"Boss, you are too godly, simply too godly, we have held many music festivals in YY Voice before, and now we open the live broadcast room, which does not make people feel abrupt at all, on the contrary, because many entertainment anchors in YY Voice have now begun to switch to live broadcasting, and the response is very good!"

At the door of the hotel, Li Xueling said to An Li with a look of adoration:

"I began to focus on training artists to sign contracts according to the plan you gave before, and at that time I didn't understand why I let those artists sing in YY voice every month with a salary, now I understand."

"This is the day you are for!"

"YY voice does not have any consumption, basically all rely on the singers' own singing gods to attract a large number of fans, especially some female singers, the voice is a little better has an extremely terrifying listener number, now the live broadcast room is open, immediately countless fans poured in."

"In the live broadcast room, there is no compulsory consumption, but only a lot of more tips, which allows many people to give tips to their anchors in addition to their ability, and it is a breaking point!"


airport bus had already stopped at the door, waiting for Li Xueling to get on the bus and leave, but at this time, he was red-faced and pulled An Li with a adoring face and said his heart's words.

Spit mantras after drinking.

Li Xueling is not a kind and well-intentioned person, and many things will be hidden in his heart, but after drinking at this time, he immediately seems to have changed as a person, and all the words hidden in his heart crackle out, and the most common sentence is:

"Boss, you are too godly!"

Yes, in Li Xueling's opinion, An Li is simply a fairy-like figure.

Even now, Li Xueling can still recall that summer, An Li, as a young man who had just turned eighteen, single-handedly killed in the deep city and successfully invested in buying the Huanju era.

Perhaps at first, Li Xueling was still worried.

But when he watched An Li reform after reform, one new project after another being launched by him, Li Xueling was shocked at that time, and even at that time he wanted to lift An Li's head to see what was inside, and he could come up with so many fantastic things.

By the beginning of this year, Li Xueling was actually a little panicked.

In addition to the suppression of QT voice and the emergence of more and more competitors to bring an impact to the era of Huanju, more importantly, Li Xueling, who has been sitting in the rear and watching various data, actually deeply realized that the development of YY voice is about to reach the upper limit.

Either change or be eliminated by the times.

And the live broadcast proposed by An Li, in fact, Li Xueling is in a nervous mood in his heart, after all, such a big change, it is simple to say, but it is very difficult to do, no one knows, the first to open the era of live broadcasting, can make a profit.

Now, as it turns out, Oak is right!

Under such circumstances, Li Xueling naturally admired An Li more and more, and at this time, after a few glasses of wine, he was stunned to do what he wanted to do before but did not dare to do.

Several people from Hou Ze next to him were also silent.

It was not because they did not recognize Li Xueling's words, in fact, they just felt in their hearts that Li Xueling had said everything in their hearts.

"Okay, this is where to go, let's go."

An Li, who was pulled by Li Xueling, laughed at this time: "The live broadcast is now a period of profiteering, after all, other families do not have this ability, it won't be long before there will be followers, the current success does not mean anything, the future success is the big head, so continue to cheer!"


"Okay, Lao Li, it's almost the same as saying so much, although the plane is packaged, but the take-off time has been set before, don't spoil everyone's itinerary."

Li Xueling seemed to want to say something, but Huangshan had already put his arm around his shoulders.

Li Xueling reacted this time, and immediately looked back at the bus, but did not choose to leave, but hesitated: "Or... I'm not leaving tonight, let them go first, I'll be tomorrow..."

"Hey, don't, why are you going to have a long talk with the boss?"

Huang Shan hurriedly interrupted him.

This made Li Xueling unhappy, Huangshan and his relationship has always been good on weekdays, but he didn't expect that now Huangshan urged him to leave.

How to drop?

I can't talk to my boss, so I have a long talk, can't I?

But before the words spoke, he saw Huangshan put his arm around Li Xueling and whispered a few words in his ear, Li Xueling was suddenly shocked, raised his head and looked at the people around him, only to find that Hou Ze and several people had already retreated far away, and Ding Nan was also staring at himself, those eyes looked ancient and unfazed, but when they thought of Huangshan's words before, there was something special.

Couldn't help it, Li Xueling shrunk his head and said dryly:

"Haha, Brother Huang is right, we have a chance at any time, now we can't delay the plane, then that's it, I'll go first, boss I will quit first!"

After speaking, he left quickly without turning his head.

An Li looked strange, and asked Huangshan, "What did you say to Lao Li?"

"Haha, what do you say? I didn't say anything.

Huang Shan shook his head repeatedly, but looking at the expression in front of him was a bad look, which made An Li more and more puzzled, and wanted to ask more, but saw that Huang Shan had already waved his hand:

"Boss, then we will withdraw first tonight, Li Zhexiu's kid doesn't drink much, I'm going to take care of him." By the way, Mr. Ding's car borrowed me to drive for two days, the boss, you will condescend to send one to Ding Zongha! "

After saying that, turn around and run.

Turning his head again, Hou Ze and Li Zhexiu had long since disappeared, and the strange behavior of these people made An Li scratch his head for a while.

What the hell?

"Ahem..." At this moment, Ding Nan coughed, attracting An Li's gaze, but saw that Ding Nan's face was a little red, and he lowered his head: "I... I said before, I was looking for you tonight for a bit of a personal matter, no... Unexpectedly, they seem to have misunderstood something.

An Li glanced at Ding Nan, and his heart moved.

Ding Nan has been an extremely beautiful woman from the beginning, both in appearance and figure, and now after nearly a year of exercise, her temperament is even more different, revealing a strong woman's temperament.

But just such a strong woman, showing such a small woman posture in front of An Li at this time, made An Li a little dumbfounded for a while.

"You... What do you see?

Ding Nan's words made An Li instantly sober up, and immediately his old face blushed: "No, no, maybe I drank too much alcohol and was a little dizzy, by the way, you just said that I have a private matter, what is the private matter?" "

Just... It is...... I thought..." Sure

enough, changing the topic, Ding Nan didn't pay attention to his embarrassment anymore, but he spoke a little swallowingly, and even An Li, who was even lighter in the back, couldn't hear clearly:

"What did you say?"

"I said... I..."

Ding Nan still hesitated, his blushing neck rooted, and after a long while, he seemed to pluck up enough courage:

"You... Can I pretend to be my boyfriend? "


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