When this powerful divine soul thorn force arrived, An Li's heart tightened, but he couldn't do anything.

Divine Hidden Knowledge, the power that An Que first touched, has also improved greatly during this time, but it has to be admitted that even with the floating island, even if the strength has already been strengthened, but in the area of God Hidden Knowledge, An Oak is still weak.

In the face of real masters, they are still vulnerable and vulnerable.

At this time, facing this Divine Soul Thorn, An Li couldn't even do anything, and could only hope for the help of Yu Soul Zhen Bead.

But this time, before the help of the Soul Zhen Bead came, an equally powerful Divine Hidden Knowledge force suddenly appeared, like a shield, blocking in front of An Li, which could block the spiritual impact of the Divine Soul Thorn.


A soft snort came, An Li looked sideways, and saw that the girl's face was pale at this time, as if her spiritual power had been greatly impacted, and even the corners of her mouth overflowed with a trace of blood.

Apparently, at the critical moment, the girl helped An Li block the blow.

However, the girl obviously ignored An Que, quickly wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and then pointed to a tree on the side of the road: "There!" In

an instant, everyone's eyes looked in unison in the direction the girl was pointing.

I saw that in the shade of greenery over there, a middle-aged man holding a black long sword and wearing black clothes stood under the tree, looking at everyone with cold eyes.

It was as if he had been there in the first place, but consciously ignored.

If it weren't for the girl pointing it out, even everyone would subconsciously ignore each other.

"What are you?"

"Dare to kill in the Imperial City, report your name!"

The swordsman immediately pulled out his samurai sword, the center of gravity of his body was slightly lowered, and the whole person stared at the middle-aged man under the shade of the tree.

The middle-aged man snorted coldly: "Dementor Sect, Bian Shu City!"

As soon as this name came out, An Li suddenly frowned.

Sure enough, it's someone from the Dementor Sect!

Moreover, the name Bian Shu City ....

"Grand Elder of the Dementor Sect?"

The girl frowned for the first time and looked at the middle-aged man vigilantly: "The Dementor Sect and my Neon did not have any contact in the past, today the Great Elder personally went to the imperial city, and even committed killing, I don't know what the intention is, could it be that the Dementor Sect wants to declare war with my Neon Three Families?" "

Declaration of war?"

Bian Shucheng snorted: "Then what about declaring war!" "



This Great Elder of the Dementor Sect showed unprecedented arrogance from the moment he appeared, and sneered at this time: "What shit neon three families, it's just three waste families, the old man remembers, when my Dementor Sect was forced to retreat into the extreme north, your neon three families seem to have made a lot of efforts in it, and now since you want to take revenge, then you will repay it together." From

beginning to end, Bian Shucheng showed enough arrogance to seem to not look at these three people at all, it seemed that these three strongmen could only be regarded as an ordinary cat and dog on the side of the road in his eyes.

However, he clearly has such arrogant capital.

After all, his strength has been demonstrated from the previous silent approach to killing Watanabe Jikawa on the roof of the car, and then using the spirit to stab the girl.


Bian Shucheng's arrogance obviously angered the three people present, and the swordsman immediately drew his long sword: "It's just a rat who has been beaten and is hiding from east to west, just because you dare to make a move in the Neon Imperial City, you will definitely die today!" After

saying that, the swordsman took the lead in killing the Great Elder of the Dementor Sect.

The swordsman moved, and the other person also disappeared into the darkness in an instant, and the whole person disappeared in an instant, obviously the two were about to join forces.

The girl did not sit idle, her hands formed a magic seal, and she said something in her mouth, An Li listened carefully, it seemed to be a magic decision, and if she felt carefully, she could see that this girl seemed to be able to summon some kind of powerful force, and when her mantra was issued, a special force slowly appeared.

Powerful, violent, gloomy, and full of danger.

It's just that the owner of this force did not appear directly, but hidden, and it seemed that it was not yet the time to strike.

An Li looked at it, but he already had a general understanding in his heart.

These three people should represent the Neon Three Masters, and they are also the inheritors of the Neon Ancient Cultivators.

That swordsman, needless to say, was probably the Neon Kendo family.

There is a difference between Neon Kendo and Xia Guo Kendo, and it is rumored that this is a way that Neon groped after learning Xia Guo Kendo and improving it.

The other one who is hidden in the dark at any time is probably the ninjutsu family.

Neon ninjas, which have appeared in many film and television works, shurikens, star darts and haunted figures, have become iconic items of neon ninjas, but in fact, this group of people just learned some of the skills of the Xia Kingdom assassins, to put it bluntly, they played assassination, but they just took a path.

As for the girl, An Li looked at it more, and finally thought of a guess.


This is the most mysterious group of people among the Neon Three, they are actually not too powerful, they are also majoring in the spiritual power of God Hidden Knowledge, but they have special powers, and they can summon the existence called Shikami to help.

What Shikami is, An Que has not yet seen, but according to the information on the floating island, he has known.

The so-called Shikami is just something between demons and ghosts, half-demon and half-ghost for Shikami, this Shikami has the unfathomable power of gods and demons, what the Onmyoji does, is to reach some agreement with this kind of thing, and then raise Shikami and borrow the power of Shikami to fight.

To put it bluntly, it is to make a deal with the devil.

Thinking about this, An Li understood, this time the emperor summoned, I am afraid that the people who came were indeed not good, and the people of the three major families came out, maybe it was for themselves.


Looking at the Great Elder of the Dementor Sect who had already fought with the swordsman and the ninja, An Li's face became strange.

Knowing that this was the Great Elder of the Dementor Sect, An Li knew what his purpose was.

His purpose is obviously for himself.

By now, he already knew that at the base of the Z Organization, he killed the son of the Great Elder of the Dementor Sect, and was even able to be tracked down by the Great Elder of the Dementor Sect, but after that, this Great Elder of the Dementor Sect never appeared, so that An Li even ignored that he had provoked such a strong enemy.

What I didn't expect was that this strong enemy was now killed.

In this one... Kill at a not very suitable time.

Even, he fought to the death with the three people who had no relatives with him...

To be reasonable, An Li felt that there were ten thousand question marks in his heart.


That doesn't seem bad either.

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