That night, An Li and Qi Wei went to the most expensive restaurant in Kyoto to eat a local meal.

To what extent are you rich?

At the time of checkout, I spent 50,000!

You know, this is the consumption of two people, all the dishes ordered are the most expensive dishes in the restaurant, and the bottle of wine worth more than 30,000 is also drunk, and the upstart is staged a nouveau riche eating posture, which startled the other guests in the hotel at that time.

After a meal, the two young men will inevitably have another big war.

And when the two were enjoying their lives in style, in major media newspapers and websites, at this time, the pan was already fried, and countless discussions about the Green X Society were revealed.

"Shocking scandal, the charity turned out to be such a place!"

"Green X will be thoroughly investigated, and it is currently known that it is using social donations to enrich his own pockets and profit from it."

"Where did the money we donate go?"

"The so-called charities are just scamming money in the name of charity for their own luxury, please click the link for the latest revelations!"


The development of the network has brought the delivery of messages one step closer.

When major newspapers and media are still rushing to print relevant reports, such topics have soared on the Internet, and even once entered the eyes of netizens across the country, causing an uproar at the first time.

The discussion rate is rising rapidly.

If this is just fermentation on the Internet, it is just that, but early the next morning, all the covers of the major morning newspapers were unexpectedly consistent, and all of them were at the door of the prize redemption center, and the photo of Xie Bo being taken away attracted everyone's attention for the first time.

And its content is even more surprising.

Without exception, all of them are denouncing the Green X Society.

On the same day, the Green X Association was forced to issue a statement, dismissed Xie Bo and Guo Shishi on the spot, and also fired a large number of employees, and immediately said that it would cooperate with relevant departments to investigate.

But even so, the Green X Society has not escaped the fate of being supervised.

And this once famous charity became the target of thousands of people overnight, and everyone was full of doubts about this so-called charity.

On the Internet, such a discussion is even more intense, countless netizens said their history of blood and tears:

"I bought a lottery ticket before to win the second prize, before I could receive the prize, the people of the Green X Club came to talk to me about donations, and the attitude at that time I still remember, just think that if I don't donate, I can't go out today, and said that it is a windfall anyway, and I have to donate a little, and I was forced to donate only 30,000 yuan at that time."

"Me too, I won the first prize and was forced to donate 200,000!"

"Gan, I donated 100,000!"

"In fact, donating is a good thing, after all, donating to support charity when you can, there is nothing bad in itself, but the problem is, where is the money we donate used, and whether it is put into the pockets of some people."

"I received aid before, a total of 3,000 yuan in donations, but at that time they gave me a confirmation that it was 30,000 yuan, I asked more at that time, and the result was told that the 30,000 yuan would be taxed, only 3,000 remained, love or not!"

"Made, I have also encountered, it is simply too dark, obviously I am making money from it, and I have to set up a torii!"

"The only people who cooperate with them are even darker, some relief materials, the price has increased tenfold and sold, ninety percent of them have fallen into the hands of some people, you can't say that you can't say, you will talk about 404 more."


whole network denounced!

More and more revelations have appeared, attracting national attention.

Even Kyoto TV had no choice but to start broadcasting this matter that the whole country was concerned about.

It can be said that this time, Xie Bo is finished, and that Guo Shishi is also finished.

And with it, the reputation accumulated by the Green X Society for decades can be regarded as completely cool in this day.

At such times, there are also people who pay more peculiar attention:

"I have seen the beginning and end of the matter, it seems that someone won 500 million, it seems that the person was unwilling to donate at the beginning, and this is what happened later, where is that person going now, is it really 500 million?"

Such remarks have also attracted the attention of many people.

Still that sentence.

Winning 500 million yuan, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the world's largest jackpot, no matter when it is taken out, it will attract a lot of people's attention.

For a while, various discussions on the Internet gradually appeared.

The major media and newspapers have not forgotten this matter, and when the Xie Bo incident was almost fried cold rice, the major newspapers and media also took out the copywriting they had prepared to report it, and their attitudes had changed, but there were also many extremes.

"500 million winners, not a dime."

"After winning the jackpot, will they all choose charitable donations, and how much is the appropriate donation of 500 million?"

"Heaven sent a windfall of wealth, but I was unwilling to donate a penny."

Similar reports and remarks, although not much, but definitely eye-catching, and equally attractive, when Xie Bo was completely cool, many people came up with this matter to discuss.

"To be honest, although it depends on the individual whether to donate or not, there is a problem if you don't donate a penny."

"Maybe people already know the dark side of the Green X Society, to be honest in this situation, I am willing to take out the money and spend it myself, and I will definitely not give it to this kind of black-hearted organization, this kind of money is not life-saving, maybe it is fattening that kind of person!"

"That's true, but after all, I didn't hear that he donated after winning the lottery."

"Is moral kidnapping, if you have money, you have to donate?"

"Not counting the moral kidnapping, so much money is originally in the lottery, even if it is donated at all, it is nothing, right?"

"To put it nicely, people win the lottery by luck, why should they donate it?"



a while, the whole network became two factions.

One group is supporters, they think that whether it is winning the lottery or the money earned by their own efforts, others are not qualified to let people donate, after all, the donation itself depends on personal will, people's family awards, whether to donate or not is people's own business, others are not qualified to dictate.

On the other hand, there are opponents, who believe that the lottery is originally a windfall, and even if you don't donate all the money, at least part of it is reasonable and legal.

Of course, the first group makes up the majority.

However, there are also many people in the second Chinese who support it, and the two sides have their own opinions and argue with each other.

Even, the popularity once exceeded the shocking scandal of the Green X Society.

Originally, this kind of thing is not uncommon on the Internet, and generally as long as there is no new development, such discussions will soon be forgotten.

However, at this time, an unknown media published an article on its own related reports.

Pushed this matter to the cusp again!

"The identity of the 500 million winners was revealed, and the person who won 500 million turned out to be him!" 》


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