The pet king of the city

Chapter 159 Strong Buy Selling

These are not key characters, sitting in the best position, the four men have made Chen Lie very uncomfortable, always think that his eyes are strange, this is not the kind of killing eyes, but a inexplicable greedy.

Chen Lie did not distinguish from him to kill him, only to continue to be stupid.

"Guest officer, your wine is coming."

The well-behaved small second horse holds the wine.

Subsequently, it is a cold and warm, and the attitude does not mention more friendly.

Not the recent quote is not good, it is so passionate, although the second is the ordinary person who can't cultivate, but it is naturally not a simple role, and the color of the sees can be the first survival standard here.

When Xiao Er saw Chen Lie knowing that Chen Lie is the kind of not lack of purse, as long as it is good to serve well, you can get a rich reward.

Chen Lie tasted the first food and the first cuisine here.

This wine actually has the effect of recovery, although it is weak, but it can also be able to classify the Ling Dan.

There is also a weird meat. After eating, you can also restore the state. After the query, it is actually the most tender fresh meat on the first-order spirit and beef.

"Yes, it is still very interesting."

Chen Lie was very satisfied, but the enjoyment was not his purpose, asked: "Xiao 2, tell me the monster message."

Xiao Er is obviously prepared, replied: "After returning to the guest, the fierce monster is too embarrassing, never exposing its true face. Every time, there is a different answer, Once, it was a master of the caravan, and he said that he had encountered a six-order mountain mad beaker, and the five masters of five masters said the next day, the five masters said that there was a drinking monkey. Tianshui Wolf, etc., almost no one is the same. "

Chen Lie's expression suddenly serious.

Even if so many masters encounter, even if there are so many abnormal descriptions, it is much abnormal.

However, Chen Lie also can't think of what a spirit beast can cause such a abrupt result, and can only continue to ask.

Subsequently, Chen Lien met some details, gave a small second rich reward, and the slow cockroach tasted the wine.

"Forget it."

Chen Lie has no mood to continue to eat and drink.

However, the people 's shadow flashed, and the four men before the thief had a thief, suddenly he was in front of the road to block the road of Chen Lie downstairs.

Chen Lie's eyes are cold, and asked coldly: "What do you mean?"

"Means nothing."

The thief's eye is full of greedily looked at Chen Lie to carry [Qinghong], asked: "Kid, your sword is good, Laozi is 10 or two gold to buy you."

"Don't sell!"

Chen Lien knows that it is [Qinghong].

To know [Qinghong], the seven-day spirit of the day after tomorrow, even those children do not necessarily have, the secular person is more impossible to resist.

But Chen Lie is a bit of camouflage, and it is very vulgar to [Qinghong], which makes [Qinghong] very vulgar, how can this guy still see [Qinghong] Is baby?

The thief has a smile and asked: "Little son, it is estimated that you still don't know who I am?"

Chen Lie lane: "The problem is that I don't need to know who you are."

The thief's eye has suddenly been dark, then he lanes his meat. "Kid, isn't your parents not tell you that it is best not to be too high after going out, can you bear it?"

Chen Lie said: "Can't deal with, I am not seeing!"

"court death!"

The thief's eye seems to be the biggest insult, and the burn directly, I bombed the head of Chen Lie.

Martial arts, but also four martial arts.

"court death!"

Chen Lie had returned to a sentence, but he didn't see him. The body of the thief was bent, and the shrimp is flying. It also sprayed countless blood in the process of flying, and finally broke the wooden railing of the stairs and fell the second floor. , Causing a chaotic on the second floor.

Quiet, dead and general.

Chen Lie has the same level of war with thief's eye, but Chen Lie has killed each other with rolling gesture.

Such strength, even if the five weeks have, even the sixth day of the day may not be possible.

Chen Lie shook his head and sighed: "There is such garbage in such a place. It is no wonder that there is no real master to help the tiger. Forget it, eat in such a place, not as better than the bun."

Chen Lie is gentle, ready to go down the stairs.

call out!

It is also a movie suddenly blindly blocks Chen Lie's way.

The three floors saw this person, and the expression was serious.

And the two floors' military doors are more fierce, and they are directly troubleshooting:

"I didn't expect the help of the money to help, this child is going to be unlucky!"

"Yeah, the golden gang owner is the first expert in Tiger City, there is a successful number of times the day!"

"This is not stopped, I also heard that the gold help, but I realized two strong martial arts!"

"This kid played the younger brother, if the brother is not as good, the money is not used here."

Almost all people think that Chen Lie is to be horrified, but I didn't expect Chen Lie to be surprised and there was no, but there was still mood laugh: "It's a small, it's big, it really does not enter the style of gang."


Golden Honor is cold and cold, I looked at Chen Lie and asked with a gigmated gesture: "I will kneel down! As long as you put down the sword, I immediately hit my brother's hand, and I will give it three heads to the old man. I will not die! Otherwise, Laozi is not allowed to survive, seeking death! "

"How so many nonsense?"

Chen Lie was very helplessly looking at each other, and it was full of disdain.

Yes, it is disdainful, and the six masters of the day after the night are not in the eyes.

"good very good!"

The Golden Gang did not expect Chen Lie so high-profile, and he couldn't help but praise.

In fact, he was scared by Chen Lie.

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