After a night without words, An Li Meimei slept, and when she woke up the next day, she only felt refreshed.

After a brief wash, An Li went straight to the gym.

Although the perfect body and the transformation of the body by system upgrades have already made An Que's body healthy to the extent that it can no longer be healthy, it is also a good thing to occasionally move the muscles and bones, and directly enter the gym to start fitness, naturally it is inevitable to be hungry for the opposite sex of your body.

After exercising for half an hour, An Que did not stop until he felt that every cell in his body was awakened.

Showered and changed clothes and ate a nice breakfast.

By the way, An Li packed a breakfast and planned to bring it to Yang Mimi.

When she returned to the door of the presidential suite, the beautiful butler bowed as usual: "Welcome home, sir's life is really regular." "

Life is in motion." An Li smiled casually.

The beautiful butler also echoed, but her eyes were a little colorful when she looked at An Li. It is not for nothing that he usually opens a general set, but it is rare to see such a young and handsome person, and any girl will definitely be full of interest in such a man.

But unfortunately, she was interested in An Que, but An Que was not much interested.

Although he noticed the beautiful butler's somewhat special gaze, he directly chose to ignore it.

The door opened and I looked inside.

I saw that Yang Mimi had gotten up, and was sitting on the sofa in her pajamas at this time, fiddling with her mobile phone with her bare feet, at this time she heard the sound of opening the door and subconsciously turned her head to look over, her eyes were facing each other, both of them were a little stunned, and then Yang Mimi hurriedly covered her chest.

Her movements successfully attracted An Li's attention, and she saw clearly from the wide pajama neckline.

The pajamas are so big!

Bah, no, it's pajamas that are so white!

The title of this future big honey honey is really not called in vain, it is simply a peerless murder weapon that An Li has never seen before!

The point is... It seems to be wearing a nightgown, right?

And Yang Mimi obviously caught An Li's gaze, only felt that her brain was blank for a while, her face was extremely red, and she didn't dare to make any moves, just silently turned around and fled back to the room as if flying.

"Bang ——!"

Listening to the sound of smashing the door, An Li sobered up, and couldn't help scratching his head a little embarrassed:

"That... I brought you breakfast so you can eat a little later.

And in the room, hearing An Li's words, Yang Mimi lay on the bed and buried her face in the pillow, only feeling that the whole person was lost at home.

Did he see it just now?

Surely you saw it, right?

So where he didn't show others, he saw it?

So embarrassing!

After grinding in the room for more than half an hour, Yang Mimi finally changed her clothes and summoned up the courage to come out, but unexpectedly, when he came out, there was still An Li's shadow in the room, just a note paper next to breakfast, on which there was a line of writing:

"My room has been open for several days, if you want to save room fees, you can continue AA."

Seeing this, Yang Mimi's heart warmed.

Subconsciously squeezed the note paper in her hand, although her face was still a little hot, Yang Mimi still couldn't help but smile sweetly.

This guy is so cute!


On the other side, An Li had already taken a taxi to Taijiang Company at this time.

After the investment of Anque, the Taijiang company did not save too much in terms of expenses, and directly built a large factory in Gaohang District, after all, when the Taijiang elf generation was not out before, they have been selling flight control systems, and sometimes they are responsible for OEM production.

It was already past work time, but when An Li came in, the security guard didn't even stop him, just sat in the security room and watched TV.

An Li didn't say anything, and went directly to the office area.

Entering the first floor, a young man in a suit and leather shoes, at this time, is leaning on the counter at the front desk, talking to the little girl at the front desk, although it is not clear what is said, but looking at the posture of the two, I also know that basically it will not be a work matter.


An Li coughed, finally attracted the attention of the two, the young man glanced at An Li, then directly withdrew his gaze, and when the girl at the front desk saw An Li, her eyes lit up:

"Do you have something?"

"I'm here for an interview." An Li said with a smile.

This time it was not the girl at the front desk who spoke, but the young man: "Is it for the sales manager?"

An Li nodded.

Since it was a sudden attack on a private visit by microservers, An Li naturally made sufficient preparations, and had already obtained a fake resume and handed it to Taijiang Company before coming, which can be regarded as finding an identity cover for himself.

"Okay, wait for you for half a day, come with me!"

The man nodded, looking at An Li's gaze a little unkindly, but before leaving, he squeezed his eyes at the front desk: "Don't forget to call your good sister out at night, I'll take you there!"

This scene made An Li's brows frown slightly.

"Your name is Mu Le, my name is Zhou Hao, the leader of the second group of the sales department, this interview is conducted by me." Entering a small conference room, the young man who came in with An Li sat directly in the position of interviewer.

"Hello Team Leader Zhou." An Li nodded, and then said strangely: "I am also interviewing the team leader, didn't it say on the phone that the sales manager was responsible for the interview?"

"You interview the team leader?"

"The team leader has someone, and I can interview the team members."

Zhou Hao frowned, obviously a little displeased with a reckless person like An Li: "If you want to interview the team leader, then I'm sorry that our team leader has just been selected, our team members are still lacking, if you want to continue the interview, if you don't want to, the door is over there."

From beginning to end, Zhou Hao had impatience on his face.

"I'm willing to interview." An Li frowned a little, but continued the interview.

The interview process is very simple, that is, ask some regular interview questions, in this regard, An Li is definitely experienced, even if Zhou Hao in front of him is a little unhappy with him, but he has to admit that An Li's interview process is very perfect, and he was announced on the spot that he was hired.

This is not unexpected, after all, Taijiang has been vigorously developing sales business during this time, and there is an extreme shortage of people.

But when it came to treatment, An Li couldn't help but frown.

"The basic salary is 1,500, the commission is calculated according to 1% of the collection rate, the travel subsidy is 90 a day, the monthly supplement is 100%, the social security is paid but the individual bears 80%, and the provident fund does not."

"This treatment... Is it different from what is written on your recruitment website? An Li couldn't help but ask.

"How can it be true on the recruitment website, besides, sales and sales, originally take commissions to eat, and there are many people who earn tens of thousands a month." But An Li frowned, but Zhou Hao frowned even more: "Which sales is not based on your performance, if you feel that the salary is low, you can leave at any time." This

basically makes the attitude clear.

Love to dry, not to roll.

But his words made An Li frown for a while.

This salary is not only different from what is written on the recruitment website, but more importantly, this salary and treatment are also very different from the report he received.

After all, on the report I received, the salary of the sales staff was more than 30,000 per capita!

But now....

"I am willing to accept this job!"

An Li directly agreed, but his eyes had a little more special look.

This company, there is really a problem!

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