"No, what's going on?"

"Still can't write it?"

"Strange, I obviously memorized all the structure and strokes of these words, but why did I forget everything when I wanted to write them out?"

"And..." "

Even if I look at it with Knowledge and write with a pen, I still can't write it?"

Half an hour later, An Li put down his pen and frowned tightly.

On the table in front of him, there was a blank piece of paper at this moment, and on the paper, only a handful of drawings were drawn, but then there was no way to bead the words on it.

It's a wonderful feeling.

Obviously I have memorized the above words, but once I want to write it, I can't write it anyway, and even if I look at it, I still can't write these words, obviously it's not a complex text structure, but it's like a complex thing in this world.

Even if it is an oak, it can't be copied!

How is this possible?

But even if he didn't want to believe it, when the facts were in front of him at this time, An Li still had to admit it.

Myself, I really can't write it.

As if this kind of writing carries some special power, ordinary people will turn their heads and forget even if they see it, even if they carefully remember and record it carefully, but when they need to use it, they will immediately forget it.

"Unexpectedly, I can't even write down a word one day when I am a top student with a full score in the national college entrance examination?"

An Li shook his head with a wry smile, some ridicule, but more helpless.

The beads are already in hand, but he has a feeling that he can't start.

Although even if you don't study the beads, just wearing them on your body can still slowly grow your own hidden knowledge, which is already a huge bargain. But obviously, Quercus is not a person who likes to settle for the status quo, and Knowledge in God can indeed grow slowly, but this rate of growth Amoak is not satisfied.

More importantly, the words on this made An Li very curious.

He was eager to see what the words on it were.

Is it some kind of exercise?

Or is it a record of a major event?

No matter what it is, it can arouse An Li's endless thirst for knowledge.


I can't even read it, and I can't even copy it down to check the information.

"How about you try drawing?"

After pondering for a long time, An Li raised a thought.

Drawing and writing, this is a very ancient but very traditional way, through the form of each calligraphy and painting, the text is copied as much as possible, in this way, there may also be a way to describe the text on paper, and then compare it to consult the information, you may be able to find clues.

Think and do it.

Picking up the pen again, An Li began to carefully observe the first text that he had observed countless times, and then quickly sketched it on the paper with one hand.

It worked!

An Li's eyes lit up, and the original text had been spent on the paper by An Li at this time.

This is like a villain holding a longbow, the drawing is called an abstraction, but An Li's eyes are very satisfied.

After all, although it is only drawn, it is somewhat similar to that text.

But I didn't understand the smile on An Li's face, and in the next second, the image of that word in my mind disappeared completely without a trace like the previous times, picking up the villain on the paper again, Rao An Li hollowed out his mind, but still couldn't peek out the slightest.

The words that obviously looked very similar before became particularly strange at this moment.

Even, you can't think of the image of that text from above.

Is the drawing not good enough?

An Li shook his head, he probably understood that this kind of writing itself should not be written down by himself, which is why this situation happened. Even if he draws well, he still can't copy the words on it, and he can't even remember it.

Drawing words is to deepen the impression and make connections.

But if the connection cannot be made, then it is impossible to copy the text by drawing.

Next, An Li fell into bitter thought again.

Is there any way to be able to record the text?

Or is it that the text itself cannot be recorded?

But if it can't be recorded, who is the person who carved these words? And how did he do it? Why is it possible to record this thing?

More importantly....

What is the purpose of the other party to record these words?

Just turn this bead into a treasure?

Or, why convey what message?

"Since it is something left, it must be to let people find and find it, then naturally it is impossible for people to incomprehensible, there must be something in it that I overlooked."

An Li muttered, and a little realization arose in his heart.

He couldn't understand the various divine intentions of this bead, but since it was an individual who wrote these words, he was probably able to guess the other party's purpose.

Leave beads, write words, for what?


Instantly, at the moment when this question came up, An Li suddenly had an idea in his heart.

Retaining words in this way must be for inheritance, and it is impossible to spend a lot of effort to write so many words on a pearl while idle and boring?

Even less likely to be for added aesthetics.

Then there is only one purpose, that is, to inherit it!

Thinking of this, An Li's eyes brightened slightly, since the purpose of the beads is to inherit, it must not be possible to really make people completely unable to understand the information on it.

Looking at the above text with Knowledge in God for yourself, you can clearly see it, but how do you understand it?


knock..." While An Li was meditating, there was a knock at the door, followed by the voice of Ma Baoguo: "Master Mu, I have prepared all the medicinal herbs, do you think we can start the treatment now?" Of course, I'm not urging you again, it's just my body..." Listening

to this obviously anxious to the extreme, but trying to pretend that he could wait any longer, An Li couldn't help but be a little funny.

Putting away the beads, An Que planned to think slowly.

Since this thing will not be understood for a while, then relax and continue to think about it, after all, God Hidden Knowledge is not small for half a day, and if you continue to observe, you may have a nervous breakdown.

Moreover, since he promised Marburg Guo to help him treat his illness, he naturally would not break his word.

Opened the door, saw Ma Baoguo waiting at the door with a flattering face, not waiting for Ma Baoguo to say something polite, An Li had already looked at a large bag of Chinese medicine in his hand, and nodded at the moment:

"The problems in your body need a process to treat, and today you need boiling medicine and acupuncture."

Saying that, An Li took the bag and walked towards the kitchen, and began to boil the medicine.

Marburg fruit is basically some small problems, for An Que naturally can be done simply, when the soup is boiled, An Oak to Marburg Fruit to start acupuncture, will be able to accelerate the medicinal effect, so that Marburg Fruit can really see the effect.

After the acupuncture and moxibustion, the decoction had been prepared, and Ma Baoguo did not hesitate and dried up in one mouthful.

In the next second, Marburgo's eyes lit up:

"It's amazing, it's really powerful, I can clearly feel that the physical discomfort has disappeared a lot, this is simply amazing!"

"Acupuncture is not needed next, I will give you a prescription, you can brew it yourself."

An Li smiled, this kind of minor illness does not even have a sense of accomplishment, at this time while explaining, while taking out a pen and paper and began to write, this thing is nothing special, Marburg fruit will brew his own medicine, he can also save trouble, while writing, An Li continued to say:

"This recipe is not special, you can also cook it yourself, but it should be noted that the medication time is every night before falling asleep, after taking it can not eat anything, not even water, Otherwise it will cause catastrophe.

"Well, I definitely will!" An Li said so seriously, how could Marburg dare to doubt it, and he nodded hurriedly at the moment, but his eyes couldn't help but look towards the prescription in An Li's hand.

But I don't know whether it was too excited or too eager, and inadvertently, even his hidden Knowledge was mobilized.

Although he himself did not know it, An Li, who possessed the knowledge of God, was the first to notice this.

And just when he realized that Marburg was stronger than himself, An Li suddenly had an idea....

The usage of that bead, I seem to have made a mistake!

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