The pet king of the city

Chapter 158 Blood Shadow

Chen Lie finally said: "Now you can freely, you will find a gang or killer to join, then hone."

I don't want to have a blood shadow but I'm pleasing: "Young master, I want to go to Tianshui to hone."

Chen Lian asked: "You are not a blood?"

Blood shadow nodded.

Chen Lie sighed and actually sent a large bucket of blood.

Even if the blood-shaded cultivation talent is higher, it is impossible to jump from the no foundation directly to the day after the short two months.

If it is not cultivating a strange [Sky], if there is a lot of printed blood assist, she is now at most.

Chen Lien promised: "Well, I said that you are free, now you can freely handle your life."

"Thank you, Shaoyle!"

For Chen Lie's generosity, the blood shadow has not been known, just understand thanks.

Original Chen Lie also didn't want too many people to cultivate [Tian Tian], but the body's quality of the blood is very suitable for cultivation [Sky], even better than Wang Wan Tian.

Chen Lie can not violently violently, waste blood shadow super talent?

Chen Lie who did not have other choices was finally fulfilled, and it was all blood.


Chen Lie's voice, the blood shadow disappeared.

I have to say that the fasting of the blood is getting more and more proficient.

Chen Lie looked at this secret training, and even the ink uncle did not know, the bottom is very satisfied.

The bloody talents are far away from all people here, including Chen Lie. Even in the past, only a few people are slightly surpassing blood in this regard.


Even if Chen Lie is confident, I really feel an invisible pressure in front of the genius like the blood.

As a born person, but also the young master of people, if this is all caught up by the other person, Chen Lie lost his family.

It is because of such a pressure, I originally wanted to continue to write out some of the skills of the previous skills of the world, have to enhance the pace of promotion.

Promoting, must you go to Tianshui?

not necessarily!

Chen Lie saw a reward in the daily things of the North Rongchamber.

A mountain city called [Tiger Tiratrios] suddenly came to a sly six-order spirit beast, often sneaked into the caravans in the mountain city and the farmers, hunters, cowards, etc. who came out of the city, and now there are at least 30 people to live. Oral.

Such casualties have been scared to countless caravans and residents, although Tiger Tiger City is very comfortable, but there is still a small-scale fugitive.

It is no longer, and the Tiger City Lord has to release a reward. Inviting the master of all over the world to come to encircle this sly six-order spirit beast. As long as someone can take the head of the beast, you can get 10 Bass Sassards' rich remuneration.

I don't say 10 Ba Si Dan for Chen Lie, saying that the value of the six-order spirit beast is enough to take this danger.

Departure, there is no helves.

Chen Lie told the family's business, let Manyou hosted, with his seven-level sword and storage bag that was grabbed by him, deployed.

The sword name [Qinghong], because there are some exquisite greens on the sword, and they are named.

If there is no [Qinghong], Chen Lie is proud to be so easy.

If this mysterious sixth beast is the kind of geeled beast, even if Chen Lie's Thunder step is fast, even if the blast is fierce, it is not allowed to do it.

In just two days, Chen Lie came to the Tiger City of the atmosphere.

Tiger Town Best Restaurant.

There is not many high-rise buildings in this era, but this rare three-storey restaurant has built a taste. The strong solid wood as the main body, the carved engraved phoenix can be seen everywhere, just the popularity here, even if there is drinking, it is also drinking. There is no lively atmosphere at all.

"This master, please!"

Chen Lie has just been welcoming the warmth of Xiao Yi, and Chen Lie, who is smelling the fragrance, and the best of the top three floors.

The most elegant area on the third floor is generally the most lively place.

But the recent business is not good, it is only a little bit of scarry.

Chen Lie did not attract the third floor of the guests of the guests, they still continue their whispers.

"Repair is very high!"

Even so, Chen Lie did not fall lightly, because every guest of every guest here is much higher than him, the strongest one is successful.

Suddenly, Chen Lie felt a trace of discomfort.


No, it is killing, flickering, killing from Chen Lie.

How is this going?

Chen Lie does not know the people here, how can I encounter inexplicable enemies, and even hatred?

I have encountered hostilities without reason.

No, even killing, this is not a good sign.

Chen Lie knows what this means, but he pretended to be not perceived, gently patted the dirt and dust from the clothes, and took this opportunity to observe several guests in the third floor.

Here is that all masters of Tiger Tirace are gathering. Only those who are responsible for the masters are dare to enjoy the high level of the city.

Naturally, people here are also characteristic:

One of them is the highest, and the seven remedies after the day after tomorrow are definitely the first master here. Although he is just a person, I saw wine on the table, but no one dared to look at him.

There is also a couple, the long-term phase is very ordinary, but it is the success of the sixth day, and people don't dare to be small.

There is also a black man who eats the extremely fierce, his equipment is the most poor, all the goods below the third order, the clothes are also coarse cloth, drinking wine is also very low, but his mentality is very good, one is also Don't care about everyone's eyes.

But these are not a key person, sitting in the best position, the four men have made Chen Lie very uncomfortable, always think that his eyes are weird, this is not the kind of killing eyes, but a kind of inexplicable Greed.

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