An Li's words, full of indifference, full of confidence, and the atmosphere in the operating room at the moment have completely become two extremes, but at such a time, such a voice, but with a special magic, people can't help but calm down their panicked hearts.

A fresh breeze blows through, soothing all worries.

Even Gu Man, who was already nervous, couldn't help but calm down at this time, and turned his head to look at An Li who had already walked to the position next to the main knife in surprise.


"What are you kidding, who are you and who do you think you are?"

Kent roared.

Obviously, his flustered heart did not calm because of An Li's indifference, but became more and more anxious, and at this time he stared viciously at An Li.

In fact, he himself does not know what he is angry again, the only thing he knows is that he should not give his fate to others at this time.

In the face of Kent's roar, An Li's face was already indifferent, and he glanced at the machine that connected the patient's vital signs:

"If the operation fails, you will definitely die, and leave it to me, you can survive."

These words were like a confinement stuck in Kent's throat.

In an instant, Kent, who was originally full of panic, confusion, anxiety and fear, instantly turned into a frosted eggplant like a deflated leather ball, as if the whole person's spirit was sucked away, and weakly let go aside.

An Li ignored the overly frightened Kent, walked to the main knife position, and repeated again:

"Stop the patient's heartbeat!"

What the?

In the panic just now, in fact, many people did not hear An Li's words clearly, but at this time, hearing his words, everyone was dazed and did not dare to make any moves.

"What are you kidding?"

"Stop your heartbeat at this time?"

"Do you know what it means to stop your heartbeat at a time like this?"

"The patient may never wake up!"

Everyone opened their mouths to question, after all, An Li's words at this time were too terrifying, it was originally a time of racing against time, and now he wanted to stop his heartbeat, was it because he was afraid that the patient would not die fast enough?

Too risky.

In the face of everyone's doubts, An Li shook his head slightly.

This is the problem of not having a good team, and if there are enough nurses, anesthetists, assistants and a series of people, the operation can be carried out more easily.

However, he also knows that it is impossible now, their pressure is greater than that of all hospital doctors, and there are not many people who can keep calm thinking at this time. At the moment, An Li did not criticize and emphasize buying, but seriously explained:

"Stop the heartbeat temporarily, so that the damaged part can be found and repaired faster."

It's simple, but it's hard to decide.

The method of stopping the heartbeat is not uncommon in medicine, but in fact this method is very risky, and if you are not careful, the patient will die completely on the operating table.

"If you still hesitate, the immortal can't save him when he comes!"

An Li said a word again, causing everyone to react, and Gu Man immediately said to the anesthesiologist: "Do as he says, inject PTA!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone no longer hesitated.

Although such an operation is more stressful, equally, everyone present is a professional, and they know that every second is a race against time in such an operation.

The anesthesiologist quickly detected the patient's condition, and then said with an ugly face: "Stop the heartbeat, now it can only be a minute at most, this time is simply not enough to find the bleeding point!" "

It's over!

Stopping the heartbeat is not something that can be stopped casually, it must be decided completely according to the patient's physical condition and various indicators, not as long as you want to stop.

A minute, it seems like that's long enough.

But in fact, at such times, it is simply too late to find the bleeding point in a minute.

But at this moment, An Li nodded directly:

"Time is enough, I only need twenty seconds."

What the?

It is impossible to find the bleeding point and stop the bleeding in 20 seconds.

But at this time, it was not the time to hesitate at all, An Li couldn't help but frown and look at the anesthesiologist:

"Inject PTA!"

The anesthesiologist took a deep look at An Li, he didn't know who this new person was, originally he only thought it was the assistant brought by Dr. Lu, but now it seems that this person is probably the most powerful, especially the imminent danger in those eyes.

He turned his head and instructed the nurse on the side:

"Prepare for PTA, go and prepare."

"Yes!" The nurse nodded hurriedly.

Soon, there was a "drop" sound from the electrocardiogram instrument.

The heartbeat has stopped!

Everyone couldn't help swallowing their saliva and looked at An Li with wide eyes, even Gu Man couldn't help but stare at An Li for a while at this time, to be honest, she thought that she couldn't find the bleeding point in such a short time, so she was curious, how could An Li do it.

"2.0 nylon thread!" The surrounding gazes, An Li completely ignored it, swept around and spoke directly.

What the?

Kent, who had previously retreated to the side because of mental problems, jumped out at this time: "This bleeding point has not been found, what do you want

nylon thread for..." But before the words were finished, the nurse on the side had subconsciously handed the nylon thread over.

The moment he received the nylon thread, An Quercus quickly began to stitch.

To everyone's expectations, he actually found the bleeding point in such a short time, and directly began to stitch!

What a speed!

Next to the countdown, in a quick walk: 10, 5, 3, 2, 1!

"The damaged part was repaired successfully!"

When the countdown reached the last second, An Li stopped the movement of his hand.

He actually managed to find the bleeding point in twenty seconds and successfully sutured it!


It's so godly!


toot.... The ECG detector changes again, indicating that the patient's heartbeat has returned to beating.

"The heartbeat is back, the cycle is dynamic, everything is normal."

The anesthesiologist stared at the ECG detector in disbelief and let out a long breath.

Did it.

The doctor, who looked very young, really did it, and in just twenty seconds, quickly found the bleeding point and sutured it.

This is absolutely unimaginable!

But this appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"The operation continues!"



Finding the bleeding point and suturing it does not mean that the operation is over, although he has just completed that feat, but An Que is not proud or complacent.

From beginning to end, his expression did not change at all.

One word -


The stability of the surgeon brought that the atmosphere in the entire operating room was also re-stabilized in an instant, and the previous panic and anxiety completely disappeared at this moment.

Everything, is going in a good direction.

The Kent who had been called from the United States at a high price had already stared at An Li's operation in amazement.

He is an authority in this regard, and he surpasses many people in terms of insight and ability, but at this time, looking at An Li's surgical process, he really understood.

There are people outside the people, and there is a sky outside the sky!

And Gu Man, who was beside him, was also full of color in his eyes at this time.

What she saw was not only the success of the operation, but also the possibility of the success of the Shushu operation.

Shushu, saved!

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