In the next few days, Zhou Kaixuan was busy, and An Li was naturally not idle.

The equivalent amount of 65 billion meter knives is indeed not a small number, and the completion of An Que's plan, as long as everything is calculated, it is not impossible to do it, but the result of this is that the profits that An Que can earn will also be limited.

Shorting the yen is not a simple stock buying up and down, and it is impossible to have a leverage effect like futures, so if you want to make a big profit, in addition to the market's ability to operate, you also need to have enough principal.

Therefore, in the next few days, An Li is still busy with funds.

Fortunately, An Que had done enough preparation before.

With the support of the neon official, the Taijiang drone will be stationed in neon, and the topic is very high for a while, and the convenience brought to An Li is unimaginable.

The most important thing is that in terms of funds, almost all major institutions and banks are happy to give this new company a mortgage.

This led to the fact that An Que came down for a few days, did not spend a penny, but made a lot of money.

Valuing factory sites, banks lend.

Order production equipment, bank loans.

Recruiters, bank lending.

Booking materials, bank lending.

Everyone regards An Oak as a fragrant fruit, and the capital of major banks has set their sights on An Oak, hoping to lend more loans to An Que, and almost all major financial industries want to make good friends with An Oak at this time.

Of course, these banker capitals are not fools, and it is naturally profitable to do so.

They are now rushing to send money to An Li, not because they are impressed by An Li's temperament, naturally not because they want to make good friends with An Li, a Xia countryman, but because they understand that as long as things develop smoothly, Taijiang drones will inevitably set off a bloody storm in the neon market, and the funds required will be even greater at that time.

The most important thing is that for Anque, the capital of major banks has already made an agreement before, which directly leads to Anque's loan interest rate far exceeding that of ordinary people.

To put it bluntly, none of the capital is conscientious.

In a neon country, businessmen always value profit the most, and in this country where interests are paramount, there are even times when they have no lower limit.

The most obvious is the joint increase in interest rates by several major banks.

Obviously for Quercus.

As soon as they signed the agreement between Anque and the neon authorities, several major banks issued new regulations for foreign investment, and the loan interest rates of all foreign-funded enterprises were comprehensively increased, without exception.

The meaning is obvious.

If An Li wants the yen, he must take it from them, and from their hands, he must enjoy high interest rates, and the market environment is directly locked up by this group of capitalists who smile on the surface but can't wait to lie on An Li's body and suck blood.

To say that An Que has the equivalent of 65 billion meters of knives brought from the neon authorities, it seems that there is nothing.

But herein lies the problem.

These 65 billion meters of knives equal to the same amount of yen, there are always times when they run out, according to the ideas that An Li deliberately conveyed to the outside world, these 65 billion meters of knives are actually nothing at all, or even a little money, which naturally makes the capitalists of major banks collectively excited.

If you are not afraid that An Que will lack money, I am afraid that An Que will not lack money.

As long as they lack money, they can lie on this Xia Guo kid and suck blood, as long as he lacks money, they will let all the profits of An Li drain in the financial industry.

Therefore, in the past few days, the capital of major banks has lent to Anque.

Loan limits soared.

For this situation, the average person is estimated to have a headache to death, after all, this group of capitalists themselves is very annoying. But for An Li, this is a great good thing.

Capitalists want to make their own money?


As long as you have the ability, then come.

As for their crazy lending, An Li did not refuse, what he wanted was a large amount of money, since these capitalists were willing to take out the funds, then why not he?

And the high interest rates of these capitalists are not a problem for An Que.

Once the short position is successful.

This interest rate is not worth mentioning.

Under such circumstances, there is a strange scene in the market.

The capitals of the major banks rushed to send money to An Li, and even hollowed out their hearts to hope that An Li could borrow more, and An Li himself also hollowed out his mind to borrow money, hoping to find an excuse to borrow new money.

In this way, the picture that should not have appeared appeared.

One wishes to fight and one wishes to be beaten.

In this harmonious environment of hello, hello, hello and everyone, according to statistics afterwards, An Li's funds have reached the equivalent of 10 million meters of Japanese yen.

In addition to the capital loans of major banks and the loans officially approved by the neon authorities, some of them were found to help An Que receive the 20 billion meter knife through the Yamaguchi group.

In total, 120 billion meters of knives, equal yen!

And that's only half a month.

For half a month, not a penny was spent, and the empty glove white wolf took a 120 billion meter knife, although the money was borrowed, and the annual interest was ridiculously high, but there were absolutely very few people who could do this.

And winning this fund also means that An Li's overall plan is only the last step.

Short the yen!

In fact, it is not impossible to short a country's currency, although it is very difficult, but in fact, as long as the timing is right and the control is appropriate, the profits that can eventually be obtained will also be large.

Not to mention that the economic environment of neon itself is more powerful than the original Dai country, not to mention that there is an economic boss in the United States behind neon, so for the average person, want to short the yen, this is simply a fantasy, and even in history, there has never been a short yen this year.

But the fact that history has not appeared does not mean that An Que cannot do it.

Is it true that the yen cannot be shorted?

Perhaps many people think that this is impossible, but for An Li, there is nothing in this world itself that is absolute, the so-called impossible to short, but no one has tried.

In fact, under the analysis of An Que, shorting the yen this year is simply an excellent opportunity.

First of all, the global financial tsunami, Wall Street died one batch after another, and the neon side and the United States almost bound together financial companies, naturally not easy, neon local economy has been greatly affected, in such a situation, in place to short to provide a suitable environment.

Secondly, Neon's Big Brother, who is at the center of this financial tsunami, is also in a very bad situation now, and has been trying to save the situation and try to save the domestic economy.

In this case, something goes wrong with a pony boy, does the United States take care of himself first, or does he take care of his own pony boy first?

The answer is self-evident.

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