"Robin, are you done with your shower? I'll come in after you're done."

Ron knocked on the door, but no one answered. He pushed the door open and walked in.

There were rest rooms nearby, but there was no one here except the two of them.

After those guys cleaned the place carefully, they were all driven out by Ron.

Just after Ron went in, he heard the sound of running water coming from the bathroom, and realized that Robin hadn't finished showering yet.

"Is it Mr. Ron who came in?"

"Yes, it's me. Robin, you should shower quickly. I'll take a shower soon too. I stink all over."

Ron took off his dirty clothes and threw them aside. Looking at the captain's room, which was decorated quite well, he had to say that the little leader had some taste, but it was not high, so he could only make do with it.

"He's really stingy. The captain's room is the only one on the whole ship that has hot water. Don't they usually drink hot water?"

Ron was bored and picked up a book that Robin often read beside him.

He remembered that Ron had been reading this book all the time and never let it go. He didn't know what was in it that made her so fascinated.

However, when he opened the first page, he was dumbfounded. He stood there in shock, his fingers stiffened, and slowly turned to the next page.

"How could it be..."

The more he read, the more shocked he was. He was very familiar with the contents of the book, but why would Robin...


Suddenly, a scream startled Ron, and he saw Robin standing at the door wrapped in a bath towel after taking a shower.

Her beautiful eyes were full of surprise. When she realized that Ron was reading that book, her pretty face instantly turned red, and it was so red that it was extremely transparent, just like a ripe apple!

The charm of a mature woman was infinitely released at this moment!

"You...you saw it all~~~" Robin shyly lowered her head slightly, her voice was very small, shy and ambiguous,

Ron closed the book and nodded slightly. He had seen it, so he naturally wouldn't say he didn't see it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to collect your information, I..."

Robin tried to apologize, but he didn't know what to say when the words came to his lips.

"No need to apologize. There's nothing to apologize for. On the contrary, I like this book very much."

"I didn't even know that so many things happened in such a short time."

The book is full of newspaper pictures and news clippings about Ron. As long as there is a newspaper about Ron, Robin cuts it out and pastes it into the book.

From the beginning of Impel Prison to the recent incident in the Sabaody Archipelago,

Even the lesson he just taught those little pirates was captured by Ron, but he didn't have time to edit the copy.

"Mr. Ron, I... I didn't mean it... I~~" Robin was incoherent, his cheeks were hot, his brain was in a mess, and he didn't know what to say.

"Okay, since you feel you are wrong, then make amends and help me rub my back and shoulders. I am really tired from traveling recently."

As he said this, Ron opened the bathroom door and walked straight in.

"It just so happens that I have recently mastered the gate control fire technique. It seems to be quite good for extreme cold and extreme heat, ice and fire tests."


Robin's pretty face was covered with blushes, and her heart was pounding. After just a moment of hesitation, she followed him in to help rub his back or something.

"Mr. Ron, I'm coming in~~"




"Robin, why is your face so red? And your forehead is getting hot too?"

Early in the morning, the sun shone through the window, illuminating the entire room, and the sea breeze blew away all the troubles.

Ron put the back of his hand on Robin's white forehead, frowning slightly. He mastered the bone spirit cold fire and was very sensitive to temperature, so he could clearly determine: Robin had a fever!

Robin opened his eyes in a daze, his lips slightly pale, "Ron, I feel a headache, my brain is confused, and my body is a little uncomfortable."

"Don't talk yet, you must be sick."

"Okay." Robin tried his best to squeeze out a smile, "Look how anxious you are. Who can guarantee that you won't get sick when sailing on this sea? Don't worry, I'll be fine after two days of rest."

"How can I not be anxious? Forget your current identity. You are my woman."

Ron saw the red mark on the bed sheet next to him, and imagined Robin's madness last night. Now she is more docile than a sheep, which is enough to show how sick she is now.

Thinking of this, Ron felt that he couldn't delay it any longer. Every minute he delayed, Robin would suffer more.

"It seems that we can't count on these guys. We have to go by ourselves."

As he said, Ron wrapped Robin in two more layers of blankets. After making sure that she would not catch a cold and aggravate her condition, he picked her up and walked outside.Arriving at the hall, he saw Jin standing straight, like a benchmark.

"Did this guy stand here all night?"

Ron scratched his head and was a little puzzled. He thought that Jin was not asked to stand guard here.

When he approached, he heard a slight snoring and found that this guy had fallen asleep.

"Huh? Do the Lunaria people sleep standing up?"

Ron was very confused, but now was not the time to think about this. Just when he wanted to wake him up, he found a pair of eagle-like eyes staring at him.

"Uh, are you awake?"

Jin said nothing, his aura fluctuated, and it took a long time to calm down. He said coldly: "Do you know that I am from the Lunaria tribe?"

Ron vaguely heard a hint of hostility in his tone. Even if it was well concealed, it still couldn't escape Ron's ears.

"Just because of this, are you going to do me?" Ron sneered.

Jin: "............"? ? ?

"It's just the Lunaria tribe, what's the big deal? Don't worry, whoever dares to kill you, I will make him regret being born in this world."

Jin: "............"

Seeing Ron's expression and attitude, the corners of Jin's mouth hidden under the mask slightly curled up, but no one noticed,

"I'm sorry, Lord Ron, I wronged you."

Then he noticed Robin, who was wrapped like a dumpling by Ron and carried on his shoulders, "Ro...what's wrong with sister-in-law?"

"We'll tell you on the way."



High in the sky,

In the cold air, snowflakes flew all over the sky, covering the world with a layer of silver, silver and snow.

"Lord Ron, I have seen the castle of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom. Should I go in or break in?" Jin flew at high speed all the way and finally arrived at the Magnetic Valley Kingdom within three hours.

"No time, break in!"

Ron stroked Robin's cheek and could feel her body getting hotter and hotter. This was not an ordinary cold, but an unknown disease!

So he didn't have the patience to talk about the etiquette now.

In addition,

According to the current timeline, Chopper has not boarded the Straw Hat ship yet,

But according to Ron's original intention, he didn't want to take Chopper with him, because the word "sick" was not in his dictionary at all,

But his confidantes were different, and they might get sick at any time,

At this time, the importance of a doctor would become extremely important,

So this time, he would take Chopper with him,


He was emptying his body like this every day and trying to become stronger,

Those confidantes would be shot one day, and they would also need a doctor with superb medical skills,

But Chopper was a male, and it would definitely be inconvenient to deliver babies, so it would be more convenient for Chopper to train some female doctors,


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