The pet king of the city

Chapter 781 Farewell to the appearance before level 5

The Golden Praying Mantis is much stronger than its opponents, and each battle is basically no more than 1 minute, and most of the time is waiting for the enemy to come.

In the end, he was bored and started the payment challenge, hoping to pass the time and earn a wave of money by the way.

The challenge fee is paid and the game starts immediately.

The fierce tiger appeared on the arena.

It didn't hide it this time.

Because this is the appearance before the farewell level 5.

It can be regarded as the first wave of advertising for Chen Lie's system online store.

"A close combat pet without any ranking?"

The owner of the Golden Mantis sneered: "Compared with the Golden Mantis in melee combat, I haven't encountered it for a long time. The newcomer is really bold now."

Although he knew that the enemy was willing to pay 5000 fan points as a challenge fee, he was definitely not a fool.

But the melee pets without rankings really can't afford to guard against the golden mantis.

"Although I don't know what capital you have in melee combat, my Golden Mantis is a saint of swordsman and a saint of double swords. Even the top three, I don't dare to say that I can win in melee. So. No matter what you have and your hole cards, you will be unlucky."

The owner of the Golden Praying Mantis spoke to Chen Lie with a high profile.

Even if Chen Lie doesn't show up.

But he knew that Chen Lie must be there, so he shouted in front of more and more audiences.

"That tiger dared to come up before he was an adult. It's so bold."

"The guy who dares to spend 5000 fan points is definitely not weak. I think this will be very exciting."

"Yeah, to the level 5 trialer, there are not so many stupid people, hurry up and start, I can't wait to see a battle."

A lot of people gathered in the audience.

This is systematically arranged and can be targeted at low-level audiences.

And low-level audiences also have the opportunity to watch how high-level testers train pets, so many people are willing to spend expensive entrance fees.

Although it was only the first 10 minutes, there were already tens of thousands of virtual projections gathered in the auditorium, and the atmosphere was very warm.

Chen Lie looked at the opponent's favorite.

The host has nothing to describe.

The future of the world is easy, not to mention how simple it is. If you want to be handsome, you will be as handsome as you want. There is no difficulty at all.

The most important thing is the golden mantis.

The Golden Praying Mantis is an alienated version of the Knife Holy Praying Mantis.

The whole body is gold-colored, and the double knives are its hands. After being alienated, it can cut gold and iron.

This kind of war pet is well-trained and has extraordinary power.

"The mysterious person hidden behind the scenes, no matter who you are, if you lose, don't say I bully."

"This is a qualifying match, not our entertainment match."

The owner of the Golden Praying Mantis was not very arrogant, and he gave a kind reminder.

"I know naturally, I hope you be careful."

As soon as Chen Lie's voice fell, the fierce tiger entered a fighting state.

The salute exploded!

The fierce Jiaohu kicked its feet, and it didn't seem to be exerting much force, and it didn't even explode to the ground, but its speed rose up, rushing over like a violent wind.

The speed of the fierce Jiaohu is too fast.

Even if it doesn't use its gas, its speed is the top of level 6.

In a blink of an eye, he rushed to the golden mantis, and that golden mantis had just raised his double knives.

"not good!"

When the owner of the Golden Mantis yells badly, the Golden Mantis is a saint of swords after all, and the reaction is faster and more direct:

Seven consecutive cuts of gold!

The fastest and strongest of the Golden Mantis will kill.

Relying on the golden mantis's super fast seven consecutive cuts that can cut gold and iron, unless the defense is so strong that it is abnormal, or the speed is a line faster than it, all will have to die under this move.


Ding Ding...

Seven consecutive sounds, the golden mantis bounced away, and the fierce tiger stood still.

It just looked at the twin knives and trembling fiercely. The trembling golden mantis looked a little suspicious, as if saying: "This is your limit?"

"This is impossible!"

"You are cheating!"

The owner of the golden mantis yelled.

"It's over!"

Chen Lie's voice opened the final battle.

The same speed, the same attack routine.

Because of the different forms of fierce tigers, they have completely different effects.

"Use that hole card!"

The owner of the Golden Mantis looked terrified.

He seemed to see the end of his failure.

But he was still naive.

The Golden Mantis’s Seven Golden Slashes broke out in an instant, and the most terrifying thing was that it suddenly shot a hidden weapon in its mouth:

This is the eighth cut.

It is also the most insidious and difficult to prevent.


But the result?

The golden mantis flew away.

Yan Jiaohu stayed in a punching position with his left hand, while holding a throwing knife in his right hand.

The battle is over.

"Ding, congratulations on your battle pet's promotion to the 10th in the 5th ranking zone."

It's just a congratulation, without any substantial reward.

However, this term is the best advertisement, the best ranking.

The uproar in the audience, and the speed of propaganda like a plague, made Chen Lie and Yan Jiaohu instantly famous.

Although Chen Lie is hidden behind the scenes.

No one knows what he looks like.

However, Chen Lie exhibited his own online store, and everyone can see the online store from the fierce tiger, and then contact Chen Lie himself.


This is not all.

It's just part of the plan.



After a short while.

An unranked, under-aged war tiger broke the golden eight consecutive cuts with an absolute advantage, and the news of defeating the golden mantis became the most sensational news below level 6.

Even the level 6 area began to spread.

But just as everyone watched the fighting video repeatedly, a more shocking news came out:

The fierce tiger challenges the first pet of level 5, and even the level 6 area also has a fairly famous double-headed python.

This two-headed giant python has the pedigree of the nether rock python.

One head has the toxic magic talent, and the other has the earth magic talent.

This is a rare dual-talented magic snake.

It is said that the Golden Praying Mantis encountered it during the qualifying competition. As a result, the Golden Seven couldn't even break its rocky skin, which was also unbreakable by the level 6 normal pet.

The most terrifying thing is that this 15-meter-long double-headed giant python has super strength, and the natural agility of snakes, coupled with the defense and interference of earth magic, it almost runs rampant in the 5th level battle pet area.


It has been challenged now, and it is still an insulting challenge.

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