As for what will happen if the Straw Hat Pirates get sick after he took Chopper away,

What will they do?

It's none of his business!

They can do whatever they want!

According to the original plot, the Straw Hat Pirates came to the Magnet Valley Kingdom because Nami was sick.

It just so happened that even without Chopper, there was still Chopper's doctor Doriel, who could still treat Nami.

So Nami would not be left without a doctor.



Jin rushed in directly, crackling, smashing all the doors and windows, glass shards flying everywhere, Ron hurriedly protected Robin,

"Doctor! Chopper! Doctor! Come quickly, here is..."

Suddenly, Ron saw a little blue-nosed reindeer in the corner, holding a pestle in his left hand and two or three herbs in his right hand, looking at him in confusion,

The two of them stared at each other, and the air seemed to be still,

If this isn't Chopper, who is it?

Chopper's face gradually turned pale, his breathing became louder, his chest rose and fell more and more violently, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he was about to cry out.

"Chopper! Come and see the doctor, she is very ill!"


Chopper's shock was forcibly interrupted, and he looked over here tentatively and found that there was indeed an unconscious female animal in Ron's arms.

"You, you move her to the bed, I'll... come right away."

Chopper was still afraid, but the person was indeed sick, and judging from the smell, she was very ill!

Between being afraid of himself and the patient, he chose the latter without hesitation!

The patient must be saved!

If you are afraid, you can also wait until the patient is saved before being afraid!

Ron slowly put Robin on the bed, but did not remove the blanket wrapped around her, because Robin kept shouting that she was cold.

"Cold, cold, Ron, I'm so cold." Robin's face was completely pale, without a trace of blood. This made Ron feel distressed, and he hugged her tightly, trying to warm her with his body temperature.

At the same time, he was even more confused in his heart, why Robin suddenly fell ill, and why the illness came so quickly.

Soon, Chopper came with a small medicine box, timid, not daring to look at Ron, but wanting to treat the patient quickly, so he couldn't help but walk faster.

This funny look made Ron want to laugh and anxious.

"Doctor Chopper, please."


Chopper's face flushed, and the whole deer twisted. The two little deer hooves became wavy and twisted with the body.

"Asshole, no matter how much you praise me, I won't be happy, idiot~"

Ron: "..."

Jin: "?? You look very happy."

Chopper: "...The patient is important." Then he hurried to the bedside, looked at it twice, turned around and said to the two people seriously: "Please go out, I want to treat the patient immediately!"

"Okay, okay, we'll go out now."

As he said, Ron and Jhin went out and closed the door.


After a long wait, the door that had been closed for a long time finally opened with a creak!

Chopper came out with a tired face, but after seeing Ron and the others, he smiled with relief,

"Great, Robin has recovered."

While treating the patient, Chopper talked with Robin and said a lot, so Chopper also knew Robin's name, and the two became good friends,

"Okay, Chopper, you are indeed the best doctor!"

Ron gave Chopper a thumbs up and then rushed into the ward.

Chopper: "!!!!"

As if struck by lightning, his whole body stiffened, and he excitedly looked up at Jin, who had a strange expression on his face.

"He, he just said about me...what did he say about me?"

Then he looked at Jin with a happy face and expectation in his eyes.

Jin's expression became even more strange, this little deer was too funny.

"He said you are the best doctor in the world."

"Ah~~" Chopper's face was full of happiness, and his fatigue was swept away.

This heavenly sound is better than countless good medicines in the world!

"Stupid, stupid, even if you praise me again, I won't be happy, stupid~"

Chopper danced the happy wave dance again, which made Jin more interested. Recalling Chopper's previous performance, he deduced that as long as someone praised him, he would dance the wave dance with a happy face,


"Ahem, Doctor Chopper, I have never seen a doctor as good as you!"

"Ah!!!" Chopper was so happy. He had been in the Drum Kingdom for so long and suffered from ridicule. Now someone finally praised him, and it turned out to be... two!

He didn't dare to think about it before!

He didn't dare to think that his medical skills could save people!

"Wuwu... bastard~" Chopper burst into tears, "I didn'tI did cry, I just got sand in my eyes, bastard. "

"Even if you praise me again, I won't be happy, idiot!"

Jin gradually understood, he heard a lot from Chopper's crying, and his playful heart gradually put away,

I didn't expect that there is such an excellent doctor in such a small country.

Jin, who has seen so many intrigues and schemes, never thought that there is such a pure emotion in the world,

"Just want to save people............"

Chopper didn't know why the strange bird in front of him suddenly stopped talking, but after being happy, a huge feeling of fatigue came over him,

He dragged his shaky body and went to rest.

Just like that,

When he woke up again, it was already the next morning!

"Oh no!" Chopper got up in a hurry, "I forgot to warm the wine for Doctor Doriel! "

However, when he stumbled all the way to the restaurant, he was shocked to find three people having dinner, and the big black iron bird was standing upright beside them.

"Doctor Dolly, Ron, Robin, you..."

"You little brat! You let the guests go hungry when I'm not here!" Doctor Dolly threw the bottle in her hand and hit Chopper.

Chopper habitually dodged, and seeing that Robin was fine, he didn't care about anything else, and trotted to Robin, looked up and down, and smiled for a while,

"Great, Robin, you're actually healed!"

"Yes, thank you, Doctor Chopper."

Hearing this, Jin's pupils shrank sharply: It's coming again!

Sure enough, Chopper danced his happy dance again,

After the excitement passed, he also sat at the dining table,

"Robin, it stands to reason that your illness is very serious, and it will take at least three days to recover. How can you get better so quickly?"

Chopper didn't understand, and suddenly shouted, "I understand! "


Everyone was puzzled, and Robin was even more curious, because she didn't expect that her recovery ability would become stronger.

"It's that essence!"

Chopper recalled: "When I was treating Robin yesterday, I felt an essence in Robin's body when I took his pulse. It had a strong life breath! It has a strong life essence and recovery ability!"

Robin: "............"

Ron: "............" Damn! So awesome? You can even check this!

Jin: "Ahem!"

Doriel, the doctor, went up and kicked him: "Get out, you bad guy!"


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