Xu Zhizhi thought of this method and let them choose to stay.

Xiao Jingheng felt that it was very reasonable. Although he was not as tolerant as his daughter-in-law to his subordinates, he asked himself that he treated them well.

If, after his amnesia, those subordinates were willing to follow him even though they knew the future was uncertain.

Then, it is the blessing of those people, they will get better and better in the future, and the people who follow will also get better and better.

On the contrary, if you feel that there is no future with him, then rely on their luck, maybe it will be better and more promising with the prince.

Xu Zhizhi added that the people who were transferred to protect the old lady before, call them together to choose!

Yecheng is also looking forward to the choice of those people, he and Yeyue will never betray the master.

Besides, this time is not a betrayal, it just lets them choose a better future.

This time, they brought several thousand catties of sweet potato vermicelli, and the bacon was temporarily unavailable to the restaurant because the transportation was too late.

Xu Zhizhi had arranged to bring some to give as gifts a few years ago.

One for Shizi Su, one for Nangong Yunhao, one for the Crown Prince, and one for her mother-in-law.

Xu Zhizhi and Xiao Jingheng made arrangements here and prepared to go back.


During lunch, Xu Erniu from Uncle Xu's house went to feed his second sister in a good mood at this time.

Xu Honghua has already been sent by Xiao Jingheng to be poisonous, so don't keep your mouth shut.

Xu Erniu said to Xu Honghua, "Second sister, crazy woman, eat!"

While he was talking, he didn't stop his hand, digging out a spoonful of Laba porridge with a spoon and feeding it to Xu Honghua's mouth.

Xu Honghua roared: What the hell is the second sister crazy woman?

Unfortunately, there was no sound, only her hideous and terrifying face was seen.

Xu Erniu used to be afraid of his second sister, but now he is not afraid of her.

Because Xu Honghua's hands and feet were tied.

Xu Erniu looked at Xu Honghua's distorted face, and did not intend to take the Laba porridge that he handed over!

He turned his hand and fed it into his mouth, smacking his mouth: "It's delicious, yesterday I was thinking about eating other good dishes, and I didn't eat such a delicious porridge!"

He stood in front of Xu Honghua, taking one bite after another, eating with relish.

He ate more than half of it, and said in an angry voice:

"Second sister, crazy old woman, don't eat if you have the ability! I heard that you made a mess of my aunt's house, so why don't you stop making trouble when you come back? You scold me?"

Xu Honghua: I want to scold you, you bastard who kills a thousand knives, I am scolding you too! But you can't hear it! I'm not crazy at all, why doesn't anyone believe it?

Xu Erniu looked at the mad Xu Honghua and asked, "Second sister, crazy woman, what did you say yesterday that my brother-in-law in the lobby divorced Sister Zhizhi? But is he being nice to me, Zhizhi?"

Xu Honghua: No break? Why didn't you see her? That fox spirit openly hugging my brother Xiao in public?

It's a pity that Xu Erniu doesn't understand lip language! Otherwise, I don't know who is mad at who!

This Laba porridge was sent by his uncle's family yesterday, and each family sent a big bowl.

Last night, Xu Honghua refused to eat his mother's cooking.

Xu Erniu said that his second sister likes to eat their uncle's food very much.

Aunt Xu brought Laba porridge to her little daughter, and Xu Honghua really ate it.

She ate it with relish. After Aunt Xu finished feeding a bowl, she came out and complained to Uncle Xu and a pair of children:

"You said, is it strange? Is this lunatic still picking good food?"

Xu Lanhua has always been a little grumpy about her parents' partiality, so she said:

"The crazy people in our family are different. They have been spoiled since childhood. Now, even if they are crazy, they know who to choose."

Uncle Xu and Aunt Xu were speechless, Xu Erniu thought the same as his eldest sister.

Therefore, Xu Erniu said again: "Second sister, crazy woman, this is the last bowl of Laba porridge. There is still a little bit for you to eat. What do you have for dinner? The crazy people in our family are different from the crazy people in other families. , and know how to pick the right food!"

Xu Honghua was so angry that she cried. She didn't know if it was because the porridge was gone or what.

Although she was dumb, there were still a lot of tears, and the snot was all over her face.

After all, Xu Erniu was only nine years old, so he was startled and quickly fed a spoon into Xu Honghua's mouth.

Xu Honghua also wanted to stubbornly refuse to eat it, but her brother said that this was the last bowl, and it tasted so good, so let's eat it and cry!

Xu Erniu didn't dare to say anything, so he just fed it one by one, and the small half bowl of porridge soon disappeared.

Xu Erniufei also ran out like this, this lunatic ate ​​with tears and snot! Mother! terrible!

Xu Zhizhi and Xiao Jingheng came back from the deep mountains and were going to the workshop to watch their sweet potato vermicelli loaded into the carriage.

Passing by the path next to her third uncle's yard, she heard Xu Erniu clapping his chest and muttering.

Seeing Xu Zhizhi, Xu Erniu sued: "Sister Zhizhi, brother-in-law in the lobby, let me tell you: my second sister, a mad woman, will eat good food, and eat it with tears and snot, my mother! It's disgusting!"

Xu Zhizhi was surprised! It stands to reason that Xu Honghua is not crazy, it is her virtue to choose good food, it is normal! Then how can you eat snot?

However, she couldn't waste her brainpower thinking for a Xu Honghua.

So, Xu Zhizhi said to Xu Erniu: "Erniu is so powerful that she will feed your sister? Next time you feed, wipe her nose clean before feeding."

Xu Erniu patted his chest with lingering fears and said, "I won't dare to feed next time. She is too scary. She looked at me viciously while eating, scaring me to death!"

What can Xu Zhizhi say? I can only change the subject and ask: "You didn't go to play today?"

Xu Erniu said, "My parents are busy in the workshop, and I am feeding my second sister's crazy woman at home."

Seeing that the grandson of the village chief was in front, Xu Erniu hurriedly bid farewell to Xu Zhizhi.

He ran over and took Xu Xiaoyang's hand, and talked about his second sister Barabara.

Only then did Xu Zhizhi know the ins and outs of the matter, and she almost laughed out loud.

This Xu Honghua can't speak, there will be many situations like this in the future!

When Xu Zhizhi and Xiao Jingheng arrived at the workshop, Xiao Mo was loading a carriage with someone.

The carriage of the carriage is a new human-powered wooden four-wheeled vehicle that has been improved by Xu Zhizhi.

It only needs to be driven by a horse, which is very suitable for long-distance travel, and the horse does not need to be so tired.

If the grain size is small, a carriage can hold about 2,000 catties.

However, sweet potato vermicelli is large, and a carriage can only hold about 1,000 pounds at most.

This time, they packed five carts of vermicelli, one cart of bacon, cured fish, and some soy products and cabbage for Mother Xiao Jingheng.

In addition, the luggage of the escort teenagers and the others contained almost nine cars.

More than 20 teenagers set off together, and Xu Zhizhi and the others were sent to the entrance of the village.

This time, so many goods were sold, which caused the envy of the villagers, God! How much money is this!

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