The pet king of the city

Chapter 152 Sneaky Woman

"Okay, we will be back soon."

Ren Qing spoke to the other party hastily, and then hurried to Chen Lie's side and said, "A Lie, something went wrong in the store! We must go back immediately!"

"What exactly happened?"

"You calm down."

Chen Lie also became nervous.

There is a super police dog, Xiao Hei, in the shop. Even if an international bandit wants to enter and steal, he has to be stunned.

"Ipho is injured."

With these words, Chen Lie and the others had to return early.


Chen Lie quickly left Huicheng in the farewell of the hotel and the regrets of Wen Lan and the children.


Super pet shop.

A luxury motorhome stopped at the door of the temporarily suspended super pet shop.

Chen Lie didn't care about taking the luggage, so he flew down and opened the door.

Liu Yifeng limped out to greet him.


Chen Lie knew that Liu Yifeng had to gritted his teeth when he walked.

"It's not very serious, it's just twisting the ankle joints. Just rub the oil for a few days."

But Liu Yifeng didn't want Chen Lie to worry. He found a rhythm that even smarter people would not believe.

Chen Lie was too lazy to talk nonsense.

He directly let Liu Yifeng sit down, and then grabbed her feet.

What caught the eye were the toes swollen into eggs.


Chen Lie scolded: "It's swollen like this, and I'm still playing stubbornly!"

After finishing the code, Chen Lie got up and looked around for something.

"Sit down first, and I will take you to the hospital."

"No, there is a well-known orthopedic doctor near the vegetable market."

Chen Lie pulled Liu Yifeng up.

"I can just go by myself."


Chen Lie directly picked up Liu Yifeng and walked out.

Because the skin is dark and the clothes are dirty, it's good not to be rejected by others, let alone being cared about.

Such treatment is definitely the first in his life.

Processing is complete.

Chen Lie pushed Liu Yifeng back with the wheelchair he bought.

At this time, the renovation work in the store is almost complete.

Come and clean up your hands tomorrow and you can move in.

Because there are no paints and dyes in the decoration this time, and the materials are purely natural, there is no need to worry about harmful gases.

Ren Qing and Gu Xiaoyu also cleaned up the store.

"Okay, go ahead."

Chen Lie has been tossing so far, but he still doesn't know why Liu Yifeng was injured.

Liu Yifeng replied weakly: "My injuries were all caused by my carelessness."

"Tell the truth!"

Chen Lie reminded dissatisfiedly: "If she is not careful, Qingqing will not be surprised."

Ren Qing said directly: "I was scared by the animals at home."

Chen Lie looked at Yin Leopard instinctively.

If it is the most disobedient to discipline and the most likely to attack people, then only the silver leopard who has not come to treat the disabled in a hurry.

"Not it."

Ren Qing actually pointed to Xiao Hei and said, "Hey, it's because of its sudden scream that it frightened Yifeng who was holding something and fell like this."

No wonder Ren Qing was so surprised before.


"and many more."

Chen Lie instinctively denied Xiao Hei's loss of control, but then he thought of a possibility and asked: "Xiao Hei, have you noticed something abnormal?"


Black nodded.

Chen Lie looked at Liu Yifeng and asked, "When Xiao Hei suddenly yelled, what happened in the store?"

Liu Yifeng replied: "At that time, there was only one regular customer in the store, and that regular customer was scared away by Xiao Hei."

Chen Lie asked, "What regular customer? What was he doing?"

"That regular customer calls himself Jia, who runs a pet grooming company."

"Ms. Jia is a very temperamental lady. She came here a long time ago. In the past few days when the boss and you left, she came more frequently, so she had more contact with me."

Liu Yifeng recalled: "She was a very good-sounding rich woman. Even if I made the wrong information, she didn't blame me. Instead, she encouraged me to talk more and learn more."

Chen Lie listened more and more, and asked, "Since she is a regular customer, how many times has she been here and what did she buy?"

"I have been here at least 5 times, yes, today happens to be the 5th time."

"She didn't buy it the first time, she bought a little hamster the second time, she didn't buy it the third time, and the fourth time she bought a very well-behaved kitten."

Finally, Liu Yifeng said, happily: "She paid the bill very easily, and she didn't counter-offer at all."

"I bought a hamster and a cat."

"Is she not afraid of falling out at home?"

Chen Lie called up the sales data, and then sneered: "They are the cheapest ones, so naturally there is no need to bargain. But these can't explain much. It may be negligence. Let's watch the video."

"The boss said before that there was a hidden video camera in the store, but I couldn't find it."

"I didn't find it either."

Liu Yifeng and Gu Xiaoyu looked around, but they didn't see them.

Chen Lie snickered and said, "Those video cameras can not only blend into the environment like a chameleon, but they can also move. They change positions every day. It's strange that you can see them."

While snickering, he pulled out the video.

Pull the video directly to the time when Liu Yifeng was injured.

A tall guest.

This is a very beautiful woman with a very good figure, especially when she is wearing a brand-name clothing worth less than 100,000 yuan, she is even more detached.

She is like a model and thinks more of a female boss

It's just that elegant demeanor and inadvertent arrogance all show that her is not simple.

"The figure is as good as a clothes rack."

Gu Xiaoyu looked at this woman's tall figure enviously.

Because Gu Xiaoyu's body is not tall, just like the sister next door, her height has always been her heart disease.

"Hehe, there is a real problem."

Ren Qing also found a flaw: "The nobleman has learned well in manners, but she has a wrong vision when looking at things. For example, she often observes the silver leopard and the blue crown secretly when Yifeng is not paying attention. And she buys cats but not cats. Food, etc. It seems that she is going to feed the kitten daily food, which is quite different from her image."


Chen Lie suddenly stopped the video.

Chen Lie pointed to the hand of the owner of the pet grooming shop and said: "Look at her hand. Her hand has just taken out an object from the handbag."

Then Chen Lie slowed down the camera and analyzed: "She took advantage of the opportunity of letting Yifeng take things and posted the mysterious object under the counter. It was also at this time that Xiao Hei barked, and it obviously found an abnormality."

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