Shorting a country's currency is a very simple and at the same time very complex thing.

The simple place is that shorting the currency, in fact, the principle is very simple, and shorting other companies' stock markets in the market, using hedging, spreading false news, and so on in various ways to achieve the purpose of shorting.

But at the same time, the complexity lies in the fact that shorting the yen is obviously more complicated than ordinary stock shorting, not simply one or two operations can be done, which requires a huge calculation method, and a very accurate estimate of the market.

Otherwise, if you are a little careless, the blood will be the lightest.

What An Que did was actually not that complicated, and the process of sniping himself into three stages was broken down.

The first step is the preparatory stage.

First, borrow the yen with the relative floor interest as ammunition later, and sell the yen in the futures market foreign exchange market, while shorting the index.

Under his leadership, the 120 billion meter knife yen was split into several parts, each of which entered the futures market, the foreign exchange market and the stock market, and a large number of yen entered the market under the operation of Pude Fund employees, and even set off a lot of storms.

It suddenly became clear that the yen in the market had increased.

At this stage, no one has yet noticed Anque's intentions, although the rapid entry of the yen into the market is somewhat unexpected by many capitalists, but as a currency, the yen will still not be subject to any restrictions.

However, when more and more yen entered the market and broke into people's view, the situation began to change.

Chief among them is rumors.

There is never a shortage of rumors in the financial markets, and what a good financial practitioner needs to do is to identify the various rumors that are flooding the market, identify whether these rumors are true rumors or some real ones, and thus decide the next choice they need to make.

The various remoteness of the yen slowly appeared, and at first it was not noticed, but when more and more media began to report various rumors, and when more and more institutions began to distrust the yen, the chain reaction was huge.

By this time, the neon authorities had actually noticed.

They reacted quickly and smashed rumors through various means at the first time, after all, a country's currency is their economic lifeline, and rapid currency growth, or rapid depreciation, is a terrible disaster for a country's financial system.

It's obvious, though.

An Que, who had already been prepared, could not give them a chance at all.

Now the rhythm is completely controlled by An Li.

The point is complete, and the second stage follows.

Market making period!

After all, the spread of rumors is just rumors, so some opportunities and coincidences are needed to make people's recognition of rumors go to a higher level, and then there is the opportunity to fire crazy ammunition in hand, what needs to be done at this time is to completely lose trust in the yen, and eventually force the yen to take interest, adjust the value of the yen, and cause the individual stock index to plummet.

At this stage, Quercus is underway.

Rumors need an opportunity, and since An Li came prepared, he naturally will not wait for the opportunity, what he has to do is not wait, but manufacture!

How to create opportunities?

It's simple.

An Li just listed a data table, published directly through major media and newspapers, and immediately caused a wave of market rendering.

"Affected by the financial tsunami, the neon market is not optimistic about major capitals."

"Counting the investment of major capitals in Neon over the years, compared with the reduction in the amount of investment this year."

"The neon market may have been abandoned by major capitals!"


variety of title articles keep appearing.

These reports, without exception, detail the amount of foreign investment in Neon with a high reputation this year, these are not secrets, discerning people can actually do it with careful statistics, in previous years, many people saw these data at most just a glance, and will not pay too much attention.

After all, this thing has little practical reference value.

But at this time, these data were constantly taken out and put on the bright side, and after the reports of major media and newspapers, things took a new turn.

Because without exception, the investment of major capital this year has decreased.

This is a very understandable thing, after all, this year's financial tsunami swept the world, especially for countries like Neon, the impact is greater, major capitals in such an environment, basically without exception will choose to reduce investment.

In the usual way, everyone can understand what they are doing for this.

After all, at this time, what increases investment is not a strong confidence, that is, the head lacks a string.

But this time, it was different.

There have been a variety of rumors widely spread before, which itself has cast a shadow on the psychology of many investors, is your capital abandoned neon, what neon is no longer the best market for investment, etc., people continue to say it, and at this time, the emergence of this data is particularly deadly.

Almost immediately, the Neon local stock market index was affected.

A large number of investors are gradually losing interest in neon.

In the foreign exchange market, the yen has experienced extremely strong fluctuations.

The Neon authorities reacted quickly, contacting major foreign-funded companies as soon as possible, while blocking reports of inflammatory remarks through media reports from all sides.

Blocking news, something any authority would do, can greatly reduce risk and influence.

But the problem is that this rumor did not come out of nowhere.

It was set off by An Que premeditated.

So, just as the neon authorities reacted, An Li had already shown a victorious smile and said to the computer monitor:

"Now on, sell all the yen handles in our hands!"

The boss ordered, and all the employees of Pude Fund immediately took quick action, each logged in to their own operation interface, and quickly began to sell all the yen currently held by Pude Fund.

Previously, Pude Fund had released almost 10 billion yen before and after.

At that time, there were some storms, but not too big.

But now, when all the yen worth more than 100 billion meters of knife entered the foreign exchange market and began to sell desperately....

The fuse that ignited the market storm was finally completely ignited.

The first to be affected is the foreign exchange market.

Such a large amount of money sold off immediately attracted everyone's attention, and many retail investors holding yen also sold at the first time, for fear of going late and eventually making themselves lose their money.

The impact of the foreign exchange market, the direct consequence, is that neon domestic futures and stock markets, in the first time to be greatly affected.

Stocks, futures, any industry related to neon, the first time showed a cliff-like decline.

The decline was unprecedented.

Messed up!

Neon Market, complete mess!

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