The day after accepting the investment of the Seven Star Gang, Jinwei Fund ushered in the busiest stage.

After all, the fermentation of new products takes time, and the company that was a little deserted a few days ago, but today there are waves of people, many of them are old customers of Pude Fund who brought their families to buy this new product, in the same way, in addition to these people, there are new development customers in these days.

Since the morning, Qi Wei and the entire staff of the Jinwei Fund have been busy as if they were clockwork.

Even An Li, the big boss, was busy.

Just after negotiating a contract with a quota of more than ten heads, that is, a full 50 million meters of knife, Qi Wei wiped her sweat and sighed: "These people are really crazy, before I felt that the development speed of new customers was fast enough, but I didn't expect it to be faster, this time, even all relatives called to make up the number, it's really crazy."

"That's the charm of money, as long as you can make money and protect your capital without risk, a lot of people are happy." After all, there are many rich people now, especially Goryeo itself is at the forefront of investing in this area, and many people have different concepts, and they are more willing to invest than putting money in the bank.

An Li smiled.

While the two were talking, the phone in the office rang, it was from the front desk.

Qi Wei hurriedly drank saliva, understanding that there was a big customer coming to the door again, and answered the phone immediately, but after a while, his face suddenly became strange.

"What's wrong?" "

The people from the Seven Star Gang are here again, they just handed over the money yesterday, and now they are coming again, shouldn't it be that they want to withdraw the investment?" Qi Wei explained with some concern.

An Li raised his eyebrows, and he was also a little uncertain.

However, the people have already come, naturally there is no reason not to see, let the front desk invite people to the conference room, and the two quickly walked towards the conference room.

But as soon as they reached the door of the conference room, the two looked at each other, both a little dazed.

This time came not only Li Pengyi yesterday, followed Li Pengyi and many people, and even the two saw the figure of the reporter in it, Qi Wei's little face turned white on the spot, even An Li was drumming in his heart, secretly saying that this should not be recognized.

The two looked at each other, it was impossible to withdraw at this time, so they could only bite the bullet and go in.

As soon as I entered the conference room, I saw that Li Pengyi had quickly got up: "Dr. Park, Boss Jia!" "

Mr. Li just came yesterday, is there something wrong with coming now?" Qi Weiqiang asked calmly, looking at the reporter carrying the camera over there: "Even the reporter brought it this time, I don't know if you are...?"

Haha, I forgot to introduce you, Dr. Park, this is Professor Zhao Dongzhao of the Department of Economics and Management of Capital University, this is Miss Yoona, a reporter from Seoul TV, this is Director Song of the Financial Authority, and this is Chairman Zhang of Gao Peng Holdings..."

Li Pengyi introduced for a while, so that he did not introduce his eldest brother additionally.

With Li Pengyi's introduction, Zhao Dong took the initiative to shake hands with Qi Wei for the first time: "I have read Dr. Park's masterpiece in the past few days, and I came to visit and disturb you."

"It turned out to be Professor Zhao, hello hello. Qi Wei said politely, but then looked at the reporter suspiciously: "This Miss Yoona is here this time..." "

Dr. Park, your three economic editorials have caused a huge sensation in the Korean financial circle, and the reputation has even spread throughout Asia, causing a strong response, this time I actually want to report Dr. Park, you just happened to meet Professor Zhao Dong, so I came with him, did not make an appointment in advance, and asked Dr. Park not to mind." Miss Yoona replied immediately, her tone extremely polite.

At this moment, Qi Wei and An Li were relieved in their hearts.

It turns out that it is a study coming, as long as it is not self-destructing, then there is no problem.

After some politeness, he invited a few people into their seats, and when the secretary served the coffee, Zhao Dong asked immediately: "I was on a business trip in Busan before, and after reading Dr. Park's editorial, I was very interested, and I was eager to communicate with Dr. Park."

"Of course, welcome to exchange, Professor Zhao is still my senior, and I am very supportive of academic exchanges." Qi Wei said generously.

"So, can I ask a question

first?" reporter Yun'er spoke weakly for the first time, and after seeing that everyone had no opinion, she couldn't help but look at Qi Wei and asked: "I heard that Miss Park, you graduated from Harvard University, I also graduated from Harvard, we are still alumni, but I called my friend in the economics department, he has not heard of you?"

Her identity certificate is all made by An Li, and even the name Park Jinwei can be found in the list of doctors in Harvard, but there is no way to let the people who are in Harvard know herself, she did not expect to be able to encounter this kind of question, and for a while she didn't know how to answer.

Although his face was still flat, his heart was already a little flustered.

Fortunately, just when Qi Wei was panicking, An Li's voice using Divine Hidden Knowledge suddenly appeared in her mind, and it instantly seemed to reassure her.

After brushing it, Qi Wei turned against the customer and asked confidently: "I graduated from Harvard Business School in Boston three years ago, and then went to Wall Street as a financial consultant, and I have also been back to Harvard twice in the past two years, I don't know the name of Miss Yoona's friend, maybe I know it?"

Yoona nodded and didn't delve further.

Although it is still strange, with the appearance of a fairy like Qi Wei, even if it has been a few years since graduation, as long as she returns to Harvard, she can definitely become a top school flower level figure, but she has the lowest position here, so naturally it is impossible to chase a question and ask more.

Speaking of which, the main thing is that she does not doubt Qi Wei's identity too much.

After all, Qi Wei could let Zhao Dong come in person, naturally it was impossible to doubt whether Qi Wei's identity was forged, and the question just now was only casual.

"I have seen Dr. Park's analysis of the beginning and end of the financial crisis, and I didn't feel good when I first saw it, but the more I analyzed, the more people felt that Dr. Park's ability is strong, his understanding is thorough, and even many views can be used to write in university textbooks." Zhao Dong took the conversation and said with admiration.

"It can only be regarded as the exposition of all personal concepts, Professor Zhao praised. Qi Wei said politely.

"Dr. Park really has strength, but since Dr. Park said that this year's financial crisis will inevitably occur and the economic system will inevitably collapse, can you talk about the basis of your inference?"

Hearing Zhao Dong's question, Qi Wei cheered up.

She knew that what followed was the test of the Eight Sutras.

Whether you can get through the level or not, it depends on this time!

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