"What kind of person, worthy of what kind of price, a million meter knife, is already a high price."

Seeing Ma Baoguo's embarrassed look at this time, An Li couldn't help but frown slightly and pinched his nose, and finally opened his mouth faintly: "In this way, I will give you 12 billion meters of knife, this is the final price, if you don't want to, then what I said before, all nonsense."


since Master Ma you don't want to, then I wish you a happy life!"

Seeing that Ma Baoguo still looked hesitant, An Li finally lost interest, slapped the tip of his nose, glanced at Ma Baoguo with deep meaning, and then turned and left.

"Wait, wait!"

Sure enough, just when An Li had just taken two steps, Ma Baoguo finally couldn't help but stop An Li, at this time his face was full of embarrassment, and his forehead was also covered with sweat:

"I'll sell it to you!"

"That's right!" An Li smiled, since Ma Baoguo can be a liar, mixed in Chinatown, obviously not a fool, a lot of pros and cons, he himself can analyze clearly, his choice is not unexpected An Li.

"That, I can give you this bead, but in addition to the money, can you promise me another condition?" Marburg had the audacity to speak.

An Li raised his eyebrows slightly: "What conditions."

Ma Baoguo did not hesitate, and hurriedly said: "You said before that my physical condition is caused by this bead, does that mean that I will be fine if I give you the bead, then will the disease on my body be better, and how can I cure the disease?" "

Obviously, he was really afraid.

Since he planned to give the beads to An Que, and earned more than 10 billion meters of knife, then Ma Baoguo no longer hid his worries, he was very clear about the condition of his body during this time, and now since An Li can see the problem of his physical condition at a glance, God knows if the beads were given to An Que, whether he would be unlucky.

And An Li, hearing this, smiled in his heart.

He does not know for the time being whether this bead has any other effects other than strengthening the knowledge of the gods, but what he can be sure of is that the disease in Marburg fruit has nothing to do with this bead, and the reason why he said it before is only because he has seen the recent physical condition of Marburg fruit through his knowledge of medical skills.

In order to naturally let the Marburg fruit sell to himself.

However, he definitely couldn't say this, and he seemed to have some concerns after thinking about it for a moment.

At this moment, it can make Ma Baoguo panic: "Mu Le, Mr. Mu, Gao Ren, you must save me, I also got this bead by mistake, you must help me, otherwise, if you give me more money, I will not enjoy it!"

"Well, it's not a problem, it's just..." "

Just what?" An Li's difficult words made Maburguo even more panicked, full of hope.

"Tell you so."

An Li hesitated slightly, and finally seemed to make up his mind, but still explained to Ma Baoguo: "There is a special power on this bead, which requires special people to guide it in a special way to be able to use it for oneself, but if people who do not understand this way use it, it will have great side effects."

"You can understand that this bead is devouring your spirit spirit, and then affecting the normal operation of various parts of your body, and over time, various diseases will appear."

"And most importantly, it's not just damaging individual bodily functions, it's also having irreversible effects on your body."

"One of the most intuitive is short-lived."

An Li's words are naturally nonsense with his eyes open, for a professional liar like Ma Baoguo, scaring and scaring him An Li does not have the slightest psychological burden.

But what An Li said was cool, but the more Ma Baoguo listened, the more ugly his face became.

Even, one face turned green.

Finally, seeing An Li finish speaking, Ma Baoguo finally couldn't hold on, plopped down on the ground, and knelt directly towards An Li, begging:

"Please, please save me, I still want to live a few more years, please!"

Affect all organs of the body, this is fine, as long as there is money, it is naturally no problem to receive treatment well, but he noticed that what An Li said will have an irreversible impact on the body, doesn't it mean that it will affect his lifespan?

According to An Li said before that he could not live for two years with the beads, then in this way, even if he gave the beads to An Li now, wouldn't he still be able to live for five more years if he died?

The saddest thing in life is to make a lot of money but burp when you can't spend it.

This is definitely what Marburgo is most afraid of:

"Mr. Mu, please, in this way, I only need ten billion, and the other two billion are given to you, you should be helping my medical expenses, how do you look like this?"

"This..." An Li hesitated.

Ma Baoguo had a play, and hurriedly said again: "Mr. Mu, please, help me, you are my reborn parents, as long as you can cure me, I will only follow your lead in the future, as long as you can see me, you can do whatever you want."

At this moment, An Li's eyes lit up.

Originally, I was a little worried, if this bead was bought, Marburg fruit would not be able to control his mouth in the future, and he would tell people everywhere, which might also affect himself. But now, if Marburg Guo is calmed by himself, doesn't that mean that he can silence Marburg Guo?

Thinking of this, An Li seemed to have finally made a decision, sighed and said:

"It's not that I don't help you, the most particular thing about me is cause and effect, since I received your beads, I naturally want to help you where I can, but your current situation, there is naturally no problem in curing the current illness, but it is very troublesome to make up for life."

What An Li said is very troublesome, not impossible.

This made Ma Baoguo react instantly, and looked at An Li with a look of anticipation: "Please, Master Mu, help me, you help me!" "

From Mu Le, Mr. Mu to Master Mu, it can be seen that An Li's status in the heart of Marburg Guo has been changing.

Seeing this, An Li nodded:

"It's just that, you and I can be regarded as contaminated with cause and effect, since you say so, then I will help you well, I will prescribe a prescription later, you let people grab medicine, first cure your current problem, as for life, I will have my own arrangements at that time, it is not something that can be treated overnight, it needs a long-term treatment, you must be mentally prepared for this."

"Yes, yes, as long as it can be cured, it will be fine for a long time!" Marburg nodded again and again, seeing hope, and the whole person's eyes were shining.

As for An Li, he also smiled at this time.

When it comes to flickering, he is no worse than Marburg Fruit!

While Marburg was preparing the medicinal herbs, An Li had already returned to the room at this time, his eyes looking at the beads in his hand, and his eyes were full of expectation.

Next, it's time to see what you really are....

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