The pet king of the city

Chapter 779 The Secret

"Then it's time to say goodbye to you."

"take it easy."

"I'm not going to kill you."

Chen Lie grinned and said: "You are so rare, how can I be willing to kill you. I want to trap you, raise you into a blood supply beast, and make you my money machine."

Zhu Qian couldn't understand Chen Lie's words, but he realized that no matter how stupid he was.

It was ready to struggle, and even burned to pieces.

Unfortunately, it has no chance.

After a huge slap was printed, it lost consciousness.

"I never intended to subdue an ugly monster like you."

"But it's also very troublesome to take you away. At least you don't have to resist, so coma is the best option."

Chen Lie raised his hand and threw Zhu Qian into the trading area.

In order to prevent Zhu Qian from being taken by some wealthy people, Chen Lie directly listed an extremely terrifying and totally unreasonable exchange terms to ensure that the new financial resources he set up would not be taken away.

When Bai Ling and Blue Crown saw Zhu Qian disappeared out of thin air, their hearts trembled and looked at Chen Lie in fear.

"Don't be afraid!"

Chen Lie lightly shaved the cheeks of two spiritual birds and said, "The incident in Tianshan is over. Let's rest here and go back."

"It's too cold here, I've long wanted to go back."

As soon as he heard that he could go back, Bai Ling called out happily.

"Blue Crown doesn't like it here."

Although the Blue Crown has gained a strong bloodline strength, has a terrifying physical fitness, and has many cold protection measures on its body, it does not like the environment here at all when living in the tropics.

"Leave tomorrow."

"I promise."

Chen Lie blessed happily: "As for other people, whether it is an organization or some forces, I can only wish them to find the second lord."



A few days later.

In the warehouse at the bottom of the park.

Chen Lie looked at the fully enclosed prison before him.

This prison is derived from the system and is a technological product in the next 300 years. It has a night mechanism. Although it is fully enclosed, it will never suffocate the pets inside.

The controllable specialized glass can defend against the full attack of level 6 combat pets without damage, and is more than enough to imprison the gods.

Chen Lie clicked.

The specialized glass becomes transparent, and the convalescence in it is clearly visible.

"Zhu Qian, Zhu Qian, you know that your blood is very rare."

Chen Lie smiled and looked at Zhu Qian, as if looking at a living treasure.

He was tested when he arrested Zhu Qian.

The blood of all the yams is drawn out and refined into [the medicine of all the yaks' blood veins] through the auxiliary function of the system.

Because Zhu Qian has four major talents, they are 5th-level super power, 5th-level super bounce, 6th-level powerful self-healing power, and 6th-level sonic ability.

So a big tube of blood can basically be extracted from a standard super power potion, a super bounce potion and half a powerful self-healing potion, while the sonic power potion is only 1/3.

Although drawing a large tube of blood requires Zhu Qian to rest for more than half a month, and the total cost of extraction is no less than 5W, the amount sold is no less than 300,000.

Crazy profit more than 5 times.

It is strange that Chen Lie refuses.


Zhu Qian snarled weakly.

It is not responding, it is roaring.

However, it has just been drawn with a large tube of blood, and it is now weak, so how can it be fierce.


"Don't worry, you are so rare, how could I abuse you."

Chen Lie soothed evilly: "Don't worry, now you have returned to the paradise, and your food will be better than ever before. The water you drink will be the dew of the fairy spirit, the food you eat will all be spiritual food, and flesh and blood. There is an unlimited supply of things, which is guaranteed to make you fat and strong."

The Bacchus and other pets around Chen Lie were sweating.

This is simply raising pigs.

Thinking of spending all their lives in this small prison, and living the weak days after blood draws and blood draws, all pets couldn't help shaking their heads.

Putting yourself in, they all feel that they will go crazy.

"Okay, take care of it for me in the future."

Chen Lie turned off transparency.

The specialized glass then turns into a metallic form.

Chen Lie led the team back to the ground.

There are two floors underneath the Grand Paradise. The first floor is used as a garage and the first floor is used as a warehouse.

But the villa is too large to live in so many, so the underground is naturally useless.

It is very confidential to keep Zhu Qian in captivity.

Chen Lie sat down.

After taking a sip of tea, he almost spit it out as soon as the tea was imported.

Because the God of Bacchus brought Chen Lie a refreshing tea.

The more you drink the tea, the more bitter it is, but the more bitter the effect, the better.

"It's still so terrible."

"No, it's even worse."

Chen Lie shook his head in pain, but still had to accept it.

"Say it."

"I've been away for a week, what's the fun?"

Chen Lie pointed to covering almost the entire paradise with a bamboo forest, and said, "It's like what I can see without saying, let's have some surprises."

"Quack, I saw it."

Bailing happily landed and reported: "Master, I saw a dozen more birds on Xiaojianmu, is this a surprise?"

"Not counting."

Chen Lie shook his head.

The farmer’s orangutan reported in sign language: “Black yuan flowers have been planted in groups, enough to supply the consumption of the paradise.”

"Very good, keep going."

Chen Lie nodded.

This is not a surprise, after all, it was planned.

And he also promised that he needed a larger amount of Black Yuan Tweed.

"These are definitely surprises."

Bacchus took out 4 dragon blood fruits.

Before, Chen Lie and Baxia took 5 tubes of blood.

Before he left, he catalyzed a dragon's blood fruit, and these 4 were irrigated by Bacchus with the remaining Tyrant's blood.

"Now everyone can strengthen again."

Chen Lie happily looked at the 4 dragon blood fruits.


Fierce Jiaohu jumped across to Chen Lie and roared eagerly, as if to remind.

"I know I owe you two promises."

Chen Lie paused and asked, "But then again, you are so strong now. If you continue to strengthen, you can't press me down?"

Fierce Jiaohu shook his head repeatedly.

"Don't shake your head!"

"That's the truth, I'm not so weak that I even have the courage to admit the gap. But as long as I..."

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