After the incident in the Sabaody Archipelago, the two sides had a long battle.

After the Sabaody Archipelago incident ended.

In a meeting room in Mary Joe, the Holy Land of the Red Earth Continent.

"Zhan Guo, what do you think of this operation? The damage is too great."

"The Sabaody Archipelago is ruled by the Celestial Dragons. Your actions almost threatened their safety."

"Why didn't you report to us before the operation? Out of personal feelings? How many years will it take to recover from this damage?"

"It seems that we have to set some rules for the navy."

Zhan Guo was covered in cold sweat and was severely output in front of the Five Elders.

Accompanying him was the Navy Marshal, Kong Gang.

He was wrapped in bandages all over his body. His injuries seemed to be very serious, but he had stabilized.

"I will be in charge of this operation full-time. Please send someone to assassinate this guy!" Zhan Guo was determined not to change. He took Arthur's bounty order and handed it to the Five Elders.

"It's really infuriating, Zhan Guo. If you had trained this guy well, why would it be like this now?"

"Assassination? Who to send? Are you targeting the Knights of God or the CP Intelligence Agency?"

"I can't agree to any of your requests. If the navy is not properly reorganized, this organization will collapse in a few years."

"Your military operation this time has caused the navy to have no combat power to go to the New World to encircle and suppress the remnants of the Rocks Pirates. The losses are not ordinary."

At this time, the Five Elders could not listen to anything Zhan Guo said. They only regarded him as a loser. If it weren't for the admiral and combat power, they would have punished him long ago.

"But once he grows up, he will be a very difficult enemy..."

Zhan Guo said humbly, and his voice was suddenly interrupted by the Five Elders.

"Stop talking, go down and do what we say to make up for the damage of more than tens of billions of berries this time."

"That's right, what can a young boy do? He just has the protection of Roger's pirate group. Do you value him too much and forget your duty as a navy admiral?"

As he said this, the Five Elders set their sights on Sengoku's boss, Kong Gang.

"Sora, from today on, any navy that wants to attack the pirates must get permission before launching an attack and fighting."

"The navy has been recruiting soldiers for the past ten years. If there is no major incident, don't waste manpower."

"Strengthen the development of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, let them fight with the pirates and bounty hunters, we will sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and wait for the troops to be strong before attacking."

"I know." Steel Bone Sora folded his arms around his chest and glanced at Sengoku beside him: "I will execute your orders immediately."

"Auntie, and Kaido, who has been making a lot of noise in the New World, are gradually forming their own huge forces. Why don't we..." Nasujuro Sei speculated, and suddenly thought of a good idea.

It can reduce naval casualties, avoid large-scale conflicts and deaths, and let pirates compete with each other.

"Hmm? Do you have anything to say, Nasujuro?" Satan looked at his companion curiously.

"During the past ten years, how about we give the supreme title to those who are so powerful that they cannot be shaken, so that the fledgling pirates can constantly challenge and attack them with the goal of pursuing..."

When this was said, everyone present was shocked and continued to listen to Nasu Shoulang's words.

"This can also promote the development of the navy, so that some young people can join the government and the navy to serve us with the goal of defeating them."

The moment this method was proposed, the expressions on everyone's faces had already recognized Nasu Shoulang.

In the past, pirates were just pirates, without any titles or classes.

Regardless of the strong or the weak, all were uniformly called evil.

Now, giving pirates status allows pirates to climb up the social ladder, and other pirates will definitely not submit to those famous pirates.

There will definitely be unimaginable conflicts between them, which can benefit the navy government.

In addition, now that genius scientists like Vegapunk who have the Brain-Brain Fruit work for the government, they can develop many advanced technologies.

"So, what title should be given to them to make the pirates yearn for it?"

"According to the current situation in the New World, how about calling them the Pirate Emperor?" Marcus Maz Saint suggested: "The Emperor is at the top of all pirates, let them kill each other."

"Which ones should be chosen? At present, Shiki the Golden Lion is the only one in power, Whitebeard has just risen, and Roger's pirate group is even more unshakable. Calling them the Pirate Emperor is a good choice.

How about the Three Emperors? "

Listening to the words of the Five Elders, Kong Kong and Zhan Guo listened quietly.

Such an event is too advanced in thought. It can not only give their navy a break, but also help other pirates fight for them.

Zhan Guo felt helpless at this time and could only put aside Arthur's affairs for the time being and follow orders to develop the navy.

"I'm afraid we have to add another person." Kong Kong suddenly spoke and interrupted the Five Elders: "The navy has learned that the Golden Lion went to Beehive Island and was defeated by the pirate fleet led by John. "

"This land of rich resources in Wan Guo is being occupied by Big Mom, who is constantly waging wars against other countries and looking for special races. "

"In terms of reputation and strength, John, who is cunning and does not show his ambition, is not as good as Big Mom at all. "

"Therefore, Five Elders, I suggest that Big Mom be made the fourth emperor, so that John and others who control Beehive Island will have internal conflicts with them, which will be more conducive to the development of our navy! "

The Five Elders thought for a moment and it made sense.

The appearance of the Four Emperors could not only make the pirates who were famous in the sea disobey their companions who were given the title of emperor, but also make their inner status unbalanced and conflict with each other.

Such a proposal was so good that the Five Elders agreed immediately.

"Then we can use this news to assign them titles."

"Since we are going to give them status as pirates, we must also respect them. After all, they are all extremely powerful guys. If we want to go to war with them, we must get the consent of the highest level!"

After several days of regret, the new world policy was announced because the pirates of the member countries all over the world were dissatisfied.

No one understood why the pirates who burned, killed and looted should be given status.

No one knew that this was all the power politics of a few old men.


Above the vast ocean, Arthur's loud curse came from a small boat.

"I'm really fucking convinced, you two fools! "

Baki and Shanks were tied to the mast by Arthur and taught a lesson. They were thirsty and their lips were dry.

"How could I know that Shaqi took 50 million Baileys to gamble in the casino? Let me go, Arthur, please give me a sip of water!"

"We will definitely... die in the sea..." Shanks said with a dry mouth: "Before leaving, Shaqi did not forget to say that surviving in the sea is also a skill!"

"That damn bad woman, why is she still gambling!" Arthur was so angry that he cursed: "Sure enough, beautiful women are all fucking liars!"

"Cooper..." (I'm thirsty, Arthur...)

"Go to the sea and catch fish yourself! I don't know how long I will drift on the sea. I am very thirsty now. If I meet a civilian ship, a pirate ship, or a navy ship with sufficient supplies, anyone will do! ”

“Cooper…” (Oh…) Cooper flew to the sea with grievance, instinctively looking for food.

Arthur never thought that he just fainted, and there was only one bucket of fresh water on the small boat that set out to the sea.

Now, it has been a day since they left the Sabaody Archipelago, and they have already drunk almost half of it…

In addition, Arthur and their Cooper are now very exhausted, and he doesn’t know how long this amount of fresh water can last.

“If it doesn’t work, we have to drink blood again.”

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