The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 585 The future belongs to China

Compared with later generations, it only takes a little more than 13 hours to fly from Yanjing to New York. At this time, Yang Dongxu, who was sitting on the plane, once again had the feeling of being stuck in the train and staying in the carriage for a very long time during the Spring Festival travel rush.

At this time, he regretted that he had overplayed his pretense. Originally, he didn't have a bodyguard and didn't want to fly in first class. He wanted to experience life in economy class and be a little refreshed. As a result, he experienced the feeling of taking the train home from Yanjing and selling station tickets to make time hard.

He moved his aching body again, and he felt that his bones seemed to be cracking in protest. I took off the blindfold and glanced at the time on my watch, um, okay, this time is not accurate, I need to adjust the time difference. But now that the plane was flying in the sky, he didn't know that he couldn't overcome the jet lag when he got there.

I just opened my eyes and adjusted to the light and looked out of the window sideways, wanting to watch the clouds to pass the boring time. At this time, he was very thankful that the seat he bought was next to the window, otherwise it would really make people crazy.

"Hello!" Seeing the guy next to him who had been sleeping since he got on the plane opened his eyes, Shizuko couldn't help saying hello.

"Hello!" Yang Dongxu turned his head to the side and saw a beautiful woman sitting next to him. Finally, he was no longer that annoying guy. He froze for a moment, then greeted with a smile on his face. He swears that the smile on his face is definitely not because the neighbor is a beautiful woman.

Jingzi looked at the guy next to her with a strange gaze. As soon as she boarded the plane, she saw that her neighbor was sleeping, and a few hours later, the other was still sleeping. If she could not feel the breathing of the other, she would have called the flight attendant to see if the person was dead.

That's right, planes can't go direct now, and several transit stations are needed, and each transit station will drop off or pick up people. The flight from Yanjing has already stopped in three countries, South Korea, Russia and Canada.

Yang Dongxu's air ticket is direct to New York, so every time he connects, he has to change someone. The first person is a fellow from the same country. The two sat together and chatted for a while, and the other person got off the plane in South Korea.

The second one is a Korean. When he heard that Yang Dongxu was Chinese, his eyes and expressions were full of embarrassment. Coupled with the English that seemed to be short of a tongue, he resolutely ignored this guy sleeping blindfolded.

The Korean did not get off the plane when he arrived in Russia, so there was no replacement around him. When I arrived in Canada, I changed the girl next to me. The girl should be of mixed race. It has a large skeleton of European and American, but has a face of Asian descent.

Because he didn't want to pay attention to the Korean before, Yang Dongxu kept pretending to be asleep. But the more I want to sleep, the more I can't fall asleep. In the end, my mind is full of messy thoughts, and I don't know when I fell asleep. So in Canada, although there were personnel changes around the shutdown, he didn't care about continuing to fall asleep in a daze.

"Japanese?" Shizuko, a standard Asian with black eyes and black hair, asked subconsciously when she saw the other party.

"NO, Chinese." Yang Dongxu said.

"Chinese?" Jingzi looked a little surprised and a little disappointed.

"Is there any problem?" Yang Dongxu raised his eyebrows.

Although he knows that Chinese people going abroad in this era are always regarded as Japanese, because in the eyes of many foreigners, China is too backward and there is no money to go abroad. In Asia, only wealthy South Korea or Japan can travel to the bustling metropolises of the United States and Europe. But knowing Gui knows, it still makes people feel very uncomfortable to be looked at with such amazed eyes.

"No, no problem. I'm sorry, my mother is Japanese, so I thought you were too by your appearance." Sensing the other party's displeasure, Shizuko said hastily. Although she was a little disappointed that she didn't meet her fellow villagers, she also noticed that something seemed wrong with her tone and expression just now and apologized immediately.

"Oh." Yang Dongxu nodded and slowly lowered his frown.

Then the two sides fell into silence again, Yang Dongxu stretched out his hand and called the stewardess to ask for a glass of water and something to eat. Although sitting still does not consume much energy, after all, the journey is too long and the stomach will still be hungry.

After eating, he opened the tree next to it and looked at it. This book is not a great foreign work, but one of the four famous works in China, "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

During the trip, he can study various books to recharge his batteries. Yang Dongxu is sure that he is not that kind of person. In his view, if the journey is too long, or too boring. Reading novels is the best choice to pass the time. Of course, if conditions permit, watching TV is also fine. Unfortunately, there is no such condition now, so the only option is to read novels.

Jingzi felt the alienation from the Chinese next to her, and couldn't help cursing in her heart: "Stingy man."

Then I closed my eyes and began to fall asleep. Although there is no need to transfer planes from Canada to the United States, it still takes a while. After getting off the plane and going into a busy work, she needs to take a break now.

The two of them didn't say a word, and the only contact between them was when Yang Dongxu got up to go to the bathroom and asked the other party to let him go. No matter when the space in the economy class is small, it will make people speechless.

When the voyage was finally over, Yang Dongxu vowed that he would never pretend to buy economy class refreshments again, and would definitely book first class when he went back.

Following the crowd and coming out of the terminal, he saw the elegant Zhou Ya in the crowd at a glance.

That quiet and elegant demeanor made the people who were crowded next to pick up the plane subconsciously distance themselves from her. Of course, there were also many men who were eager to go up and say hello. I couldn't help but look in which direction, even though it seemed that there was still a female companion by my side.

Suddenly, a girl who was as quiet as an orchid bloomed a smile on her face. That faint smile made all the men who saw it clutch their chests and feel that they were in love.

But at the very beginning of this relationship, I heard the sound of heartbreak, because an annoying guy actually walked over and hugged his goddess. The goddess's smile bloomed at this man, not herself. This made many men who feel that their self-cultivation is not bad feel the jealousy in their hearts at this moment.

"Did the journey go well?" Zhou Ya naturally helped Yang Dongxu tidy up some wrinkled clothes, and then the two of them took his arm and walked out under the heartbroken and jealous eyes of countless men.

"It's okay, but the economy class is so boring. I won't fly like this again if the flight time is not shortened. Don't fly around and get too tired."

Before taking the long-distance flight, the impression of the flight to him was always in the short-term impression of the flight from Yanjing to Feicheng, or the flight to Feicheng for a few hours, and he arrived home after a short nap.

But this time he tried a real long-distance trip before he realized how hard it is for his elder sister who has to fly around to help him manage overseas assets, because such a boring journey really makes people want to die.

"It's not that hard. The time to process a few documents on the plane will soon pass." Yang Dongxu's concern made Zhou Ya's face smile sweetly, and the strength of her arms holding him subconsciously tightened.

"I will take over some things as soon as possible. Also, I don't need to do everything myself. Find more people who can do things, and you just need to supervise. The role of the marshal is to command, not to lead troops to charge on the front line. "Yang Dongxu looked at Zhou Ya with some distress.

A girl in a foreign country can manage so many assets in an orderly manner. Not only does she have to face many hungry wolves with malicious intentions, but she also has to fight wits with a group of old foxes. He can't imagine how Zhou Ya helped him manage these assets all these years. , and let the assets rise steadily.

"It's not that tiring, and my current job is what I like." Zhou Ya's smile is even sweeter, and she even has the kind of relief that she can help Yang Dongxu. Obviously, she doesn't care if it's hard or not, as long as she can help him, she is working hard for her It's also sweet.

"I'll call later and tell my parents not to eat meat for the old man, but to give him a vegetarian diet." Yang Dongxu snorted with a petulant expression on his face.

Old man Xuan and Zhou Ya kept some things from him before, but he didn't think about it, so he didn't notice anything. But now he doesn't say he is mentally mature, but he is not stupid, and he will always find something after all these years.

"Well, being a vegetarian is good for your health." Zhou Ya smiled and nodded from the bottom of her heart.

From childhood to adulthood, Yang Dongxu played childish temper and got angry with Mr. Xuan from time to time, and Mr. Xuan watched Yang Dongxu seriously during various trainings, which has always been the main drama for Zhou Ya to watch the excitement. Of course, when she saw his scars all over her body, she shed tears of distress, talking with Yang Dongxu about old man Xuan's bad temper.

After leaving the airport, a Mercedes-Benz drove over. It was not the latest model of Mercedes-Benz, but it was not bad. But such a car is not very conspicuous in a metropolis like the United States.

After the car drove away from the airport, it slowly followed the two cars, and one car started to speed up and ran to the front of the car on a safe road. The two cars sandwiched the car in the middle to guard Move forward.

Yang Dongxu didn't bring a bodyguard when he went out because he wanted to keep a low profile and not make too much publicity. Zhou Ya seemed to agree with Yang Dongxu's cooking. But now she obviously can't go out alone.

Although most of Yang Dongxu's overseas assets exist in the form of company stocks, and these stocks belong to different companies. Zhou Ya's main job is to supervise and manage these shares, and is not responsible for other things like an invisible rich man.

But even so, in order to expand her network and accumulate more resources, she still has to attend some banquets and shareholder meetings of some companies. So gradually in a small circle, this Asian rich woman has become known. With fame, there are bound to be some restrictions on freedom.

"I heard that the United States recently launched some internal sanctions on trade with China?" Looking at the high-rise buildings with a modern atmosphere outside the car window, he pondered and asked.

Although New York is a world-class bustling metropolis, his vision has been devastated by later generations of Chinese infrastructure maniacs. There are not many things that surprise him in this city, but he can't help but frown when he thinks of some American companies' measures against China.

"It's not recently, but it has always been like this. Selling outdated technologies to China at the highest price has formed the unspoken rules of these foreign companies." Zhou Ya said with a sigh.

Before going abroad, he never thought that a country would be targeted by the whole world. As far as the shares she is currently in charge of, if it weren't for her being a green card citizen of the United States, many things would never be handled as smoothly as they are now.

But even so, no matter whether she invests or executes her shareholder rights, she will be watched vigilantly by people wearing colored glasses.

"It will get better slowly. The Chinese civilization has stood in this world for five thousand years. It's just a little nap to make these people crazy. It won't take long for them to know your father, and it will always be your father. These ridiculous things Small tricks are useless." Yang Dongxu patted Zhou Ya's hand to comfort him.

Although he has never personally asked about overseas assets before, he is very clear about the current world situation, and naturally understands the pressure Zhou Ya is under.

In fact, almost all of these overseas investments are within the scope of box lunches, but these foreigners regard them as a crazy test of their bottom line. This kind of injustice has been understood from the very beginning.

"I also believe that this day will come soon." Zhou Ya nodded firmly, which is not just a 100% trust and support for Yang Dongxu's words.

This is also what she thinks in her heart. She has been abroad for so many years. She knew very well in her heart that the backwardness in the country was not because the Chinese were not smart, but because the Chinese were inferior to foreigners. It just takes some time to develop because of the environment.

If the Chinese are not smart, then you let the United States try to remove those Chinese scientists and Chinese technicians from their own country?

At that time, it is certain that the United States will collapse directly like the former Soviet Union, and the economy will regress or even go directly to the Great Depression. So since the Chinese are so smart and capable. Why can't China, which has more than one billion Chinese, become stronger again?

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