Brandon Grini, a down-and-out photographer, began trying single-player games he had never experienced before during those painful days when his wife left. Although he is new to the game, he is different from others, who give preference to some well-known triple-A masterpieces, but Grini is different, he plays games such as armed raids.

This game, the developer provided the code, which allows some game production enthusiasts to personally experience the fun of making games, and it is because of this that Grini has since entered the ranks of game developers.

In the later life, after the divorce, Grini's initial idea was to make some money, go back to his hometown of Ireland, and then die alone.

Unexpectedly, the armed raid gave him a qualitative change in his life.

With armed raids, he created the prototype of the chicken-eating game that will take the world by storm in the future, and has gained a lot of attention in one fell swoop, and has also accumulated a certain amount of wealth.

Later, a phenomenal game such as "PUBG Battle Royale" was created.

Known as, the father of eating chicken!

Of course, this should have been Greni's normal moment in another world, but now, when he met An Que at his most down, it all seemed to have changed subtly.

What kind of person is An Que?

That is definitely the person who immediately grasps the talent in his hands, counting the various things that An Li invested after his return, it seems that all the things that An Li invested in are the things that will be popular in the later life, but in fact, what An Li invests in are all people!

Talent is talent.

And since it is a talent, then throw money and let the talents develop without worries.

Similar to, similar to Dogdong, similar to League of Legends.

Let them develop, adapt to the times, and thus change the times.

And now that Grini has appeared in front of him, what will An Que do, the answer is actually already on the horizon.

"Friend, after listening to your words, I think what you said is very good, and it is even more beneficial to me, to be honest, in fact, I also have a job in the field of games, maybe I can give you a job opportunity." An Li spoke, with a smile on his face, like a demon who seduced soul trafficking:

"Are you willing to try this work?"

"Huh?" Grini obviously didn't expect An Li to say such a thing, and he was a little confused for a while, but then he shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "I can't even be considered a qualified gamer, for game development, although I have learned, but still don't know anything, even if I am given a job, I don't have the ability to complete it."

Such a refusal made An Li couldn't help but nod.

Ordinary people to the extent that Grini now needs to wander around, a job, it is estimated that they will accept without hesitation, but Grini did not do so, but the first thing he thought was that he was not qualified for the job.

This just shows that Grini, at least in terms of character, is good.

"No, you're wrong, Grini, do you know what is most important in the gaming field?" An Li shook his head and asked with a smile.

What is the most important thing in the gaming space?

Grini really didn't think about this aspect, and hesitated: "That must be a powerful game production ability, a subtle algorithm."

"No, guess again." An Que shook his head.

"That... It is the ability to render the picture, and the ability to model, and many 3A masterpieces now have extremely high requirements in this regard.

"No, guess again." An Li shook his head again.

Not game programming, not game modeling and rendering, what is that?

It can't always be a voice act, right?

Grini shook his head, saying that he didn't know, An Li smiled slightly at this time, and did not sell it again:

"In the field of games, every link is very important, whether it is excellent modeling and rendering, or excellent game production programming, and even including the game plot link, which is extremely important in terms of games. But in my opinion, the most important thing about the game is that there is another crucial thing.

"That is, a good idea, a concept that can subvert tradition, a courage that others want to do but dare not do."

"And you, Grini, the game idea you just talked about inspired me a lot."

"I think that once this idea is created, with excellent programming producers, excellent modelers and renderers, and a series of professionals, the game created by this idea will become a well-deserved super game!"

"For this, I am willing to invest in you."

An Li's words, his tone was low but powerful, which made Grini's whole person stunned on the spot, and his eyes lit up.

His expression at this time was not because An Li praised himself, but because An Li recognized himself, and An Li recognized his own ideas!

As a salted freelance photographer, the difference between the current Grini and the homeless man is just an extra layer of seemingly glamorous signs.

Freelance photographer.

Lo and behold, he went up, although the standard of living has not improved, but with those homeless people on the ordinary street, he has at least one more layer of skin.

What does Grini want most at a time like this?

Is it a lot of wealth?

Of course, everyone fantasizes about having a lot of wealth, and so does Grini. But for Grini at this time, he needs wealth, but what he needs more is the respect and understanding of others, even the support of a complete stranger, which is enough to make him happy for a while.

And now.

At this most downtrodden and confused time, Grini met An Que and at the same time received An Que's approval.

An Li wanted to give himself a job.

The reason is not because he looks pitiful, nor because he has too much money and has no place to put it, nor because he feels happy to chat with him and gives alms.

It's because he respects himself!

He recognizes his ideas, recognizes himself as a person, even if he is penniless now, even if he is now a little cockroach living at the bottom of society.

Such recognition is crucial for Grini at this time.

"You... Do you really think that my idea is good? Can't help it, Grini asked again, his eyes full of expectation, he hoped that An Li was not out of whim.

Is Oak a whim?

If chatting with Grini at the beginning was indeed a whim, but now, when you know Grini's identity, when you understand his predicament, An Que is not.

After thinking for a moment, An Li nodded:

"Of course it's serious, I decided to invest in you, because I think you are very powerful, just this time I plan to acquire a game company, if successful, I will let you work in this company."

"However, there is one thing I need to say first, because you are not a relevant graduate and do not have the corresponding ability, so I invest in you, but you need to start learning from the bottom."

"What I want you to do is to understand the game production for a while, and be able to assemble the people to make the game yourself."

"Do you accept this?"

An Oak did not throw money, did not directly give Grini a large amount of financial support, and did not directly help Grini to see that he has always been a cosmic powerhouse and then began game development. What he chose was for Grini to start from the bottom and learn the entire game production process little by little from the lowest position.

Such a choice does not seem to be very good for Grini, but on the contrary, hearing this sentence, Grini, who was originally a little hesitant, nodded on the spot:

"I accept!"

People need wealth and opportunities to change their bad destiny, but what people need more is dignity!

And An Que gave him the dignity he wanted!

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