Butler Wen followed Xu Xiaowu's actions and wrapped a dumpling.

He happily raised the small dumplings he had made, when he wanted to show off to everyone.

However, his dumplings seemed to be disobedient, with the filling leaking out.

Butler Wen was very smart and quickly took another dumpling wrapper to "fill the hole".

At this time, looking at the dumplings he made, they were white and fat, with a shiny face, and they were still wrapped in a thick patch.

Butler Wen hurriedly put down the dumplings he made, and he couldn't help himself, and continued to fight for the second one.

Su Zhiming finally managed to wrap one up. He looked left and right at the "four dissimilarities" in his hand, and silently put it down and continued to work hard.

Although Wen Yu's dumplings are not very beautiful, they still look like a dumpling.

So, he happily raised the dumpling he made and shouted, "Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, look at what I made, does it look like it?"

"Like, very similar, Yushu is amazing." Xu Daniu praised immediately.

"Son is good, you really look like dumplings!"

Butler Wen also proudly praised his son, as happy as he was.

"Look at the dumplings made by my father. They are so beautiful! They are as beautiful as those made by my sister."

Seeing the dumplings made by his father, Xu Xiaowu excitedly called everyone to see them.

Father Xu was a craftsman after all. The dumplings he made had thin skins, large fillings and beautiful shapes.

"Wow! Dad, have you made dumplings before? It's about as good as my sister's!"

Xu Daniu also said in surprise.

Father Xu said, "I have never made dumplings. I learned how to make buns from your grandmother when I was a child."

Father Xu's superb craftsmanship caused waves of envy.

Xu Xiaowu originally thought that his sister and brother-in-law were not here, and the dumplings he made would be the most beautiful.

I didn't know his father was so awesome!

Su Zhiming takes his second uncle's dumplings as an example and is working hard to learn.

Everyone happily learns how to make dumplings.

Qiu Ju asked, "Should we eat soup dumplings or steamed dumplings this morning?"

Butler Wen said, "This morning, if you don't have porridge, cook a soup dumpling that is good, and make a fried dumpling if you are not good!"

Everyone was happily making dumplings, and everyone was in high spirits, trying to make a beautiful dumpling.

Until the dumplings in the pot are cooked, I still have nothing to do, so I can only reluctantly go to breakfast.

Xu Zhizhi was tossed by Xiao Jingheng last night and slept very late, and has not woken up yet.

Xiao Jingheng was afraid that his daughter-in-law was hungry, so he woke her up: "Daughter-in-law, are you hungry?"

Xu Zhizhi lazily opened her confused eyes, and was about to shout: Who is so immoral to disturb my mother's sleep!

When she met a handsome face, her temper was gone.

"Master, I still want to sleep!"

"My daughter-in-law is hungry. Can you get up and have breakfast before going to bed?"

"Alright then!" Xu Zhizhi woke up after saying a few words.

The two of them washed up and came to the dining room. Everyone just set up a large pot of soup dumplings and a large plate of fried dumplings.

Xu Xiaowu was the happiest today. He had been an instructor all morning. When he saw Xu Zhizhi come in, he excitedly greeted him:

"Sister, brother-in-law early, you can taste the dumplings we all made."

"Okay, everyone has worked hard." Xiao Jingheng said without any embarrassment.

Everyone is used to them sleeping in late, and breakfast is a little later today.

Usually, the two of them can't catch up to eat with everyone!

Because, because of everyone's participation, everyone thought the dumplings were very delicious.

I was very excited to eat, and just when I was about to finish the dumplings, I heard a knock on the door.

Xu Zhizhi and Xiao Jingheng, Su Zhiming and Xu Feng are all good people in martial arts, and they can be heard from far away.

Those who have no internal strength, Xu's father and Wen's housekeeper Xu Daniu, can't hear it.

"Second uncle, someone is knocking on the door outside!"

"At this time, who will come?" Father Xu asked.

When Xu Daniu couldn't hear it, he said, "I'll open the door to see who it is."

Wen Yuluo said, "Brother Daniel, let me open the door with you!"

She is very worried about Xu Daniel now, afraid that someone will plot against her Daniel brother.

No one else has any comments, everyone is busy eating dumplings!

Xu Daniu and Wen Yuluo opened the door and walked out.

I saw Boss Ma carrying a bamboo stick on his back and standing at the gate of the yard with his daughter.

Followed by a large number of villagers watching the lively.

Xu Daniu was stunned, standing still, not knowing how to react.

Wen Yuluo asked, "Excuse me, what are you doing?"

The villagers looked at Xu Daniu, who was gorgeously dressed and handsome, and now he didn't look like a countryman at all.

Standing next to him was a girl in emerald green clothes, her skin was as creamy, her snow white was pink, and she seemed to be able to wring out water.

Staring at them and asking, his eyes are like water, but with the coldness of talking, he seems to be able to see through everything.

Ma Youcai immediately took his daughter to kneel in front of Xu Daniu and Wen Yuluo.

Wen Yuluo quickly pulled Xu Daniu away and waited quietly for the people on the ground to speak.

"I brought my daughter to apologize. My daughter is ignorant, and she colluded with the rascals in the village to plot against the two of you."

The villagers fry the pot: No way! Ma's girl and Er Laizi are in the bamboo forest, are they conspiring against Da Niu and Miss Wen?

A big man exclaimed: Ma family girl is so courageous!

An old lady said: I just said it! It is impossible for the girl of the Ma family to take a fancy to her, she is an idiot.

Another aunt said: The father and daughter came to the Xu family to apologize and plead guilty. Is the girl of the Ma family awakened?

——Should be really remorseful! Otherwise, why would he come to the Xu family to apologize and ask for his sins!

——Aunt Ma's family recently ran into a wall with her son-in-law, what a sin!

——If you can wake up in time, maybe you can find a good husband's family.

--Hey! The Ma family is not an eventful person, this big bull is too good, and it is inevitable for the girl to think about it.

——I heard that the aunt of the Hu family is very fond of it, and the girl of the Ma family!

- You don't know yet, do you? Two days ago, I rejected Aunt Ma's offer.

Wen Yuluo almost understood it. This meant that the boss of the Ma family brought his own girl to plead guilty.

She motioned to Xu Daniu to invite the father and daughter to come in and talk, but Xu Daniu did not have a tacit understanding and did not understand the meaning of his fiancee.

Maybe he understood, but Xu Daniu felt that it would be more effective to speak in front of the villagers outside.

Xu Daniu said: "Uncle Ma, get up! We know your sincerity, and we accept your apology. As for Er Laizi, don't worry about it. In the future, as long as you don't have any bad thoughts, we will forgive you."

"Thank you Daniel, I'm sorry Daniel and Miss Wen, my daughter has completely woken up."

Ma Chuncao also reacted at this time. She looked at the two people in front of her. She was really different from her. It was really not what she should think.

She said sincerely, "I'm sorry, Brother Daniel and Miss Wen, I was blinded by lard before."

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