Rehabilitate the death row program?

Seeing these words, An Li frowned for the first time.

He had heard of this plan.

It is said that the earliest origin was the Rakshasa Kingdom, because the crime rate has been high, and there is no death penalty, so it has led to more and more prisoners, and even prisons can not be controlled, and even the Rakshasa Kingdom at that time had to propose to reintroduce the death penalty.

For this reason, the two sides are inseparable.

Some argue that the reintroduction of the death penalty would be inconsistent with previous reforms. Others believe that some people are themselves guilty of the greatest crime, especially those sentenced to life imprisonment, and that living is a waste of resources.

At such a time, some people in the Rakshasa Kingdom thought of a compromise solution.

The death penalty still did not exist, but prisoners had to work in exchange for their needs, and it was at that time that prisoners began to work in prison, mainly making small craft ornaments, or some manual work. This directly improved the situation of idlers in prisons at that time.

But even if there is improvement, some things still cannot be improved.

That is life death row prisoners!

Those prisoners were all people who had committed heinous crimes, and they basically could not get out of prison again for the rest of their lives, and this reform immediately affected their lives, and even some people began to erupt with brutal genes, various riots began to occur, and even the safety of ordinary prisoners and prison guards was attacked and endangered.

These people, except for violence, are violence, and it is simply impossible to make them work obediently.

At this time, a new proposal appeared.

A special prison was set up to hold this group of heinous crimes.

And this proposal, there is also the prison built in the North Pole, Petaco prison!

Basically all of them are the most notorious prisoners, each of whom is enough to impose the death penalty, and everyone who used to be in their respective cells, who were real scoundrels and thugs, are now being held in this place, and the results can be imagined.

Dark, bloody, violent became the label here.

Even, countless people die here every year, and they do not pay attention to these prisoners here, let them kill each other, and even the more people they die, this is a good thing for the prison authorities, because this place can always be emptied.

And so on and so forth.

Gradually, this place will no longer attract attention, because everyone who enters here will basically never come out again in this life.

In fact, there are many things that can breed in such a sinful place.

But it is such a place that can also attract a lot of attention, including some bioengineers, psychologists, criminologists, etc., including a man named Stanley Lucas, who mainly studies biological genetic technology and requires a large number of experimental specimens.

In general, these experimental subjects are basically frogs, rabbits and even earthworms and the like, but this Stanley Lucas chose to experiment on death row prisoners!

In order to get the prison authorities to agree, he promised numerous benefits and finally agreed to conduct the experiment.

No one knows the specific process of this experiment, but the final result is that the death row prisoner who participated in the experiment was eventually transformed into a monster who is not a ghost, and unexpectedly, after the prisoner completed the operation, he obeyed Stanley Lucas's words and was absolutely loyal.

The previous brutality, greed, fraud and laziness completely disappeared at this moment, and all that remained was loyalty.

This discovery was seen by many people, and it made the hearts of countless people in power.

After that, there was a death row prisoner rehabilitation program.

They use death row inmates who have no one to pay attention to and disobey discipline in this plan, which aims to build them into super soldiers who are absolutely loyal to the empire. After all, it costs a lot to train a top fighter, but training a death row inmate is simple, and this proposal was implemented in an instant.

Even this plan lasted for more than a decade before it was revealed.

The contradictions of the people of the Sun Never Set Empire at that time had just reached their peak, and problems in all aspects broke out, and this plan to reform death row prisoners reached the level of a sword sealing the throat at the moment of exposure, and the final result was that the miserable plan of reforming death row prisoners was abandoned, and the Sun Never Set Empire suffered disintegration and collapse.

As for the initiator of the experiment, Stanley Lucas also committed suicide that year.

An Li had only heard about this matter.

But he didn't expect that Qin Feng would give this answer.

That means that the black man he met like a monster was the product of the death row reform plan?

Could it be that someone is still working on this experimental program that the whole world opposes?

Instantly, An Li's brows furrowed.

Qin Feng didn't reveal much, I don't know if it was because there was no exact information or how, so he just said the name. But just this name, but it has already made An Li can't help frowning, if this is true, then his own situation may not be too good.

Since it is a plan to reform death row prisoners, the presiding officer must be able to transfer death row prisoners and even perform surgery.

It is self-evident what the power behind that black man is.

Thinking about his own country, almost instantly, An Li understood that no matter what the so-called death row prisoner reform plan was and what the principle was, what was certain was that what was fixed on himself might not be as simple as just an organization.


It's a country!

Just as An Li was thinking of this, a line of prompts suddenly popped up on the computer.

"The surveillance system has been accessed!"


Seeing this line of prompts, his eyes lit up slightly, since he was hiding in Chinatown, it was naturally impossible to do nothing, and the easiest way was to use his hacking skills to disguise himself. At that time, breaking into Chinatown, An Li hacked all the monitoring that recorded his images at the first time, so even if the other party is powerful, it will take time to track it down.

And now, three days later, the other party has clearly set his sights on the scope of Chinatown.

Now looking at the surveillance, he obviously wants to track himself down.

If you want to find yourself through the monitoring system, it is naturally impossible, not to mention the existence of An Li's hacking skills, just An Li's transfiguration technique is not to look at the monitoring to be able to find yourself. However, An Li did not relax, because he understood that if it was really a plan to reform death row prisoners, then the forces behind it, I am afraid it was only a matter of time before they wanted to find themselves.

Pinched his arm, although he had recovered a lot in three days, it obviously took time to make a move.

Myself, I still need a period of recuperation!

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