The pet king of the city

964 chapter again mad market

The ancient subjects did not want to delay again, weakly asked: "Don't know if the big behind Mr. Chen is interested in cooperating with our Three Commercial League? If the big nodded, our Three-Big Yen can give the highest level invitation to the highest level ,and……"

"This is said."

Chen Lie knows that the ancient law is obviously misunderstood, but he is too lazy to explain too much.

Some things.

The more explanation, the more doubt it.

What's more, Chen Lie continues to maintain mystery and more meaningful to his protection.

"After a month later."

Chen Lie. Human: "Although I don't know why the system is limited to one month, it is estimated to be related to the large-scale tearing surface channel. After all, the chaos is coming to toss, it is easy to be inverseed, it did not happen before Things. "

Chen Lie is not a laugh.

The system is in a hundred years ago, there is a lot of the open, which has been too powerful, but instead of invading examples.

If it is not a large number of magnitude 8 large energy, and the number of 9-level giants, the future world is still unable to stay.

It is said that the most serious one has led to the next 9th gods to fall in the future, and the future of the earth suffers a catastrophe, and even the island where the system is located.

If it is not a system key moment to batch a pile of top items, let a group of 9 giants take off bones and ultimately.

"Since the turmoil in a hundred years ago, the meeting channel in the future, is very weak, often from the ectopic surface."

"The current system, and it is a pet system, it is better to say that the future of the future."

Chen Lie laughed.

He knows that the change of the system is not active, but passive.

Because the trials use the unlimited infinity of the system resources to force the system into the future of the future.

Fortunately, this dominant is not a day, it is a fair neutral system.


(Topic is a bit Chead)

"I believe this time will be very lively."

Chen Lie said confidently: "Although this time is just a good morning level 9, but which one is not a group of classes, even if it is a cannon gray, in order to sell the lead, they can not buy the top medicine, they will be crazy. "

This time I am different from the hundred years of celebration.

This time is really fighting, it is not a virtual dowel for a hundred years of celebration.

And this time is limited to senior trialists, there is no qualification to participate in the middle and low-level trials.

"Boss boss!"

"Sales exploded!"

"There is also a massive order!"

Qingqiroji is almost almost out of control.

Chen Lie immediately opened it, and the results found that all levels of things were sweeping in an instant.

Yes it is.

It is all the fire all sweeping, and there is no hesitation.

"The power of the war is so big?"

Chen Lie Don, smiled: "It is no wonder that it can save the accumulation of decades, and even let the trials of hope, the war pet will re-return all disadvantages, naturally."

Chen Lie couldn't help but remember the genius premium pets that were taken by overdraft.

This time you will definitely have a large number of higher graded blood pharmaceuticals, or the pharmaceutical agents appear.

These agents have the final dawn for these desperate trials of these lost potential.

The potential of the 7, 8 trials broke out, not all 5, 6 levels.

"It's interesting now."

Chen Lie's mouth is evil spirits.

"I have a busy busy."

Abao does not help but sigh.

Drinking God said: "We also earn generid, this is not a better?"


A Bao nodded.

The ghost didn't think about it, ask: "The owner, will there be a lot of trial people, the war is extreme?"

"Will, and there are many quantities."

Chen Lie called out the information just reviewed: "Many stretches at level 7, or even 8 levels will regard this time as the final promotion opportunity, gamble."

The ghosts ask: "What will gamble?"


Chen Lie definitely said: "They will be like loving gamblers, not only blood potential, but also gamble."

"A group of madmen."

The ghosts listened to the head.

"It is indeed crazy."

Chen Lie laughed: "But now is the best time to fight with this crazy battle."


Don't understand.

Chen Qian said: "Don't you think that the usual game is beautiful?"

Everyone is speechless.

"Forget it."

"You don't understand this clearly challenge, but you can't find the pain of the opponent."

Chen Lie is.

However, he is no longer this time, but starting a color opponent.



Just two days later.

Level 7 major listing.

In these, the biggest change is that there is only 19 people, and the guy who is known as the magic dragon person, suddenly broke out, and the first place was crushed with absolute advantages.

It turns out that this magic dragon is walking is the Daruto Dragon.

Results He in order to participate in the partial war, full overdraft of powerful potential can be directly up to 8 levels.


In order to explode more powerful strength, he has received the dark power.


He as a 7-level trial, possessive posture of magnitude 8, born in the air.

"Playing 1 million fan values, if I can kill him, challenge 10 times?"

"Level 6 trials is so mad, send money or go crazy?"

"Or which super organization is in a secret place?"

The magic dragon people don't want to make sure.

Promise the challenge.

In order to get stronger power, he has gambled everything, not only the blood potential is completely overdraft, and even life is overdoked.

Natural acute powder fifase.

So he is too lazy to pay attention to what nature challenge, first promised to say it.

The madman who opened the sky price challenge is naturally Chen Lie.

The Dragon Man has 8-level second-class power. Although the power does not represent strength, it is part of the verification of Chen Lie.

As the 7th first.

The magic dragon man has made a secret, an endo that except the mountain is a stone.

(Turned over the book review area, thank you for your support. Go to the hospital tomorrow, I hope that the update will not be delayed.)

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