Butler Wen ordered the quantity in person, and when the convoy left, he smiled and went back to settle the account in a happy mood.

Xu Daniu and Wen Yu fell into the workshop to sort out the sweet potatoes. All the sweet potatoes have long been ground into sweet potato flour. After the goods were shipped this time, there was not a single sweet potato vermicelli left.

He had to arrange to make some more vermicelli and send them to Zuixianglou in the town and county, although the town and county didn't ask for much.

However, after the year, another batch will be shipped to Los Angeles.

He also wanted to make some for them to be engaged to as a banquet, and then to eat it during the Chinese New Year.

Now, there is no stock of soy products, and we have to step up production. There were too many in stock before, and Xu Daniu was very worried about the sales.

Who knows, his brother-in-law is so powerful! If he could sell it to Los Angeles, he had to supervise their wasteland and try to arrange the reclamation before spring sowing.

The land that has been reclaimed has already been planted with rapeseed seedlings.

At the entrance of the village, Xiao Mo led the crowd to bid farewell to the master, and set off in a mighty manner.

Xu Zhizhi and Xiao Jingheng sent the convoy out of the village entrance, and the two walked back slowly.

"Girl Zhi, can our sweet potato flour be sent to your workshop to be processed into vermicelli?"

Hu Tiesheng's uncle saw Xu Zhizhi from a distance and trotted over to ask.

Xu Zhizhi asked strangely: "Last time, didn't I say that I can go to our workshop to make vermicelli?"

The second uncle of the Hu family said embarrassedly, "Yes, yes! Thank you girl Zhi. We sincerely thank you for bringing a lot of benefits to our Qili Village."

Several villagers later also expressed their gratitude to Xu Zhizhi.

A villager said: "Then I will go to your workshop tomorrow to process vermicelli."

Xu Zhizhi said, "I don't care about the workshop. You can go and ask my brother which day he has arranged. You can go on that day."

The villagers enthusiastically gave way for Xu Zhizhi and Xiao Jingheng to walk over.

The villagers expressed how generous and tolerant Xu Zhizhi was.

The reason for the incident is this, the villagers of their Qili Village, each of them dug several thousand catties of sweet potatoes.

Xu Zhizhi told them how to store next year's seeds. Villagers who don't have seeds can buy seeds from their houses next year.

She clearly told the villagers that it is much cheaper to store seeds by themselves, and it is relatively more expensive to buy seeds.

Many villagers expressed their willingness to save their own seeds, and a small number of them agreed with the Xu family to buy the Xu family's sweet potato seeds next year.

Xu Zhizhi also suggested that the villagers can grind and wash the excess sweet potatoes.

You can also sell them directly to the Xu family workshop, the price is two cents per catty, everyone calculates, one mu of fertile land produces about one thousand and one hundred catties.

Omg! One mu of land has at least 2 taels of silver, and the most they grow beans and sell to the Xu family is less than 2 taels of silver.

This is still this year, and there are no natural disasters when the year is good. However, when the year is good, there is a bumper harvest, and the price of food falls.

If it weren't for the Xu family's purchase at last year's price, they would sell less to the town.

Although most of the villagers have no reading knowledge and less knowledge, they are very good at counting.

Therefore, most of the villagers have chosen to sell directly to the Xu family workshop.

They were elated when they got the silver, and they also bought some sweet potato vermicelli from the Xujia workshop to try it out for their family members.

Xu Zhizhi also suggested that the villagers go to their workshop to grind some sweet potato washing powder, which they usually eat at home.

The villagers asked what is the use of grinding sweet potato washing powder.

Xu Zhizhi patiently taught the aunts and sisters-in-law in the village how to make sweet potato pancakes.

Sweet potato pancakes can be eaten directly to satiety or can be made into a delicious dish.

Xu Zhizhi told them to boil water in the pot, add an appropriate amount of salt and stir well.

Add the boiled salt water to the sweet potato flour and mix well, until the potato flour turns black.

Heat oil in a pan, pour in the sweet potato paste and spread it into a cake. After the potato cakes are fried until fragrant on both sides, remove and cool.

Finally, cut the sweet potato cakes into evenly sized pieces, and peel the garlic and flatten it.

Leave oil at the bottom of the pot, add garlic and fry until fragrant, pour in hash browns and stir fry evenly, it is a dish that tastes better than meat.

This is what Xu Zhizhi had eaten at her grandmother's house in the countryside in her previous life.

The villagers think it is delicious, the method is simple and the taste is good.

At that time, there were some villagers with slightly better backgrounds, and they didn't sell sweet potatoes, but they were all ground and washed into sweet potato flour.

At the beginning, the Xu family had to charge a processing fee for grinding 100 kilograms. It was said that there was a processing fee for going to the workshop to process vermicelli.

The villagers who sold the sweet potatoes were happy. They didn't grind much, so it was just right to keep their own home made slippery meat.

However, those households that grind a little more, after washing the sweet potatoes, they are also reluctant to pay for the processing fee.

In the end, no one started processing sweet potato vermicelli.

However, today the Xujia sweet potato vermicelli is selling so hot.

At first, the villagers spent a little processing fee to directly process it into sweet potato vermicelli, and nothing happened.

However, they were careful to think that the Xu family wanted to earn their processing fees.

In the end, everyone didn't go to work, and they suddenly went to work after so long. They were very embarrassed.

So, I ran over to ask Xu Zhizhi, got her answer, and everyone was grateful.

In fact, Xu Zhizhi was very busy all day, and she felt that time passed by so quickly.

As for the villagers who feel that time has passed for a long time, they have not processed the sweet potato flour in time. For Xu Zhizhi, it seems like it was just yesterday.

Then how could she refuse!

This is what she suggested everyone to do!

Their Xu family workshop will continue to develop processing fees to earn money in the future!

Just like various processing plants in modern rural areas, the most common rice mills, oil mills...

Which one goes to the processing and does not pay processing fees? Just give money.

Xiao Jingheng didn't expect it to be so long-term, so he asked: "Daughter-in-law, these people were reluctant to pay a few copper plates to pay for the processing fee. Today, seeing that we have sold a lot of vermicelli, they want to process it into vermicelli. Why do you agree to them?"

Xu Zhizhi had nothing to keep from her husband.

She said, "Our family grows sweet potatoes and processes them into vermicelli, which is not enough for a single Los Angeles city. Didn't you promise Qian County magistrate next year that all of South Shi County will grow sweet potatoes?"

Xiao Jingheng still asked incomprehensibly, "Does that have anything to do with promising them?"

Xu Zhizhi said patiently, "Give them a taste of the sweetness, explore the way, and help us spread the word. Next year, we will open workshops to process vermicelli and earn processing fees."

Xiao Jingheng said suddenly, "Yes! Why didn't you think of it as a husband?"

Xiao Jingheng is a very smart man, he immediately thought of it.

"Then you have planted a lot of rapeseed this year, why don't we set up an oil extraction workshop ourselves?"

Xu Zhizhi said calmly: "Yes, when the time comes, we will sell it to Quan Dasheng. We currently have a drunk incense building in Dasheng, how can it be enough!"

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