It's a mountain!

A mountain of cash!

In fact, after coming to the hotel, many people have been curious about what is piled up here, and even several reporters have speculated that this may be some souvenirs made by companies and other things, but what no one expected is that all the piled up here is money!

Real money, cash!

"This... How much money does that have to cost?

"A stack is 100,000 yuan, so at a glance, let alone tens of millions, right?"

"Tens of millions, what are you kidding, such a big pile, definitely not just tens of millions, Made, it's the first time I've seen so much money!"

"According to the volume, the money here is broken to 100 million is certain, but I don't know how many billions."

"I saw a train with a capacity of 12 tons parked at the hotel before, all armed with guns guarding the handles, I didn't care at the time, and now it seems that it was probably pulling money at that time!"

"12 tons ... If it's all full..."

"Ten billion!"


"The trenches are inhumane!"

The reporters were boiling, and everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them.

In fact, not only reporters, but even some middle and high-level officials of the three companies were looking at the mountains of cash bills with stunned faces at this time, obviously they did not know in advance that An Li would pull so much money and show it directly in front of everyone.

Such a spectacular scene will become the most unforgettable memory in the hearts of everyone who saw this scene.

The only one who has been estimated is the Five Tiger Generals.

"I read the news before, a company held an annual meeting, directly moved out of a few millions, fell a Luohan out, at that time I still felt bullish, but I didn't expect our company to be even better!"

"To be reasonable, this year's year-end bonus is all in the issuing card, which is not so intuitive."

"Millions of, our company directly brought out 100 million!"


to the discussion on the table next to them, several reporters were speechless, they felt that they had been hit too hard today, and even many reporters had already sent soul torture in their hearts.

Who am I?

Where am I?

What am I going to do?


At this moment, the sound of a camera shutter came out, and several reporters suddenly realized that they came this time to interview ah, to break the news, this billion funds piled up in front of them, but super big news!

In an instant, all the reporters took out their own long guns and short cannons and shot fiercely.

A mountain of 100 million cash!

So much money, let alone ordinary people, even if they really have a billionaire, I am afraid that they have never seen such a scene.

Who would have thought that a billion cash could have so much!

Along with the photoshooting, the reporters' mood increased slightly for a while, but more or less, there was still a bitterness in their hearts.

I am busy myself, just to add a few hundred dollars to my salary.

Look at the people....

Without contrast, there is no harm!

When the reporters were sad and sad, An Li had already spoken again:

"I said everyone, don't patronize, eat and eat, anyway, he will definitely not run away with this money today, and I can tell you very responsibly, today's money must be stuffed into your pockets."

"Oh, by the way, for the sake of safety, I contacted the people at the bank, and if any of you want to save money, communicate directly with the bank, and it is not safe to hold more money in your hands."

As soon as these words came out, everyone reacted.

It seems that before they came, they did see a lot of bank money trucks, no one cared before, but now that they recall carefully, I am afraid that it is today's scene.

"Okay, you guys eat, I'll read the name, just come up and get the money!"

An Li didn't say anything more, pulled out a list from his arms, on which are the company's middle and senior management, or the company's extremely potential employees, these people will be personally paid by An Li, the boss, which is also an incentive.

After all, fifteen hundred people, more than ten tons of cash.

If An Li came by himself, I am afraid that he would die here today.

"Zhang Chaodong, two million!"

With An Li's roll call, a spectacular money distribution ceremony began.

It turns out that An Li is right, with so many people present, it takes a lot of time to get all of them, in fact, until everyone has eaten, and even the desserts after the meal have been eaten, the mountains of bonuses have still not been distributed.

As for An Li himself, after distributing the rewards of those middle and high-level outstanding employees, he stopped, and the next thing began to be distributed by the various heads of various companies.

And the press gallery over there was already sluggish at this time.

Looking at the money, they are moved.

But seeing that the money is not available, their hearts ache.

The shock given to them today was so great that they didn't even know what expression they should use to face this terrifying scene.

Indeed, it can only be described as a thriller.

After all, who would have thought that someone would take such a mountain out as a reward.

There was a chaotic scene at the scene, some took money and counted money, some rushed to the stage to receive the award, and some were waiting for themselves to appear on the stage with their eyes full of anticipation. But in this lively situation, everyone at the reporter's table felt cold for a while, looking at the dishes that had not even been moved in front of them, they only felt a pang of depression.


"Look at that table of reporters, like a wronged little daughter-in-law."

On the other side of the hotel, Huang Shan laughed as he looked at the reporter over there, and beside him were Ding Nan and others, as well as An Li.

"According to the rules, each reporter has a small red envelope, which is only a few thousand yuan, which is a publicity fee, this time the publicity comes out, our company's popularity will increase again, as long as this group of reporters are different moths, basically there will be no problem."

Ding Nan was also amused as he watched.

"A few thousand yuan is not small when put in ordinary times, but today this is too much damage in comparison, and they probably can't stand it."

"I can't stand it, I can't stand it, this group of people are the wall grass that sees the wind and rudder, if we have any problems, they will immediately bombard, and now it can be regarded as letting these so-called uncrowned kings see the power of seeing capitalists."


Several people laughed.

On the contrary, An Li was relatively quiet, looking at the few people in front of him, his eyes were a little stunned.

These people are their own original team.

At the beginning, they were confused, in a trance, and full of uncertainty about the future. But now, these people have grown enough to feel comfortable leaving the company to them.

It's like a development game.

Slowly cultivate, slowly explore the value, and then slowly broaden your horizons, and finally grow into a loyal and fierce general who can stand alone.

Well, it's good!

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