The pet king of the city

Chapter 784 The Fire Beast

The content of the Snake Demon’s letter is a bit complicated: "Dude, you won, and I was convinced. I thought you used the legendary [Real Attack] before, but I thought about it carefully and found that you were flying a two-headed python That punch of "is very knowledgeable. It looks okay on the surface, but it has actually destroyed the internal defenses of that area, leaving only an empty shell on the outside; this creates the conditions for your last brilliant move to kill ."

"Sure enough, there are many smart people in this world."

Chen Lie was embarrassed.

The Tiger King Cannon shattered the enemy's internal defenses, while the Meteor Tiger King broke a little bit, smashing the core of the double-headed python from the broken side of the Tiger King Cannon.

Unexpectedly, the snake demon would wake up in a few minutes after calming down.

No wonder this kind of person can travel horizontally in Level 5 areas for so long.

The Snake Demon continued to write: "Your attack routine has given me a new kind of enlightenment. I also have a combat pet with extraordinary fighting talent. I will cultivate it like a two-headed python. Dude, I am in 5 The accumulation of level is enough. See you at level 6, and I won’t lose again next time I meet."

The snake demon is straightforward.

Chen Lie liked this kind of person very much and replied:

I'm waiting for you.

At this point, Chen Lie stopped replying to others.

And all the things he had stocked in his store recently were sold out.

Even the super-power potions and potions of strong bounce that he put on the top for sale, extracted from the blood of the scorpions, are also sold.

As for the half potion of powerful self-healing power and 1/3 potion of sonic power, they remained in Chen Lie's hands.

Chen Lie waited for the amount of a standard medicine to be pulled out for promotion.

This wave of sales is very pleasant.

It directly pushed Chen Lie's fan value to nearly 400,000 points.

This is the celebrity effect.

Originally, Chen Lie wanted to visit the system mall and make a big purchase.

But in reality there are guests.

He can only return.



"Drink tea."

Chen Lie didn't dare to take out the refreshing tea to treat the spiritual eyes that came alone.

Rejuvenating tea is good, especially for the elderly who are prone to lack of energy, but it is too bitter.

Even Chen Lie couldn't stand it very much. He didn't want to be said to abuse the elderly.

"Yes, the tea here is good."

Lingyan took a sip, and sighed: "The tea I drink is obviously made by you, but I always feel that you are missing a natural taste here."

Chen Lie invited, "Lao Zhu, come here often if you want."

"It's enough to come and rub once, often?"

"The old man doesn't have that thick skin."

Lingyan smiled and waved his hand: "Well, let's not talk about these imaginary things."

Then Lingyan dialed a number and said, "Bring that guy."

Big and small Lei immediately used the support frame to carry a special metal box with obvious things inside and occasional crashing noises.

"Firelight beast?"

Chen Lie remembered the agreement between Lingyan and himself.


Lingyan said: "I fulfilled my promise and caught the Firelight Beast."

"Old Zhu is really efficient."

Chen Lie couldn't help but sigh.

The firelight beast hides so deeply, but Elder Zhu still caught his hand in such a short time, really enough to come.

"I spent more than 80 million dollars this time, mobilizing the local armed forces to help."

"In the process, two mountain people who had encountered the fire beast were severely burned, and one armed person was attacked, but none of them was in danger. I have given enough compensation."

Lingyan said triumphantly.

Chen Lie nodded.

It's okay if no one is killed, he doesn't want to get inexplicably guilt for such irrelevant things.

Chen Lie asked: "Open the box!"

The spiritual eye asked: "It's very fast, and it can breathe and ignite fire, which is terrifying."

Chen Lie asked: "If it can breathe fire and ignite it, then it must be more than just an impact. You have mostly limited its ability. Am I right?"


"We imprisoned its mouth so that it could not breathe fire; and we also injected it with a weak type potion, so that it did not have enough physical strength to rebel."

The spiritual eye replied: "If there is no flame outside, it will not cause fire."

"Then it seems that the effect of the weakening potion is going to disappear."

Chen Lie heard another impact and said: "Open it, I want to see how fast it is."

The spiritual eye asked: "Are you sure? We used nearly a thousand people to seal the mountain, so we finally caught it."

"very sure."

Chen Lie looked around and nodded solemnly.

Fierce Jiaohu has already walked to the box, Bai Ling and Blue Crown are staring in the sky, Xiao Hei, Silver Leopard, Bacchus, Farmer and others are responsible for sealing the surrounding area.

Even Abao and Lingcai came to help.

As for the rice bucket, it was simply, holding its metal rice bowl and blocking it aside.

With its obese body that is a circle bigger than Abao, it is really an obstacle with the extra-large rice bowl and the characteristic of being not afraid of being beaten.

The special alloy box opens.

A monster full of scorching heat and shaped like an oversized mouse rolled down.

The scariest thing is.

Where it rolls a lot, the turf has burnt marks.

"No wonder it's called Fire Rat."

Chen Lie couldn't help laughing as he looked at the Shan Hai Jing monster whose finger was a circle bigger than the domestic pig.

It seems to have seen the second hordes.

"Be careful, it's going to run!"

Da Lei screamed.

In order to capture it before, their brother suffered a lot.

The firelight beast, a big mouse with fire talent, used sharp teeth to gnaw off the confinement of its limbs, and then its limbs supported the body that was not very flexible, and sprinted directly towards the weakest-looking squirrel army.


Speed ​​The squirrel kicked the chin of the firelight beast at a super fast speed, and kicked it directly.


The power squirrel is here.

With its violent punch, it was actually a Thunder Fist, which smashed the Firelight Beast on the spot.

The stunned firelight beast reacted in a hurry before it came. The wise squirrel took out something that looked like a cannon, and once the shot passed, a net covered the firelight beast.

This net, this weapon...

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