Today's Chinatown, the number of tourists is significantly reduced, the streets are deserted, there are not too many pedestrians, quiet and even a little weird. This is naturally related to the fact that this Chinatown is not too lively, but it is more because many police personnel came today to investigate in front of various shops.

Insiders and outsiders need to be strictly censored.

As for whether the various merchants cooperate with the question, there is no such thing as a problem....

After all, this is the United States.

Although it has always been called freedom, it seems that everyone can talk about freedom and human rights, but in fact, in this country, racial discrimination is the strongest, the so-called freedom is only for white people, and compared to ordinary people, this so-called freedom is actually in the hands of capital.

Many people know that in this country, the status of blacks is very low, and even often unfair treatment, but in fact, few people know that yellow people are the lowest status in this country.

The police came to Chinatown for investigation in such a big way, no one dared not obediently cooperate, the streets were full of police cars, passers-by as long as they were not white, basically they would be arrested for interrogation, and if they did not cooperate at all, they would be knocked to the ground in minutes, and several pistols were held on their heads.

"Damn, why are this group of people here again, so to check every day, how can we do business?"

On the first floor of the Hunyuan Shape Taiji Gate, Liu Kui frowned, resentful opening, An Li just heard this sentence when he walked down, and couldn't help but ask curiously at this time: "What's wrong, could it be some criminal, or where did someone die?"

"Shit, it must be this gang of scoundrels who want a benefit!"

"That is, come once in ten days and a half month, saying that you want to check immigrants and investigate foreign hukou, in fact, it is to reach out and ask for money, if the benefit fee is enough, there is nothing to do, if you don't give enough, maybe you will be arrested and locked up for a few days."

"Lying groove, is there any royal law here?"

"Our royal law is in the country, but not in this ghost place."

As soon as An Li asked, several other martial arts hall people had already opened their mouths to complain, some of them were students who came to learn martial arts, and some were martial arts hall staff, obviously they had seen this scene many times.

"We Xia people have no human rights in the United States, I want to make some money now, so I hurry back to China, I don't want to come to this ghost place again in this life, security has no domestic security, the key is that you will often be discriminated against, our Chinatown is better, if you go out of Chinatown, maybe buying a burger will be looked down upon."

"Even if these ordinary people look down on them, what kind of police are also here?"

"This ghost place, if it is not for life, who would want to come to this ghost place!"


Many people were still resentful, and even opened their mouths to express grievances, An Li shook his head and didn't think much.

Of course, he knows the current situation in the United States.

However, this time this group of people obviously misunderstood, because An Li knew very well that this time it was not only the police, but also a few "special people", such a team, obviously not to make a profit fee, it is estimated that most of them still want to find themselves.

"By the way, Mu Le, you shouldn't have a problem with your visa, right?"

Liu Kui seemed to remember something, and looked at An Li: "According to the custom, these people will definitely check everyone's visa information later, if there is something wrong with these things, they may be caught back, and if they don't pay a large amount of money at that time, it is estimated that they will not be able to get out."

Liu Kui's eyes were worried.

This time, he didn't have other ideas, although he used to think about how to transfer An Li's money every day, but at this time, he naturally didn't want An Li to have anything, after all, in addition to wanting to earn An Li's money, he still understood An Li's identity.


That's enough!

Behind closed doors, their own people beat their own people, they will not keep their hands, but if outsiders want to break in, then the two will definitely unite at the first time.

Regarding Liu Kui's worries, An Li smiled slightly: "Don't worry, my documents are complete." "

He wanted to hide, but it wasn't a few police officers who could find him.

What's more, forging visa information and changing his basic information is not a difficult thing for An Li, and he will naturally not be afraid of the next inspection at this time.

This is indeed the case.

More than half an hour later, several police officers arrived at the gate of the martial arts hall, and everyone who had long been accustomed to seeing the scene took out their own information and lined up to hand it to the police to be interrogated by the police officers. The questions are basically official, and they are all questions about what to do in the United States, how long they have been here, what they are doing here.

An Li was naturally also questioned, but after transfiguration and information changes, these police officers could not find anything at all.

After the questioning, nothing unpleasant appeared in the middle.

However, even after asking, these police officers did not mean to leave, Master Ma had already gone downstairs at this moment, and the image of a worldly master had already become an ordinary middle-aged man who only promised, and even a little flattering, at this time, seeing that the police officer had no intention of leaving, he immediately took out a few tickets from his arms.

Grabbing the hand of one of the officers, he licked his face and said, "

You guys worked hard!"

The police officer is also an old bird, at this time, he glanced at the ticket in his hand and showed a satisfied smile:

"Well, there is no problem here, let's go!"

Said, since he turned away.

And everyone in the martial arts hall is relieved, in the face of the interrogation of these police officers, the most afraid is not to ask anything, the most afraid is to be bullied by these police officers arrogantly and unreasonably, after all, there is no civilized law enforcement in this year, not to mention that there is no civilized law enforcement in this country itself.

But just when a few people were just relieved, a man with a demon mask appeared at the door, looked at the plaque outside, and said in a standard

Xia Chinese: "Hunyuan shape means Taiji Gate, Xia Guo Kung Fu?"

As soon as these words came out, the room looked quietly, and when I saw the man, I was a little surprised, and looking at the police officer even had some respectful appearance for this man, I felt even more confused, but Master Ma still nodded repeatedly, still with a sneer:

"This gentleman, you are right, we are authentic Xia Guo Kung Fu."


The man smiled, walked into the martial arts hall, and after glancing around, his eyes carried a bit of undisguised contempt:

"Xia Guo Kung Fu, it's all garbage, I didn't expect that there would be people who would study in such a place."

"Sure enough, garbage people, learn garbage things."

"It's all rubbish!"

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