The pet king of the city

Chapter 785 The challenger who copied Chen Lie

The wise squirrel took out something that looked like a cannon and exploded a net with one shot, confining the fire beast.

This weapon is a jet detached from the toy Wuzhi.

And this net is naturally provided by the system for catching super pets.

Don't say it's a firelight beast, even if the firelight beast uses its abilities, it may not be able to burn this beast net made of special materials.

The battle is over.

The housework squirrel triplets used tacit cooperation to solve a monster within 3 seconds.

Lingyan and Xiao Lei were stunned.

They all know that Chen Lie's pets are very special, but they didn't expect to be so special.


Seeing that there is a bargain to pick up, the rice bucket happily ran over, wanting to come to the top of the mountain and set the world.

As a result, the old firelight beast that was so imprisoned shook his head, used the sharp teeth of the protruding mouth as nails, and pierced the calf of the rice bucket fiercely.

The pain is so painful that I hug my legs and croak.

But it forgot its own weight, and so roughly picked up the calf, as a result, the center of gravity lost its balance, and the whole bear went straight to a funny roll.

The atmosphere of the scene eased instantly.

With spiritual eyes seeing Chen Lie with his mouth curled up, he questioned: "Xiao Lie, you already knew that squirrels can deal with firelight beasts?"

Chen Lie nodded.

He saw the fire beast still trying to struggle, and said impatiently: "Stun it, and then lock it up."

The power squirrel was very obedient, and with a violent punch, the Firelight Beast stunned.

Then the farmer stupidly took the special alloy box from the large and small mines, stuffed the fire beast into it, and took it away.

"Old Zhu, thank you for your present."

Chen Lie snapped his fingers, and the Bacchus immediately took out the Baixian Niang and sent it to Lingyan, saying, "Recommendation, I hope Mr. Zhu likes this in return."


"The more the better!"

Seeing Baixianniang with spiritual eyes, his old face smiled like a chrysanthemum flower.

Isn't he doing so much for this wine?

Now it can be said to be satisfied.

"Old Zhu, we won't talk about those imaginary ones."

"Drink tea!"

Chen Lie invited Ling Eye to sit again.

Lingyan sat cheerfully.

The two of them were in a tacit understanding. One didn't ask Chen Lie how to deal with the firelight beast, and the other just brewed tea silently, and time was slowly consumed like this.



after an hour.

In the underground warehouse of the Great Paradise.

Zhu Qian has one more partner.

Its prison has doubled, and it has an extra fire beast as a neighbor.

Although the Firelight Beast doesn't look very powerful, and even the housework squirrel triplets can defeat it, its ability is really not overpowering.

It has 3 talents, level 4 self-healing power, level 5 speed, and level 6 fire talent.

Normally, a large tube of blood is drawn, and it is possible to extract 5 bottles of level 4 self-healing potions, 2 bottles of level 5 speed potions, and 1 bottle of fire talent potions.

However, such a big tube of blood was drawn out, directly hurting the vitality of the firelight beast.

If Zhu Qian has to recuperate for more than half a month, it would take 10 days even if there are enough sanitary products.Even if the firelight beast had enough medical supplies and care, it would take a month to recover.

"Fortunately, the firelight beast's fire talent is high enough."

"Moreover, the price of fire talent potions in the system mall is extremely expensive."

"Although the total cost of refining is 50,000 fans, the price of a single bottle of Fire Talent Potion has reached 150,000!"

The appearance of the fire beast is equivalent to earning Chen Lie a source of wealth.

This is a source of money.

Not a one-off sale.

"and many more!"

Chen Lie murmured: "The flame talent potions extracted from the firelight beasts are instinctively suited to the race of the Lingcai, and the integration will be very successful. Should I give this one to the Lingcai?"

Once the flame talent potion is injected, Lingcai's combat effectiveness will rise.


Chen Lie’s thoughts deepened: "If I improve the system and spend twice the price, I can transform the flame talent potion into something suitable for humans. At that time, I injected. Then I will become a super Ability man, it’s okay to be a superhero occasionally."

It's just that when Chen Lie thought that the flame talent potion originated from the fire beast, which was a kind of rat, his heart inevitably had a thorn.

"Forget it."

"The fire talent potion is only a level 6 potion, and it is basically the limit, it is difficult to improve it."

Chen Lie thought for a long time, and finally he vetoed himself: "I am not rare to have the bloodline of the firelight beast! I will either get a more NB and more advanced bloodline talent, or I will continue to follow the established path, and stop paying attention. ."

Fierce Jiaohu walked very well.

Its achievements can explain a lot.

The path Chen Lie chose was similar to that of Fierce Jiaohu, but it was a little more complicated.

"When all the potions in this wave are sold, I will..."

Before Chen Lie's words were finished, a private message came from the system.

Under normal circumstances, the system will not come to private information.

But one hundred thousand urgent exceptions.


Someone challenged the fierce tiger.

The fourth-ranked gold swallowing beast even challenged the fierce tiger.

If it is just an ordinary challenge, the system will never send a private message.

But the problem is dead, this gold swallowing beast actually shouted the same slogan as Chen Lie before: double the odds to challenge Chen Lie.

The reason is the same as before.

If Chen Lie eats all the bets on his side, and the other side is handed over to the spectators to bet, then he will have nothing to trade except for the first title.

To put it simply, Chen Lie will get 200,000 fan points if he wins. If he loses, he doesn't have to lose half of his fan points.

"But it's dangerous, right?"

Chen Lie thought of this a bit tricky.

So he immediately investigated related historical events.

Don't say it, there is really the first person to cooperate with people and earn such ambiguous money.

And this first place was once in the 6th level.

Moreover, in order to circumvent the system, they played very real, but secretly the transaction was in reality, directly avoiding the system.

But no matter how you avoid it, the system will not escape detection.

Only once, I earned it once, and as a result, I was punished by the system for all his credibility. The level was directly returned to his original form from Quasi-7, and even the super pet was confiscated.

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