"See me for something?"

Just now it was too lax, causing An Li to open the door directly without even carefully checking the situation outside the house, and at this moment, facing Watanabe Jigawa's obviously ill-intentioned face, he immediately understood.

He succeeded, but the other party definitely couldn't just give up.

At this time, while answering, An Li observed these people.

Watanabe Jikawa has nothing to say, as a member of the Yamaguchi group, he is a cultivator in his own right, although his strength can only be regarded as average in An Li's opinion, but the few people next to him make An Li can't help but frown.

This time, there were three more people who came with Watanabe Jikawa .

All three were dressed in black, and on the surface they seemed to be just Watanabe Jigawa's bodyguards or subordinates, but a closer look at An Li found that the only thing the three had in common was only one thing besides the clothes on their bodies.

The three of them are all cultivators.

However, the difference is that although the three are all cultivators, the methods they cultivate are different, and one of the middle-aged men feels like a sword, an extremely sharp unsheathed sword, even if he just looks at An Li like this, it makes An Li wary.

The other is a young man, plain-looking, short in stature, who makes people unconsciously ignore each other.

The last one, and An Li attaches the most importance to, this is a young and beautiful girl, calm eyes, looks no hostility, An Li can pay special attention to her, naturally not because she is beautiful enough, but because this woman, giving An Li a very mysterious feeling, even An Li faintly has a feeling, this woman, the strength is probably very strong, even An Li, when facing this girl, there is an irresistible illusion.

These three people have good strength, and once they make a move, they will definitely break the sky.

"Mr. An, please!"

When An Li observed a few people, Watanabe Jikawa had already spoken, and added coldly: "Of course, if Mr. An still has something to take, these can help." That

being said, it is almost self-evident to help.

An Li raised his eyebrows slightly.

He did guess that the other party might unload the grind and kill the donkey at the last moment, and even An Li was still prepared, but unexpectedly, the other party was able to directly call these three strongmen to appear, to the point that An Li expected, at this time naturally understood the meaning of the other party, after a little hesitation, An Li nodded and smiled:

"It is also my honor to meet the Neon Emperor, please ask Mr. Watanabe to lead the way."

Relatively harmonious.

There is no way to discord, An Li really does not want to fight with the other party at this time, since he wants to meet with the other party, then instead of starting now, it is better to wait for the meeting before making a decision.

An Li's choice did not surprise Watanabe Jigawa, and under the "protection" of the four people, An Li and his party directly got into an Alpha and drove away from the hotel.

On the way, An Li tried to talk to a few people and probe the mouth, but unfortunately, neither the three masters nor Watanabe Jikawa paid attention to An Li's meaning, which made An Li a little helpless, and could only honestly close his mouth.

The car drove all the way into the Neon Imperial City, a country that has been a vassal of the Xia Kingdom for thousands of years, even in the establishment of the Imperial City, there are many places that imitate the Xia Kingdom Imperial Court, so that An Li, who has seen a lot of ancient capital of the imperial city, still does not feel anything conspicuous when he comes to this place.

The Imperial City is directly entered by outsiders, but the car is obviously unrestricted, entering the Imperial City unimpeded all the way and slowly driving along a path.

On both sides of the road, it was deserted, and the only thing that could be seen was some servants cleaning.

An Li sat in the car, thinking about countermeasures, but at this moment, a strong sense of crisis suddenly appeared, such a sense of crisis without warning, but it was particularly real, thanks to being rescued by this sense of crisis several times before, An Li almost immediately spoke:

"Stop, be careful!"

But as soon as the words fell, the sound of a blade cutting through steel came.

Looking up, I saw a black long sword, which was directly stabbed from the roof of the vehicle, suddenly and without warning.

This sword was pointed straight at the driver's seat.

Watanabe Jikawa who was driving the car didn't even have time to scream, and the whole person was directly pierced by the long sword from the top of his head. This sword is very sharp, so sharp that it directly cut off Watanabe Jigawa's vitality without any obstruction, so sharp that by the time the others in the car reacted, Watanabe Jikawa had lost his vitality.

He was still driving, and after being fatally killed by a move at this moment, the accelerator under his feet was suddenly stepped on to the end, and the car was completely out of control at this moment, roaring and roaring straight ahead.

A runaway car can't affect several other people.

The swordsman sitting in the co-pilot opened the door lock for the first time, and the other three each pulled the car door, and then all jumped out, An Li was pulled by the girl, and also jumped away from the runaway car, and after rolling twice on the ground, nothing happened.

Several other people were also fine, and a few people jumped out of the car and looked at the runaway car with full vigilance for the first time.

But at this time, there was no figure in the car, even the long sword that pierced Watanabe Jigawa, and it had also disappeared.

This scene made several people's hearts sink.


This is a real master!

Quietly arrived, and then quietly disappeared and hidden, killing with one blow, and even making people have no chance to react, such a terrifying strength beyond the imagination of everyone present, the three did not say a word, but each turned their backs to the guard.

Dare to commit murder in the Imperial City, or even kill people under their noses, this is unimaginable.

An Li was equally puzzled.

However, he was a little happy, after all, no matter how he looked, he was kidnapped just now, and now a ruthless person has appeared, which is only good and not harmful to him.

But soon, An Li's brows furrowed slightly.

A powerful and unparalleled force of Divine Hidden Knowledge swept away in an instant, and the strength of this Divine Hidden Knowledge force made even the soul bead on his body tremble rapidly.

This situation in the Soul Orb only happened the last time I encountered Dr. Z.


And he is a master of Knowledge in God's Treasure!

At this moment, that sense of crisis reappears, but this time the crisis does not come from the body, but from Knowledge in God.

In an instant, a powerful blade condensed by Divine Hidden Knowledge stabbed towards Angel's Deep Knowledge.

This is....

Soul Thorn!

In an instant, An Li discerned this move, because this move he had seen in the people of the Dementor Sect, and even learned it secretly, but he did not expect that within this neon imperial city, he actually encountered such an attack!

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