After Arthur taught the two a lesson, he stood on the deck and looked at the sky in the distance. A large group of newspaper seagulls flew towards the navigation line behind him, which was the Sabaody Archipelago. The newspaper seagulls saw a ship on the sea below and consciously dropped a roll of newspaper to where Arthur was. Arthur reached out to catch it and frowned to see the contents inside. The era of chaos has come. Roger, Whitebeard, Golden Lion Shiki, and Charlotte Linlin, four super powerful pirates, divided the New World and were listed as the Four Emperors, one of the emperors of all pirates on the sea! ”

The first content in the newspaper made Arthur confused. Looking at the photos of the familiar four people, he couldn't understand.

This was 29 years ago. Did the Four Emperors appear so early?

What is the government's intention? Arthur, who only knows how to fight, can't analyze the intention.

He continued to read.

"The Four Emperors Golden Lion Shiki failed to win over the great pirate John and suffered another defeat on Beehive Island."

"In the Sabaody Archipelago incident, the navy defeated the two major pirate groups of Roger and Wang Zhi with slight losses and achieved an outstanding victory!"

"The Extreme Ice Swordsman Arthur, the current identity is the most evil pirate. Because he killed a large number of navy in the Sabaody Archipelago, he completely abandoned the justice in his heart and the old ties. The bounty has been increased by 100 million Baileys to 500 million Baileys, regardless of life or death!"

"Vegapunk, a genius scientist who is rare in a century, joined the World Government and began to study technology for the benefit of the world's civilians. ”

“The World Government Recruits Seven Warlords of the Sea to Recruit Pirates…”

It was difficult to read all the news reports at once. Arthur only looked at the first news reports, and the newspaper marked out several bounties.

“…” Arthur looked at a yellowed kraft paper on the ground, picked it up and looked at it: “Condor Cooper, bounty 1000 Baileys?”

“Huh? Arthur, has Cooper’s bounty increased? Why is it so low?”

“Yes, it can be domineering, and it also has the Navy Six-style!”

Baki and Shanks, who were tied to the mast, were very puzzled. They saw with their own eyes how Arthur and Cooper joined forces to fight against the five monster navy officers.

“I really don’t understand, what are you two doing wandering around on the battlefield? Why did you think of coming to me..." Arthur despised these two guys very much.

Now, his thinking is completely different from before he went to sea.

Even if the two guys in front of him are the Four Emperors in the future, he will never try to win over them.

As long as the sea has a residual consciousness, Arthur will never trust anyone.

And these two guys are just a burden at the moment.

"It was Shanks, the idiot, who was in a whim. I am also very unhappy with her. Arthur, let me go quickly, the sun is so hot!"

"What do you mean, do you want to please Mr. Arthur?" Shanks quarreled with Buggy again.

This scene made Arthur walk away from them indifferently.

Punishment for the two is necessary, so as not to encounter the problem of forgetting the importance of fresh water when going to sea next time.

"Maybe, the navy thinks that without me, Cooper is just a aimless bird of prey? Think that I am the mastermind of its actions? "Arthur entered the small sailboat given by Xia Qi, and suddenly smiled.

"So the decline and future of the world government were created by them? Haha, I also successfully entered the game and can't quit."

Because the content in the newspaper and the beginning of the climax of this era just happened to be caught up by him.

It also verified that he wanted to create experiences and stories for himself.

Now he no longer hates his bounty, but regards it as a wonderful start of his new way of life.

"Hey, Arthur, you trapped us on the mast in the sun, I must tell Captain Roger that you tortured us!"

"Humph." Arthur sneered: "This sentence is enough to make you unable to drink a sip of fresh water tomorrow. If you disobey me now, you will not end well, because I am the only one in this ship."

"You are ungrateful and forgot that we lifted you up. "Baki continued to curse. He had already accepted Arthur's joining Roger's pirate group, and was no longer afraid of his indifferent look.

"It was just an accident. Be careful with what you say, Red Nose." Arthur smiled at him evilly and stepped into the cabin.

"Who are you calling Red Nose? Be careful or I'll kill you!"

"Hey, Buggy." Shanks saw Arthur walk into the cabin and asked Buggy, "Do you think it's safe for us to follow him?"

"Are you stupid? That guy is always being watched by the navy. Once he lands in civilization,

Island, always be careful of the hidden guns around, I always feel that we will be assassinated..."

"Are you too crazy? The navy just suffered heavy losses, and they should not send troops."

"Then, what about the CP intelligence agency?"

The conversation stopped abruptly, and the two suddenly shrank their pupils and looked at each other, feeling that things suddenly became very bad.

The boat followed the record pointer and sailed. Cooper, who had learned navigation, was watching over the nearby sea, so he didn't have to worry too much.


It has been almost two days since the Sabaody Archipelago incident.

In the military hospital at the Navy Headquarters.

Sengoku, who returned from the Holy Land of Marijoa, came to visit the real future seedlings of the Navy as soon as possible.

Among the five people, only Kake and Borsalino were awake. came over.

Borsalino was slightly scratched after this battle and basically spent his days in the hospital.

Kaji was the most seriously injured. Because of the ability of the Animal-type Mythical Beast Fruit, he recovered the fastest, but he was left with permanent frostbite.

The other two, Sakaski and Kuzan, were seriously injured and unconscious, and there has been no movement for two days.

Kaji, who came back from visiting Gion's ward, looked conceited and recalled: "She... is so beautiful even when she is asleep... As expected, she is a woman I can't get..."

"Kaji, are you crazy?" Borsalino warned him: "She is only 15 years old, how old are you?"

"Love is never defined by age, don't be so superficial, we should boldly pursue love! I love Gion, but why doesn't she love me!"

"Did Arthur chop your brain? General Sengoku is coming. "

Two people came to the corridor outside the ward.

One man and one woman.

"Xiaohe... why are you..." Zhan Guo, wearing casual colorful short-sleeved shirts and shorts, came to visit the injured Sakaski and others.

I didn't expect to meet Vice Admiral He in the corridor, a comrade who had fought side by side with him.

"I came back from investigating a gang smuggling mission in the North Sea, Zhan Guo, what good have you done?" He vented his resentment on Zhan Guo and opened the door of Gion's ward angrily:

"If anything happens to her, I will definitely wash your brain clean and make you an idiot."

"Uh..." Zhan Guo was embarrassed and had nothing to say about it.

It was his idea to mobilize manpower and troops. The full responsibility for this operation has caused him to lose a lot of power.

No matter who is held responsible, he can only bear it silently.

He walked into Gion's room. After returning from the mission, he came to visit his adopted sister in person.

"Gion? "As soon as she entered the room, she saw Gion sitting on the hospital bed in front of the window with a white-haired face, looking at the sea outside Marin Fanduo with a melancholy face.

"Sister, why did he, who was full of justice, become a cold person in two years?" Gion narrowed his eyes, and his mind was full of Arthur rushing towards him with a knife, and the angry war cry.

It seemed that the hatred for the navy in the war cry could tear the sky apart, and he was so angry that he didn't even recognize the old feelings.

"The knife is not lost, and the life is not lost. You are lucky." He came to Gion and sat on the bed. He found that she also had a frostbite on her right forearm.

"I am confused about justice, and I am also confused about swordsmanship. "Gion's eyes were as gray as death, and she heard the cries from the town of Marinford.

The families of those who died in the war were crying heartbreakingly.

The family that lost its pillar was about to fall apart.

This place was full of grief and anger, just because of the failure of justice.

"Hmm..." Crane, who was already used to it, held his chin, thinking about Gion's actions in the past two years, and said: "I suddenly realized that the first person you talked about in the past two years was Arthur. Are you in love with him?"

Hearing her sister's words, Gion's gray eyes were instantly rekindled.

It was so clear that she couldn't believe it herself, and immediately turned to look at Crane: "What are you doing, sister, he is now a pirate, an unforgivable pirate!"

"Besides, how could I like him...? Sister, is there something wrong with your logic...? "

"Oh my god, how can you ask such a question? When he just joined the navy, I just... just discussed swordsmanship with him and was curious about him..."

Gion was so excited that she couldn't calm down and kept explaining. She couldn't stop at all.

Such an action made the middle-aged Crane despise her: "Shut up, I just asked a question, why are you making excuses? Why are you so interested in Arthur?"

"I don't know!" Gion denied it, lay down in her bed, and covered her whole body with the quilt.

But Crane smiled, and was relieved to see Gion returning to nature.

However, she also clearly realized how fanatical and terrible a woman who was in love could be.

"Is it impossible to stop it now?" Tsuru thought as he looked at Gion struggling in the quilt: "After all, she is a girl with amorous feelings. I really envy you at your age, Gion."

In the minds of Tsuru, and even people at the level of Garp and Sengoku.

Death in the navy has been regarded as normal by them.

"I didn't, sister, please stop teasing me. How could I like Pirates?!"

"Then let me ask you a few questions." As a person who has experienced it, Tsuru wanted to confirm the facts.

"Sister, ask." Gion half of his head appeared from the quilt, and his face was blushing for some reason.

"Why are you so expectant and excited when you talk about Arthur?"

"I... I'm not..."

"What attracts you to Arthur? What makes you like this?"

"It seems that he was the only one who was honest and straightforward at the time and didn't flatter any of his superiors."

"You like him."

"I'm not..."

"You are!"

"I'm not!"

The more he asked, the redder Gion's face became. He couldn't control the feeling at all. He didn't know why.

Gion hid in the bed again, still making excuses, and absolutely refused to admit that he liked Arthur.

"It's over... She really has this disease..."

Looking at his sister rolling in the bed, He had already seen the clues and felt that there was no cure.

"I just don't understand..." It shrank out in less than a moment:

"Why are everyone sad about losing their loved ones, but I don't feel sad about this, and I don't hate Arthur for killing many navy officers."

"Don't think about anything, silly sister, you will understand when you grow up."

After the visit, Tsuru saw that Gion's mood had calmed down, so he left Gion's ward.

I think at her age, she should be less exposed to the darker depths.

As soon as he went out, Tsuru also saw Sengoku coming out of the room next door.

"Love your head, Kaji, if you don't believe in your justice in the future, I will not convict you, and I will not be Sengoku!"

"Love is a storm!" Kaji, who saw Gion sleeping for the first time, yelled like crazy.

Even so, he couldn't wake up Sakaski and Kuzan who were in a serious coma.

"Let's start the meeting, Sengoku, you lost too many vice admiral-level combat power in this operation." Tsuru walked out of the military hospital.

"I wonder if there are any strong pirates who will come to appoint at this meeting of the Seven Warlords of the Sea."

"Recognized as pirates, legal plunder, regular resource submission... You really consider the interests of the government, there must be a large number of pirates coming."

"However, it is rare to match the national level combat power, right?"

Sengoku responded: "There are many hidden strong men all over the world. As long as the interests are sufficient, there will be as many rare people as you want."

Tsuru is very sure of this organization agreement proposed by the only general in the world, Sengoku.

Those bloodthirsty pirates will definitely flock to it.

The number of places is limited to 7, and once the appointment is successful, they will be called: Seven Warlords of the Sea.

"Why don't you see Garp?" Sengoku suddenly asked Tsuru.

"He was seriously injured in this battle, and he didn't defeat Roger head-on, which made him feel extremely frustrated, and he was training crazily in the abandoned shipyard."

The surviving vice admirals collectively participated in the Seven Warlords of the Sea recruitment meeting, recruiting powerful pirates from all over the world.

However, they must be recognized to be defined as Shichibukai.

On the top of the Navy Headquarters Building, the Marshal's Office.

"The Shichibukai Agreement is not yet perfect, Sengoku, your agreement of legal plunder will harm the member states."

Sora was very opposed. As a warrior, he could only listen to Sengoku's words for most decisions.

"It doesn't matter, Marshal Kong. At present, the message has been sent for almost two days. Are there any guys who meet the conditions?"

Sora checked the information on the desk: "It seems that there are two who meet the conditions."

"The first one is a man named Knife, a superhuman sulfuric acid fruit ability user. In order to get a place in the Shichibukai this time, he used his ability to kill a large number of pirates, and his physical skills are also outstanding."

"The second one is a woman, 30 years old, superhuman dream fruit."

Dream fruit, everyone was very curious when they heard this ability.

"What is the use?" Sengoku asked Kong. This ability sounded like it had no lethality, so he was not optimistic.

"She can enter other people's dreams. According to her own statement, in dreams, her power is 100% of that of the other person."

"Moreover, if you kill the other person in a dream, he or she will also die in reality. You only need to look at the other person's photo to enter the other person's dream."

"Isn't this a talent assassination?"

"They are each called sulfuric acid

King of Vitriol and Goddess of Dreams."

"I can understand the King of Vitriol, but why is she a pirate called a goddess...?"

"I heard that she gives warmth to other men in dreams and pleases herself without any bottom line. Those men whose dreams she invaded have praised her she is called a goddess by men."

Everyone: "..."

"She has a large pirate fleet that can rival an entire country. "

This ability gave Sengoku hope of killing Arthur...

100% replication of the opponent's strength? Such a person can become his hidden sword!

The meeting to recruit the Seven Warlords of the Sea ended, and it was finally confirmed that only two people were qualified.

The first task to enjoy the rights offered by the government is to assassinate Arthur.

Sengoku quickly contacted the woman named Tani and gave her the first order.

Kill Arthur in the dream.

As the beginning of the establishment of the "Seven Warlords of the Sea" organization.

As a person with abilities, Sengoku forgot one thing, that is, domineering absolutely restrains people with abilities.

As long as the domineering is strong enough, most devil fruit abilities will never work.

The dream fruit can only replicate strength, not domineering, which is a shortcoming and defect.

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