Harvesting Grini, for Quercus, is tantamount to a great thing.

However, compared to what An Que will do next, harvesting Grini can only be regarded as an appetizer. Not to mention that Grini's current ability is not enough to create an amazing chicken-eating game in the future, more importantly, even if Grini has such an ability to produce it now, An Que will not let him make it now.

Many people think that if they are born again, they will be able to take advantage of the opportunity by taking all the things of the fire of the future into their own hands, and letting them be born early.

But in fact, throughout history, many things, if you do not seize the opportunity, you will definitely be able to have the last laugh.

It's a very simple truth.

For example, Didi taxi, before that, there were various taxi software, but in the end, it was Didi who was integrated. Let's talk about short videos, the short video platforms that became popular in later generations, whether it is Douyin or Kuaishou, are they the first to make short videos?


But are their predecessors less technological, less investment, less optimized than them?

No, neither.

Their predecessors were often defeated by the times.

For example, if you want to make a short video, but in the era when there is not even a 4G network, everyone has a long-version button mobile phone, and the traffic is ridiculously expensive, what is the use of you getting this thing?

Speaking of games, let's talk about the PUBG of the future fire, why can it be fired?

Although Grini has the reputation of the father of eating chickens, in fact, the battle royale type of game is definitely not PUBG.

But why don't other games catch fire, but PUBG fires?

Some people may think that it is because of the well-made game, realistic light and shadow effects, sound effects, graphics, vast maps, diverse terrain and buildings, detailed module portrayal, excellent picture rendering, and all kinds of fancy dog leashes and death.

It is true that PUBG fire is inseparable from these, but with these, every 3A masterpiece has these, why can PUBG be fired?

In the end, the reason, in An Li's view, is only because it is the choice of the times.

The game industry, every once in a while, can always have a hit.

The so-called blockbuster is a game that kills all contemporary contemporaneous games, whether it is the number of gamers or the cost of player investment.

Dungeons and warriors are a hit in China.

The upcoming League of Legends will also become a hit.

In fact, according to the history of the past life, such as Tencent is now operating and has been effective, this game swept the country as soon as it appeared, attracting countless players to spend a lot of money, and the player base is constantly rising. But when League of Legends appeared, CF players plummeted, this is the choice of the times, everyone has gone through the era of CS and CF, players have gradually lost patience with FPS games.

At this time, MOBA games such as League of Legends appeared, which immediately dominated the scene and attracted the attention of a large number of players.

At this time, everyone naturally likes to try new flavors, coupled with the low operation threshold and high online game mechanics, which can naturally attract the attention of a large number of players.

If Lu Ze launches not a LOL at this time, but PUBG, it will inevitably be effective, and even steal a large number of users, but it is difficult to become a real hit after all. Because it's just a pattern, it's too easy to be imitated.

At that time, it is foreseeable that a large number of root wind games will appear immediately.

Especially in this era, professional esports have not appeared, professional esports teams are almost non-existent, and mobile live streaming has just been promoted, which will make PUBG lose a large number of user players.

Moreover, even if Quercust's technology can completely replicate the light and shadow technology and screen rendering of future games, there is something more important to consider.

Can the player's computer be moved?

All game makers, no matter how good an idea, don't use it at will, not because it's bad, but because it's not mature enough, or it's not the time.

Because what they need is to cater to the market.

Therefore, even if he knows the game mechanics, even if there is related technology, An Li has never thought about what game he has developed, but finds professional people, does professional things, and at the same time conforms to the development of the times, and makes efforts at the right time at the right time.

That's why Angel let Grini continue learning.

Waiting for the opportunity, waiting... Spallation.

As a future super game platform, many domestic manufacturers want to make a similar platform out, because once this platform develops to a certain extent, almost all game manufacturers can be controlled.

Iron-clad platform, flowing water game.

There are times when the game is updated, but the platform does not.

Grabbing Steam now is the lifeblood of all future game companies!

Nowadays, all manufacturers are catering to console games, but will the future overlord still be console games?

What An Li wants is to take advantage of now, while there is still a chance, to win the Steam that has just been achieved!

The train soon arrived at the station, after An Li got off the train, he directly set up two rooms near the V Company Company, Grini was actually a little apprehensive, but thinking that he was alone, no matter how bad it could be, so he simply came to be safe.

An Li opened the room for him, he naturally wouldn't mind, but had some small expectations.

"You rest first, the next two days, I'm going to talk about cooperation, and when everything is finalized, I'll let you start working." An Li smiled, and then took out a bank card and handed it to Grini: "The money in this, you take it to arrange some clothes and daily necessities, as well as the related equipment and things you need."

"This..." To

be honest, opening a room in a five-star hotel for himself has already made Grini a little unbelievable, and now An Li still waved his hand and directly stuffed the bank card into his hand.

This is a dream boss.

"What's wrong?" An Li saw that Grini was in a daze, and asked strangely.

"I..." Grini hesitated, but still spoke: "Aren't you afraid that I will run away with this bank card?" "

He really doesn't understand.

The two did not even sign the relevant contract, and they did not even meet for more than a day, and at this time they directly gave themselves such a good attitude, to be honest, Greni was a little shocked.

However, for Grini's question, An Li smiled.


Shock is right!

Shaking the bank card in his hand, An Li said confidently:

"The money in this is just a dispensable small amount of money for me, if you give up the opportunity to earn more money in the future for this little money, then I can only say that I am not at a loss."

"Because, it's you who loses!"

After speaking, leaving the stunned Grini, An Li turned and left directly.

And Grini, looking at the bank card in front of him, and looked at the direction An Li left, there was no longer An Li's figure, but Grini still muttered:

"I will definitely not let you down!"


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