On the other side, the First Hospital of Quzhou City, the president's office, even the threshold has been stepped on in the past few days.

"Dean, you know me, my wife is about to give birth recently, so I don't have much energy to do some difficult operations during this time, so I really can't help with that multi-organ extracorporectomy, although I also know the meaning and weight of this operation, but there is really no way."

"Dean, you know me, my skills are not good, usually it is good to do an appendix surgery, but this kind of surgery that has no precedent in the world, I have no way to complete it, although I am the deputy chief physician, it does not mean that I have the ability to do such an operation."

"Dean, you know me, I'm old now, I can't complete such a difficult operation, even if I am an assistant, I can't do it, for the sake of patients, I am not suitable for such surgery."

"I can't participate in this operation, Dean, you know..." One

doctor after another, constantly coming to the dean's office to complain.

From the level of vice president, to the chief physician, to the deputy chief physician, to the clinician, and even the interns have rushed to the dean's office to complain.

These people suffer because they are afraid that they will be ruined by this insignificant operation.

No one says that doctors can't afford to make mistakes.

But when the strength is not enough, rushing to participate in some top-difficulty surgeries, that is really looking for death.

It is true that such a multi-organ extracorpotomy is an operation that has no precedent in the world, once completed, the participants' medical staff will be added to the aura from this, and the road ahead will be smooth.

But in the same way, failure is also hell.

"Look, this is the person who participated in that operation in the first place, gee, these people just want to be famous and want to go crazy, they have no strength, and when the theory is not perfect, they want to get multi-organ in vitro resection, isn't this a slap in the face?"

"I don't know how many pounds and taels I have, the main knife is crazy, and these people are also crazy."

"Obviously there is a more secure surgical plan, you have to choose such a surgical plan, this is completely not to see the patient's life in the eyes, such a person, worthy of being a doctor?"

Such a talk can be imagined by all.

Human nature is complex.

The first to eat a crab is certainly the most courageous and successful person today, but carefully imagine, if the first to eat a crab is poisoned after eating, what accusations will he be in the face of him?




As for courage?

It is a pity that no one will think of such a positive word.

Therefore, with the fermentation of the incident, with the increasing number of people paying attention to the whole network, things have become completely different, if the dean was planning to find a back pot at the beginning, then he now wants the patient to burp in the hospital bed immediately, and the operation is not to be done.

After all, if his son-in-law really follows the operation now, once he fails, An Li will definitely die, but his son-in-law will definitely not be happy.

This pot is too big.

It's not just one person who can carry it.

In fact, when the matter was just fermenting, the dean also fantasized that the people above intervened, either to stop the operation or to restrict An Li, but unexpectedly, not only did the above not intervene, but even seemed to have completely ignored this incident of national concern.

Of course, it is not that nothing is said above.

The Kyoto Medical Organization published an article throughout which pointed out that it is necessary to cultivate young medical practitioners and expand the revolutionary cause of medical care.

Although it seems that it has nothing to do with Quzhou's operation this time.

But if you take a closer look, you will find it.

This article is completely around the corner to support this operation, acquiescing to An Quercus's main knife, acquiescing to An Que's surgical plan!

This is the most helpless thing about the dean.

Originally, I just wanted to find a back pot, but I didn't expect that now that I found the back pot, this pot couldn't be shaken.


the dean was depressed, there was a knock on the door, and the dean took a deep breath: "Come in." "


The door opened, and son-in-law Li Youmin walked in, and everyone was paying attention to the operation that had not yet begun, and even Li Youmin's heat was robbed a lot.

"What's going on?"

Now seeing his son-in-law, the dean is not angry, and his tone is naturally not good. He was already very depressed, but now seeing this initiator, the dean was even more angry.

If it weren't for him, why would he have fallen into the situation he is in today.

"That..." Seeing that the old man had a bad attitude, Li Youmin panicked even more, but after hesitating, he still gritted his teeth and said: "Dad, I haven't felt very well recently, so..." "

So you want to withdraw from this operation?"

The dean interrupted Li Youmin's words and raised his voice.

If gaze can kill, then now that Li Youmin is dead, he can't die anymore.

This bastard thing, for his own sake, as a result, the situation is now uncontrollable, and he now actually wants to pick a pick.

What is this?

Throw all the mess to yourself?

Facing the dean's gaze, Li Youmin was a snort, and what he was going to say was held back in an instant, and he hurriedly shook his head like a rattle: "No, no, no, now in this situation, even if I want to quit, it is impossible to launch it."

These words finally softened the dean's attitude a little.

"I am very pleased that you can have such an idea, in fact, I don't want you to follow this operation anymore, but the problem now is that because of your previous fame, others can not participate in this operation, but you must not participate."

"I know, Dad." Li Youmin smiled bitterly.

Before, it was a good errand.

An Li succeeded, he could completely snatch An Li's credit. An Que failed, and he could have removed himself cleanly and threw this notoriety to An Que.

But now, his popularity has expanded, his attention has expanded, and he has difficulty riding a tiger.

It's done, naturally there are benefits.

But if it doesn't, it's a disaster.

But is there a chance of success in this operation?

Li Youmin shook his head.

This operation is impossible to succeed, when the old man and himself said that An Li wanted to have multiple organ in vitro resection, Li Youmin only felt that it was very difficult and almost impossible to succeed, but in the past few days, he found that after reviewing the relevant information in detail.

This operation, can't be done!

That means that what awaits you next is a disaster, a disaster that loses all face in front of the whole country and even the world, and even is pointed at the nose and scolded by quacks.


This must not be the case!

At this moment, a thought suddenly appeared in my mind:

"Dad, I thought of a method!"

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