A beautiful woman who seems to have status and status.

Taking advantage of Liu Yifeng's distraction, he quietly stuck an unknown object under the counter of the super pet shop.

Chen Lie and the others squatted down and looked at the metal object sticking under the counter, only the size of a mineral water cover.

"What is this?"

"Don't touch it!"

The stupid Gu Xiaoyu still wants to touch it.

Chen Lie grabbed Gu Xiaoyu's hand in time.


Gu Xiaoyu realized his negligence.

"We don't even know what dangerous thing this is."

"Let's call the police."

Ren Qing is the prudent master.

Chen Lie was even more straightforward and directly invited the old knife.

When Lao Dao heard of an accident in the pet shop, there was an additional unknown object, and he rushed over immediately.

Then he didn't dare to care about it and invited the technicians from the police station.

Researched for a long time.

"There are results."

Technical security pushed the glasses and said: "This is a special hypnotic device that can be controlled in the middle. Once it sends a signal within 100 meters, the machine will quickly release hypnotic gas specifically for animals. In the format of a super pet shop, it will Quickly let most of the pets in the pet shop pass out."

Chen Lie trembled all over and asked, "Including Xiao Hei?"


Tech Security nodded and said: "Dogs have a sense of smell several times more sensitive than humans, so they will be more prone to coma than ordinary animals. In severe cases, they will just fall asleep and never get up."

This is still a polite statement.

Such hypnotic gas is absolutely fatal to small dogs with sensitive smell.

Basically, I never get up when I fall asleep.

It's hard to die, more than half of the dogs here in Chen Lie are small dogs.


"Who are you guys who want to deal with us like this."

Chen Lie looked viciously at the beauty named Jia.

It was the first time he hated a person so much.

"Such a thing cannot be done by ordinary criminals."

"I feel it is necessary to continue to follow up."

Technical security asked: "Brother Pet, can I take my things back and see if I can find more information?"

"and many more."

The old Dao who had been meditating all the time suddenly asked, "Don't you think this technique is a bit familiar?"

Technical security was questioned.

The other two animal experts who came to help were also confused.

The matter concerns giant pandas and tigers. Naturally, animal authority must be dispatched.

Lao Dao reminded: "Have you forgotten? The dozens of cases of theft of famous pets in the Yangtze River Delta in the past few months; and the few cases of theft of famous pets that appeared in Yangcheng at the beginning of the month?"

"I remember."

An animal expert said excitedly: "These famous pet theft cases have used very sophisticated criminal methods, and many of them are hypnotic kidnappings that cannot be investigated."

Another animal expert also said: "Because the methods are similar, the number of cases involved and the total amount of money are high, it has been defined as the first case of famous pets by domestic pets."

"This method is indeed clever."

"Without this video of Brother Pet, it would be absolutely impossible to guard against."

Technological security is in harmony.

"That's a professional criminal gang!"

Hearing this, Chen Lie was relieved and looked at the pets in the store.

At that time, even if Abao, Fierce Tiger and Bailing were not there, there were still two super famous pets, Silver Leopard and Blue Crown.

Although Yin Leopard is disabled, his blood is noble and he doesn't think twice.

As for the blue crowns, there are only a few dozen survivors in the world. Can they be precious?

These two are super rare products that are more famous than famous pets.

The criminal syndicate was able to cross the east and madly stole a dozen or twenty famous pets. It became a matter of course to see through and focus on the value of the silver leopard and the blue crown.

Being targeted by such a criminal group makes people feel uncomfortable.

But Chen Lie did not.

"Mr. Chen, we will send additional manpower to patrol the neighborhood."

The old Dao promised: "And I will report the matter to the top to pay more attention to this case."

"Well, it's hard work."

Chen Lie didn't say too much, just perfunctory.

Lao Dao also thought that Chen Lie was in a state of anxiety and didn't care much.

Things have changed.

At least one more suspicious target can be found than before.

So Lao Dao and them left quickly and proceeded to investigate.

But the super pet shop is full of anxiety.

"Alie, what should I do?"

Ren Qing asked anxiously, "That's a professional criminal group. Why don't we hire professional security?"

Gu Xiaoyu also worried: "Yes, please ask a security guard, you can at least feel relieved."

Chen Lie suddenly laughed.

He touched Xiao Hei's head, not knowing what he thought of.

"The boss can actually laugh."

Panicked Liu Yifeng looked at Chen Lie in surprise, thinking he was out of control.

"Calm down."

"Don't let the enemy come, you will be in a mess."

Instead, Chen Lie laughed at the three girls.

Ren Qing said: "How can we not be in a hurry!"

Gu Xiaoyu nodded repeatedly.

She can't wait to let Lao Dao come here and stay here 24 hours.

Chen Lie asked calmly: "You said, in this world, what kind of security can be more reliable than pets?"


The three women were shocked together.

Perhaps the most effective security guard in the world is human beings equipped with various modern weapons.But the most loyal security guards in this world are definitely animals.

Otherwise, why do so many rich people in this world have to raise dogs, or even leopards?


Ren Qing wanted to say something, but couldn't say it.

Gu Xiaoyu was more daring and said straightforwardly: "The other party has such professional methods, and the animals are restrained to the death. It is useless at all."

But as soon as Gu Xiaoyu finished speaking, Xiao Hei's aura that was a bit lazy suddenly changed.

It's like a waking tiger.


This description is not very appropriate.

It was like a teacup dog that everyone loved, suddenly turned into a hungry wolf.

Moreover, this hungry wolf took Gu Xiaoyu as prey.

The worst is not only Xiao Hei.

I don't know when the fierce tiger came behind Gu Xiaoyu...

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