The name of the article is the standard shock party.

This made this article attract the attention of many people at the first time, and after reading it, people will find that not only the name is shocking enough, but even the content is surprising.

"This period of time, the incident of the Green X Club has become more and more intense, but let's not talk about this today."

"What we want to talk about today is about the cause of this incident, the lucky one who won the 500 million sky-high lottery jackpot."

"Because this winner is believed to be familiar to many people."

"His name is An Que!"

The article is

not too long, but in this not too long article, it throws out a conclusion that makes everyone's jaws drop.

The person who won the 500 million jackpot turned out to be An Que!

Moreover, the article is not a fabrication, but explains the editor's mental journey in detail later.

The article pointed out that at first he didn't see that the other party was An Que, but because he took photos on the spot, after going back, he happened to collect a poster of An Que participating in The Voice, so the two found out that this person happened to be An Que!

As soon as this news came out, it shocked the whole network.

The man who once won the first national college entrance examination in history. The super man who is participating in the happy male voice easily spreads all over the country. That three-down five-dividing two has built a business empire and even become a super investor who never fails to invest. The man who did not enroll for a semester, but directly came up with the core technology of 4G network. The super student who obviously has no medical experience, but has completed an unprecedented multi-organ extracorpotomy....

He's back!

A series of titles have already made An Li a well-known figure who is popular all over the country.

Even in the past six months, An Li has basically rarely made any big news, and even kept a low profile to the extent that he can't even find a photo on the Internet. But even so, this name still made all netizens think of him for the first time like a spell.

Thought of that terrifying era when An Que dominated all news!

This is not an exaggeration, even the most popular fried chicken star, the most popular popularity can be maintained for a period of time, every third and fifth need to emerge a little new topic to refresh the sense of existence in front of people.

But Quercus is different.

Almost every time he refreshes his sense of existence, it comes from different aspects, and any news that makes people drop their jaws is caused by the appearance of An Que!

How can people not pay attention to such a heat?

Therefore, within half an hour of the appearance of this article, it immediately caused an uproar on the Internet, and it caused an unprecedented discussion:

"How can I be him?"

"If I were to find the closest god-like existence in this world, it would definitely be An Li!"

"This great god has appeared again!"

"emmm, I feel no love, I originally thought that this god had monopolized the fields of music, learning, business, investment, medicine, and technology, but I didn't expect that the god was now going to enter the field of Ouhuang!"

"I said, how did I win the 100-bet jackpot when I was calm in my heart, it turns out that this matter was made by An Li, the great god, then if you think so, it is normal."

"My husband is back!"


whole network is hotly discussed, really the whole network is hotly discussed.

With the rapid spread of that article, the news about the winner of the 500 million grand prize on the Internet returned to the hottest discussion for the first time. Even because of this heat, the Green X Club event, which was originally the most concerned, slowly began to cool down.

After all, an inexplicable person won the 500 million jackpot, and there is definitely no shock that a well-known person whose name everyone knows won the 500 million jackpot.

And now, that's it!

But when the popularity of the whole network was at its highest, the already existing disagreement and scolding war also reappeared at this time.

"In other words, An Li should not be short of money, why doesn't he do charity?"

At first, the scolding war was quelled because An Li was a 500 million winner, but not long after, someone asked this question in Tieba and immediately exploded the discussion on the whole Internet, and more people also joined the army of doubters, and let the voice of this doubt become more and more.

"An Que's name will be unfamiliar to anyone, after all, I am still playing his DNF, and I am also curious why An Que is not charity."

"I didn't do charity before, because all the money was earned by An Li himself, and now An Li has won 500 million, why don't you take out a little to do charity?"

"In this way, I also found that An Li's company does not seem to have such a thing as a charitable fund."

"We are amazed by his talent, but in fact, this person may not be as perfect as we imagined, at least in the character of this piece looks like that, won 500 million unwilling to donate a dollar, such a person I still think he is powerful."


kind of discussion is not much, but it is extremely harsh.

People who were originally supporters also supported An Li at this time:

"Are the people upstairs all stupid, donate or not to your bullshit?"

"It's because An Li developed 4G, so do you have a network to scold people here?"

"To be reasonable, whether it is people making money in business, or in other aspects, people have no obligation or reason to take out money to donate, besides, I think that An Li takes this money in his hands to make more things, which is the best."

"That is, these 500 million are in the hands of An Li, but I am more relieved, changed the keyboard warriors upstairs, it is estimated that they will be defeated in two days, but in the hands of An Li, I think he may be able to research new things soon, maybe we can play virtual reality games in the future."

"Why should I donate my husband's money?"

"This year, the people who have been kidnapped by morality are really disgusting!"


Li's supporters quickly joined the battlefield and gave the most severe counterattack.

The limelight was unmatched, covering all opponents for a while.

But such a controversy has made many people also have some doubts in their hearts, because since the winner of the 500 million grand prize was won by An Que, many people began to estimate the value of An Que. It's good if you don't estimate it, this estimate, just the industry that everyone knows on the face of An Li, has reached an unimaginable horror number.

But the more so, the more strange it becomes.

Why is a person sitting on such a huge wealth so unconcerned about philanthropy?

In this era, online scolding war does not need to bear any legal risks, for a time, opponents have sharply shot back, while supporters have quoted scriptures to refute it, and the scolding war between the two sides has been scolded so vigorously, attracting more and more people's attention.

Under such a public opinion offensive, several companies under the name of An Li were also more or less affected.

Public opinion is a double-edged sword.

It can make a person and a company, but at the same time, if it is not used well, it may also harm itself.

Everyone under An Que did not expect it.

This scolding battle actually made the company enter the hot water.

A new crisis seems to have arrived.

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