The pet king of the city

965 chapter ferocious land magic dragon

Level 7 first, qualified to develop your own ring.

In order to ensure his victory, the magic dragon man has created an ultra-large secret in the mountain.

Time is completely on the side of the magic dragon.

But Chen Lie is indifferent.

He is interested in the title of the first trial, but the strength of the magic dragon.

Walk out.

Chen Lie's attitude is extremely calm.

"Stupid challenger."

"Today, you have to call you back."

One seems to come from Henggui's low sink to earth, this sound is like a strong curse, not only means its noble identity, but also symbolizes endless strength, but actually sways the soul. I had a gloomy face.

Immediately, the earth began dramatically, the clouds began to mad, and the whole secret is as if they are trembled. Shake, all tremble.

The clouds are scattered, in the mountains of the mountain, a dark brown giant magic dragon Chanrao is on a dangerous mountain. On the peak, the eyes of the gods are staring at Chen Lie with an ice, overlooking the gesture.

"Are you not a dragon?"

"I understand, you have already controlled the body gene, the body and the gods began to change to the dragon."

"Now you are not a dragon, but the land of the earth."

Chen Lie looked at this black dragon with a hundred meters long with a satirical look.

Although this earth dragon can hide a world, the strength is quite terrible, but it does not mean that Chen Lie will fear it.

After all, it is stronger, but it is just a branch gamble, and it can only live in the moment.

Why would Chen Lie be afraid of him?

Although Chen Lie does not wear the strength of this earth dragon, I don't know why it comes to this step, but Chen Lie can also grasp the edge of its strength, at least within it.

I don't know what this earth is crazy, suddenly murmond, I don't know what to say.

Then, the earth's dragon came to say, "No matter what you, I will kill you. Ten million fan values, enough my strength is further. I can't miss this opportunity, I don't have The room is retracted! "

"It turns out this ..."

Chen Lie suddenly came down, this land of the earth is so strong, it turned out to be a boat.

Such an enemy is most terrible.

"You can do the first first trial of the 7th level, there is no simple color color."

Chen Lie laughed, and he began to have a mercy of mercy on the Diki Dragon.

However, it can be poorer, Chen Lie will not be innocent to pass, and you can feel the violent dragon with your knee.

"Is it ready to die?"

The big land of the molten is stimulating the nerve disorder seems to lose the resistance. If you see the enemy, you will anger the sky, and the earth is once again crazy tremble.

For a time, the ground floating countless stones, there is a small, have a sharp, have been rising to Chen Lie's forward.

Chen Lie didn't shook his head, laughed and said: "I hope your 'flying rock' speed is fast enough, or it is white."

The Dawei Dragon is not allowed to advise Chen Lie, and the fine stones take the lead in flying. Go out, the speed is almost one more than the bullet.

But it's not enough. For Chen Lie, spells with unhappiness of attacks have no threats, he is not the stupid standing.

I saw Chen Lie a large traverse, and the fine stones such as the bullets were opened with Chen Lie, completely emptied.


Chen Lie suddenly found that his front and back, all the avoidance space was surrounded by the large stones, and now I wanted to escape.

"I want to see where your stupid man can also hide!

Along with the Dawa Dragon Dragon Dragon Decree, countless boulder squatted to Chen Liefei.

The smallest piece also has two tons of weight, even if Chen Lie's flesh is so powerful, it is also necessary to take off the skin.

However, the stone is dead, people are alive.

Chen Lie had suddenly appeared a knife, and Chen Lie was in the moment.

Chen Lie's timing grasps the ability, just when the knife is broken, his body is separated from the encirclement.

Simple and easy.

"I don't come back!"

Chen Lie was like a parallel arrow, and Chen flying into the mountains of the land of the earth. Before the peak.

But at the moment before Chen Lie arrived, a Seni-cooled ranting in the neck of the earth, the neck of the earth, with a point-white dragon scale:

Dragon's reverse scale.


Although Chen Lie's rune sneaks the anti-scales of the Dawi Dragon, the feeling of pain is enough to be the earth.

Under the crazy movement of the earth Dragon, countless mountains began to collapse, and the earthmarks in the earth were unprecedented. Shake, and even a huge cracks.

In short, the earth is a big chaos, just like the end of the world.

"It is the first!"

Chen Lie is so admired, but there is no friendship.

With Chen Lie to take out the Rayu wake up the runes, it is easy to pinch, and there is a bowl of thick purple thunder and thunder, and it is a head of the big demon dragon.


It may be that the body of the earth dragon is too cumbersome. The earth dragon who is flying down by Zi thunder is hard to live the dangerous mountain. The peak is broken, the rumbler landslide is very harsh.

"I rely on, this dragon scale is too much too much!"

Chen Lie saw that the wound in the top of the earth's dragonfield was just issued an odor, and there was no other specific effect, and the heart could not help but smile.

It is necessary to know that Chen Lie has just used the procurement of magnitude 8, although the genuine 8-level lightning, but it can be seen from the lightning size of the lightning, it is absolutely not generally 7-level energy.

If Chen Lie can refine the 8th-level Ray Rune, just now able to open the dragon scales of the earth dragon, and even the big land magic dragon is blooming.

(Tomorrow is going to check, the deposit is also used, and it is estimated that the update tomorrow will be unstable.

So here, I apologize to everyone. )

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