding point, but as the blood continued to flow again, they could not find the real bleeding point at all, and by this time, Kent was already a little unable to hold on.

"Systolic blood pressure is already below 60, heartbeat 140, MAP20 units, Dr Kent, now the patient is at risk!" The anesthesiologist was on the side, and spoke again.

But these words made Kent more and more flustered.

Even Gu Man on the side couldn't help but walk up to help at this time, but to be honest, in such a situation, there was no way to find the bleeding point.


Finally, after a few more seconds, Kent suddenly froze.

It is normal for doctors to perform surgery and fail, and no one will criticize them too much, after all, doctors are human beings, not gods, and no one can guarantee that they will not make mistakes.

But black market doctors, except!

Black market doctors enjoy higher treatment than ordinary doctors, but they also bear higher risks.

A successful operation can certainly enhance your reputation in the industry and get rich returns, but if the operation fails, you almost have to prepare a coffin for yourself.

After all, those who are here are not ordinary people.

The means, naturally, will not be general.

In a black market hospital, either the failure of the operation involves more than two lives, or there is only a successful operation, and there is no other way!

For a while, in the entire operating room, in addition to nervousness and anxiety, there was more panic.

No one is sure that this patient's family will let all the people in the operating room today be buried with them!

Even Gu Man was completely flustered at this time.

Even if it was her, there was nothing she could do.

But at this moment, a figure appeared next to him and said indifferently:

"The internal artery of the transplanted liver is damaged

" and "Stop the heartbeat."

"Next, I'll be the main knife!"

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