"Today, we're going to make it big."

In front of the computer, An Li pressed the camera, and whispered to the Pude Fund employees on the other side of the camera, at this moment on the screen, you can see the scene in the company's conference room at a glance, and those who can participate in this meeting are obviously the core personnel of An Li Company.

Among them, including Qi Wei, and Yu Lan, who had just arrived in Goryeo.

After all, it is remote control, people are not there, no one dares to be sure that there will be no accidents, even An Li does not dare to guarantee. Therefore, Yu Lan and Qi Wei went into battle together, and with their abilities, coupled with their own remote deployment and command, they were able to minimize the risk.

At this moment, in the conference room, everyone held their breath and looked at their boss expectantly.

How awesome the boss is, they don't want to say more.

Now, their awesome boss is about to start making a big deal, although at the moment they have only signed a confidentiality agreement, and they have no idea what the boss plans to do next. But the more mysterious they are, the more they look forward to it.

The boss said that this is a big deal, maybe it can catch up with the gold before.

"I believe that everyone has signed the confidentiality agreement, so I will not hide it from you."

An Li slowly spoke, the corners of his mouth slightly upturned:

"If I say, I want to short neon coins, do you dare?"

Short Neon Coins?


Everyone was stunned on the spot, even if they knew that the boss said to do a big deal, it must be big, but they still didn't expect that the boss said to do a big deal, it was so big.

Shorting neon coins, something they dare not think about, but now the boss is ready to do so.

It's outrageous!

Seeing everyone's consternation, An Li continued to speak.

"I know that you may think I'm crazy, after all, this plan is indeed a little too crazy, and the risks involved in it are also very large, so I will not force you to participate in this operation."

"The short phase will last for a week, so if you participate, we will continue to fight for the next week, and if you are not willing to participate, I will not stop it, but I hope you promise that you will not disclose the slightest information to the outside world for the next week."

"Now, you have a choice, if you don't want to, you can leave this room now."

After speaking, An Li looked at everyone on the computer screen calmly.

In the conference room at this time, the quiet drop of needles can be heard.

Everyone is thinking.

Had to think.

Gold is big enough, but there is also a ceiling, but short the yen is different, if this thing succeeds, it must be an earth-shattering event, but if it fails, blood is a must, the bigger problem is that their future lives may be affected.

Going short, that is to offend a lot of people.

Short gold, they have nothing to be afraid of, after all, there are so many short gold, they participate in the first hand and there is no psychological burden, but short neon coins are different, that is a major event that can affect the entire neon economy, and even the economies of other countries ~ countries will be affected.

Yes, shorting is legal, but if you play too much, God knows what will happen to the capitalists who lost money?

If you win, it's okay, if you have money, you are capital, and no one is afraid.

But if it fails, it's different.

Therefore, this is a very difficult choice question, and there is no room for everyone to think badly.

The silence in the conference room lasted for a long time, everyone you look at me, I look at you, there is hesitation in their eyes. They are indeed hesitant to stay, naturally they have strong confidence in the boss, but to stay, the risks need to be considered.

Finally, someone took the lead to get up, this is a middle-aged man, his wife has just given birth to a pair of twins, is the pillar of the family, at this time he took the lead to get up, noticed the eyes of everyone present and suddenly turned red, stood up and bowed to everyone:

"I'm sorry, I'm

sorry..." "I'm sorry..."

It can be seen that he is very sad and wants to follow the boss to kill, but he does not dare to take such a big risk, as the pillar of the family, He needs not only blind trust, but also thinking about the risks inside.

To this man, An Li smiled slightly:

"It's okay, no need to apologize, there are still people who want to quit, you can do it now."

This operation requires absolute trust, and even the slightest hesitation and concern may bring unimaginable disasters, so even a few employees to help, it is okay.

As the men withdrew, several more left one after another.

Like men, most of these people have a lot of worries and can't let go, and before everyone leaves, they bow deeply to An Li, and everyone's face is full of guilt.

It's a guilt for not being able to fight alongside your boss.

Soon, when the last person who chose to give up left, there were originally more than twenty people in the middle and high-level meeting, and there were 13 people left at the moment, and the remaining people had either made up their minds to follow the boss to play this big ticket, or they had nothing to worry about, and they could fight at any time.

Looking at these people, the corners of An Li's mouth turned up slightly:

"Since you are willing to stay, it means that you believe me, and in half a month, you will thank yourself now."

Next, it's time for tactical arrangements.

"At present, I have completed the first part of the first stage, I have prepared 120 billion meters of neon coins equivalent to the knife, enough to provide you with enough ammunition, next I will transfer this money to the company's account by some means, and then I need you to throw neon coins in the futures market and short futures."

"So, I'll start arranging now."

"Li Xiuxian, Song Shuren, paint the three of you as a group, your next goal is to use your financial ability to enter the futures market to short sell futures, so much money should be enough for you to turn upside down, right?"

The three people whose names were called immediately nodded.

120 billion meters of knife, so much money to take, you can do whatever you want to do.

"Wang Shixun, Kaolilai, Jennifer, I want the three of you to start contacting the relevant media and reporting channels, you will be the main force for us to control public opinion, so what you need to do next is to do everything possible to catch all the lines."

The three nodded again.

And An Li's arrangement did not stop:

"Gao Junqiao, Li has a meeting, and the two of you are responsible for the next operation of the foreign exchange market."

"..." One

by one, instructions came from An Li's mouth.

This indicates that a huge financial tsunami is about to hit completely!

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