Returning to the room and taking out the beads, An Li carefully observed.

However, it is clear that this bead does not look special to the naked eye, at first glance, it is just a relatively round giant pearl, the size of a quail egg, the whole body is white, with a little luster.

However, if you look at pearls, this bead does not seem to be special except for its size, because the luster on it is not permeable, but it can be seen by the naked eye at a glance, and there are many spots on it, which can be seen at a glance when it is closer.

An Que didn't care, Ma Baoguo had already told him before.

The source of the beads was that when he was cheating in the Eagle Country, he gave a burger to a beggar, and the beggar gave him it, and the first time he saw this bead, Marburg wanted to sell the beads, and at first he really found a jewelry business.

However, people told him that the bead was big enough, but the lack of spots on it made this bead have no collectible value, and finally told him that the 100-meter knife was collected.

This money is not too small, but Marburg Guo is not happy, at that time it is not bad for this 100-meter knife, and simply brought the beads back himself.

After that, the beads were kept here in Marburgo, until one day he found that he could control the beads, and he carried the beads with him all the time, treating them as treasures, and did not dare to take them out to meet people.

And now, An Que is holding the bead, and with the naked eye, it is indeed the same as Marburg Guo's thoughts.

This bead is very ordinary.

It is almost useless except for the big one, and no one will even ask for it for collection.

But as Knowledge looked at the beads with all his might, Angel found something strange.

The spots on the surface of this bead are not real spots, but like symbols deliberately carved on it, dense, intricate, and so subtle that even with a magnifying glass, you can't see anything, and only the ability of God to hide Knowledge, which is similar to microscopic, can be clearly seen.

These seem to be some ancient texts!

It's a bit similar to a book, and it's a little like a small seal, but it's neither, it's just more similar, and this quail egg-sized bead is densely covered with such small words, a cursory glance, the text on it is even thousands of words!


Even An Li can be regarded as well-informed, but looking at the scene in front of him is still shocking.

Who is it that can do this?

On such a bead, more than a thousand words were written out?

What does this text mean?

More importantly....

Why does one's own hidden Knowledge grow slowly when approaching this bead, and what kind of secrets are there?

An Li didn't know all this.

But one thing is certain, the origin of this bead may not be simple.

"Although I don't know what the text on this is, since there is a text, there must be something incredible recorded on it, I don't know what message this is left by the predecessors?" An Li muttered, and the Divine Hidden Knowledge swept towards the kid above, and the feeling of the slow growth of the Divine Hidden Knowledge seemed extremely formal.

It's slow, but it's growing slowly.


After observing for a while, An Li suddenly became surprised:

"The bead is just an ordinary pearl?"

After observing for a while, An Li was completely surprised.

Through the observation of Knowledge, An Li was very sure that the bead in front of him was not some magical foreign object, nor was it an imaginary magic blade, on the contrary, this bead was just the most ordinary pearl, although it seemed to be older, but it was no different from the pearls on the market.

It's just that there are thousands of small words on it, so this bead becomes extraordinary.

This discovery made An Que gasp.

"What kind of great power can make an ordinary item transcendent to such a degree just by writing these small words?"

"Also, how did the word stay?"

In An Li's mind, countless question marks flashed.

This is almost a technique of turning stones into gold, turning decay into magic, and changing an originally ordinary pearl into a divine object that can warm the Yang and the Hidden Knowledge, which is the most terrifying.

Moreover, how this small print was engraved, An Li still did not understand.

With nano lithography machine technology, there may be a way to leave such a size symbol on it, but the problem is that the lithography machine has no way to leave this dense text out, even if An Lithography has the technology of the lithography machine, it cannot do this ability at all.

And what about this pearl?

After An Querc's observation, this pearl should be at least thousands of years old.

Could it be that thousands of years ago, the ancients had already invented the lithography machine?

This is obviously.

"Perhaps, there are some forces in this world that I don't know about."

An Li made a guess in his heart, he thought of a series of options on the system interface, Shenzang Knowledge is only one of them, and the same level is also the Dantian Qi Sea and the peak of martial arts.

That God has Knowledge and opens up this miraculous divine knowledge.

That Dantian Qi Sea, can it be that he can still cultivate immortals?

As for the peak of martial arts, An Li didn't know what this thing was, but he also knew that since it was written on it was the peak of martial arts, it was naturally extremely extraordinary.

In this world, I am afraid that there are still many things that I don't know.

An Li once heard a saying that science is just a flashlight, and the place that shines is known as science, and the place that cannot be illuminated....

That's theology!

For this sentence, An Li has actually been scoffing at it, even if he obtained the system and was reborn for a while, An Li felt that this sentence was, and even he guessed that the system was probably created by some alien higher lifeform, or something made by some other high-dimensional creature.

But now, An Li had to think a little more.

The world does not seem to be what it seems.

"Whether the world is the same as I see it, one thing can't change." Finally, putting away his thoughts, An Li shook his head and said slowly:

"I, it's always me!"

"There is always nothing wrong with strengthening yourself!"

Thinking of this, those things that he couldn't figure out were completely abandoned by An Li, and now he is useless even if he knows too many things, and all he needs to do now is to make himself stronger.

Since we have discovered that there are different forces, we always have to study them well.

Thinking of this, An Li looked at the beads.

This bead is originally a mortal thing, and the real fetish is the text on it.

So if you take out the above words and put them on something else, will it become as magical as this bead?

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