"The reason why this economic crisis is inevitable is because this economic crisis, as early as two years ago, has traces, but only now has it completely erupted, this I mentioned in my discussion, since everyone is here today, then I will talk about it in detail."

Meeting everyone's gaze, Qi Wei did not show timidity at all, but smiled confidently: "First of all, we need to know, how did the economic crisis in several years occur?"

In the end, it is an economics professor, Zhao Dong does have the ability, and at this time he answered after a little thought:

"This economic crisis, said to be an economic crisis, is actually a subprime mortgage crisis, more specifically, it should be a subprime mortgage crisis, or a subprime debt crisis." A large number of lenders are unable to repay their loans, and a large backlog of subprime loans has led to a crisis of illiquidity in major global financial markets.

"At present, the crisis is mainly caused by the lack of a financial regulatory system, which allowed Wall Street speculators to exploit loopholes, deceive the public, and finally lead to this disaster that no one can prevent."

Several others nodded as well.

This is the consensus of many people, and naturally there is no doubt.

But Qi Wei shook her head: "There is this reason for this, but in my opinion, this is definitely not the most fundamental reason."

Everyone was stunned, and looked at Qi Wei with some surprise, but saw that Qi Wei did not sell the pass, and said with a smile:

"In fact, in my opinion, there are reasons for the lack of a regulatory system, but this is not the main reason." The main reason for this, in my opinion, is the acceleration of the implementation of neoliberal economic policies in the United States in the past three decades.

"The so-called neoliberalism is a set of ideas that revived traditional liberal ideas to reduce the intervention of the government ~ government in the economy and society as the main economic policy goal, and the current leaders have been trying to promote it, which is beneficial, but too hasty to achieve quick results also leaves hidden dangers."

"Rapid development can naturally make their economy stay first, stay ahead, and make capital stronger, but in fact, such overdevelopment has many drawbacks, and this subprime mortgage crisis is a good example."

"In this catastrophe, many people are paying for their quick success..."

Qi Wei talked, and the other people suddenly pondered.

I have to admit that what Qi Wei said is indeed very reasonable.

Qi Wei did not wait for everyone to express their opinions, and said again:

"This subprime mortgage crisis, the general environment also has an impact, first of all, the most important is the bursting of the Internet bubble, a large number of American people fell into unemployment, and in order to reduce their unemployment rate, and at the same time to stimulate consumption, so the Federal Reserve Bank finally cut interest rates many times, from the crazy interest rate cuts at the beginning of this year to the current many interest rate cuts, these are all inducements."

"The consequences of the rate cut should not be repeated by me." "

Commercial banks to the Federal Reserve Bank of Mi is the interest rate is reduced, but also will make the interest rate of commercial loans lower, and the interest rate is reduced, the interest of saving money to the bank will become less, many people will invest the income money in real estate, in this way, it has led to an increase in house prices, but house prices have risen, and the demand for buying houses in order to make a profit is increasing."

"But at this time, not everyone can afford to buy a house, and this is when banks will start lending in order to make a profit."

"And the problem is that when loans are granted, different people are given different credit lines, and those with high credit and high repayment ability are loaned, which is a priority loan, and those who have average credit and average repayment ability are rated as subprime loans, and the interest rate of both loans is different, the lowest priority, and the secondary one is higher."

"Actually, as originally envisaged, it was beautiful. "

Poor people get houses through loans, banks are able to earn intermediate fees, and even because interest rates have been falling, more and more people are buying houses on subprime loans, and banks are selling MBS well."

"But at this time, this stability and beauty went wrong." "

The Mi Fed began to raise interest rates, mainly to deal with inflation and overheating the economy caused by interest rate cuts, but this time, it put the previous home lenders into a crisis, after the rate hike, people have no money to repay the loan, and more and more defaulters appear."

"When banks are unable to recover loans and face large losses, because the loans are securitized, that is, the banks spread the risk to each investor through MBS, the losses that should have been borne by the bank are spread to them." Faced with so many defaulters, CDS sellers, as an insurance company, are also unable to compensate and can only go bankrupt. The end result is that the lender defaults, the bank runs out of money, the people who invest in MBS cannot recover the principal, and the financial crisis breaks out..." An

economic crisis that many people were discussing was completely explained clearly between Qi Wei's three words at this moment, which made everyone present exclaim.

This kind of analysis is so thorough, some people have talked about the financial crisis since the beginning of this year, but no one has been able to analyze this financial crisis so thoroughly.

"Dr. Park is amazing, listening to what you said, I feel that I understand it more thoroughly." Several

people praised with praise.

Although it is the cause and process of this financial crisis, to be honest, this time is still on the cusp of the financial crisis, and many people cannot integrate these so comprehensively.

"This kind of thing, if placed in other countries, will naturally not cause the global financial crisis earthquake, and may even cause the financial system of that country to completely collapse, and may even cause the entire market to collapse completely, and the currency to depreciate completely."

Qi Wei shook her head, and did not show happiness at everyone's praise, but shook her head and sighed:

"But this time it is the United States that has a problem, so the United States will be fine, their economy can always survive, they have problems, and even the world can pay for them." "


Next, another conversation.

Qi Wei is indeed a financial master, although the previous words and techniques are supported by An Li's template, but when she says it, she analyzes them one by one according to her own understanding.

Such a remark directly shocked all the people present.

Even, for the next half an hour, the entire conference room was quiet, and everyone listened carefully to Qi Wei's analysis and explanation.

Such a scene, An Li saw it in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but smile.

This scene only illustrates one thing.

Qi Wei's identity is stable!

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