The pet king of the city

Chapter 780 Golden Mantis

"That's the truth, I'm not so weak that I even have the courage to admit the gap."

"Before you are getting more and more diligent, I can still rely on the combination of unforgettable and super savvy, while secretly learning your skills, while blending all kinds of national arts, so that I can barely share with you. And if you break through, I will

Can't compare to you."

Chen Lie pointedly said: "But don't be proud, as long as I take another red blood fruit, my physical fitness will leap again, and then you will have to live the life of being suppressed by me."

Chen Lie’s previous leg exercises were mainly Tan legs.

And it's the original version of Tan Tie, not the castrated version of Tan Tie now circulating.

The heat of summer has always been used to kill people.

The so-called physical fitness is purely a means used by certain vested interest groups to suppress civilian force.

You must know that in ancient times, even Tai Chi, called "Old Man Fist", was also a method of killing people.

Zhang Sanfeng was able to reach the top all the way, not by virtue of martial arts, but by boundless blood.

In the hot summer martial arts, there has always been the name of "Nanquan and North Leg". Nanquan has always been controversial.

This shows the power of Tan legs.

In ancient times, this kind of murderous art that could explode the shield with one kick and break the spine of the enemy with one leg has basically become a performance gadget.

Fortunately, Chen Lie has enough channels.

One after another, he got a lot of national skills that were not castrated, coupled with the skills of secretly learning the fierce tiger, so I can barely fight it back and forth.

But once the fierce tiger broke through to level 6, the result was completely different.


The fierce tiger lay down aggrievedly.

"Well, you don't have to do this!"

Chen Lie wickedly suggested: "In fact, I have a plan. You don't need to rush to advance, we can still brush up on it."

Fierce Jiaohu doesn't really understand.

Chen Lie explained: "To put it simply, you can't break through to level 6 yet."

Fierce Jiaohu's face instantly collapsed.

"Don't worry, it's not to promote now, we have to fight first."

Chen Lie said evilly: "Recently we went to the 5th level qualifying match. After we hit the first place, I will give you all the 4 dragon blood fruits, how about?"

Fierce Jiaohu nodded his head with glowing eyes.

Bacchus made gestures and eagerly asked: "Master, Jiaojiao has no opponents at level 5, why do you still have to play ranking? I remember you said this is time-consuming."

"Yes, it takes a lot of time."

Chen Lie corrected his mistake: "But I only learned today that ranking can also be entertained, and a small bet can be placed. Although there is a fixed limit for each bet, Lin Lin always adds up."

Bacchus and others are ashamed.

They knew it would be so.

"It's not too late."

Chen Lie stood up leisurely and asked, "Jiaojiao, how many games are you going to do now?"

Fierce Jiaohu nodded in excitement.

It has played at least a few games every day in recent days, all of which are at least level 6.

It also includes the opponents that it played very hard before.

Every time an opponent has been fought, unless they are too dishes and have no reference value, Buddha Hungry Chen Lie will record their information and practice as a virtual opponent.

The fierce tiger now is much stronger than the one a week ago.

And it was quickly proved by hard facts.



System mall.

In the 5th level trial field.

Chen Lie looked at the rankings in front of him and curled his lips.


"I want to bet on myself to win."

However, after Chen Lie saw his own bet limit, he became even more unhappy: "The capped bet is only 100 fan points, and the odds are still barely earned. Isn't it too stingy?"

Chen Lie knew that the loopholes in the system were difficult to drill, but he did not expect that the system would give such a high evaluation of the fierce tigers that it hardly gave any odds advantage.

Even if Chen Lie wins, he only wins a few fans.

Where does he want to play such a game.

"In that case, play insidiously and start a backup plan."

Chen Lie didn't bother to talk nonsense, skipped the regular gradual ranking rules and chose challenging ranking.

The ranking of the system is very rough.

A's ranking is very high. After B is challenged by B, A's ranking will drop by one place, and B will naturally get A's ranking.

However, to challenge the ranking of others, the opponent must agree.

Some people publish their rankings and they must pay a challenge fee if they want to challenge.

Some people only accept challenges that rank higher than themselves.

In short, there are many modes.

And Chen Lie's model is also very simple, directly challenge the 10th among the 5th-level battle pets.

Because he is the person who pays to challenge.

"The tenth place among the 5th level battle pets is the Golden Mantis."

Chen Lie called out the public information of the Golden Mantis and said, "This Golden Mantis is amazing. Although its strength is a little weaker, its talented golden double swords and low-altitude flight ability are absolutely powerful assassins. Yo, it is called Level 5. The saint of swords in here, once used the talented double swords to unfold the 7 bursts of weapons."

After reading this, Chen Lie asked, "Jiaojiao, are you confident? A ruthless character who has cut 7 bullets in a row?"

The fierce Jiaohu's face showed disdain.

It moved faster than the bullet's follow-up speed a week ago, and it was naturally not in the hot summer to receive the bullet.

Now it's even more powerful, and the results can be imagined.


"The 10th place in the qualifying game, the unilateral cap bet is 1W, I don't believe the odds given by the system will..."

After reading the pre-displayed odds in the system, Chen Lie directly cursed: "M's, Jiaojiao is so optimistic, and he only has an odds of 1.5 for the 10th favorite in the 5th level!"

"Fortunately, the Golden Mantis is only the first step in my plan."

Chen Lie took a deep breath, and after paying the expensive challenge fee, he directly capped the bet and started the game.

It's not that he is greedy or greedy, but something he picks up for nothing.


The Golden Mantis and his master are very happy now.

He is much stronger than his opponent, and every battle is basically no more than 1 minute. Most of the time he is waiting for the enemy to come.

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